School Boy Alert for Ted

School Boy Alert for Ted



Original Poster:

2,238 posts

288 months

Friday 11th January 2002
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Twat alert for "Stop Me" thread.

Don't feed the monkeys all.



385 posts

272 months

Friday 11th January 2002
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Good argument for charging for PH - you have to be 18 to get a credit card, they haven't started giving them to four year olds yet.
If you are over four start behaving that way

Yours, Jon Dokic


Original Poster:

2,238 posts

288 months

Friday 11th January 2002
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I'm 43 years old and do have a credit card (but my wife is better at using it than me)


5,221 posts

289 months

Friday 11th January 2002
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yeah - if anyone needs lessons on using credit cards, my girlfriend would undoubtedly be well placed to help instruct!


385 posts

272 months

Friday 11th January 2002
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I was referring to our less mature (in attitude if not years) friends JSG, not you !

Yours, Jon Dokic


1,143 posts

282 months

Saturday 12th January 2002
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Have you thought of giving certain members the ability to can / lock threads? Albeit like you do, but a select band of 'respected' members who are impartial and fair.

I think the vast majority of us just turn the other way and are not intimidated (sp) by the childish morons, but I would guess that new users may find it a turn off.

Kind of a gatekeeper thingy (techy speak you know!). Besides, doing that will allow you to devote more time to important matters like; news, Guiness, pies etc

Anyhooo, keep up the spendid work.



2,975 posts

289 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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Good idea.



15,763 posts

275 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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lets not get elitist here


34,443 posts

308 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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Well I definitely need to do something here. Got a couple of ideas including volunteer moderators that I'm kicking about.


1,329 posts

296 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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I am a bit worried about this. It is starting to sound like Dungeons and Dragons , where someone is the chief warlock in charge of all the nobs on a fantasy website!!! Only kidding - but when you bump into these people in life they will control everyones free speech and probably drive around in a Datsun Cherry Turbo with a cherry bomb on the exhaust - opps got a bit carried away there.

I do worry sometimes who is responding to the gassing sometimes, but hey it seems to work well for 90% of the people I speak to

Anyway next week I will be able to apply for my Natwest Piggy and I'll show you all then - It comes with a free ruler too

"lets not get elitist here"

Unless it's someone whos my mate...

- that should narrow the choice a bit!

Edited by jamer on Sunday 13th January 18:09


9,238 posts

289 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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I share a few of Jamer's worries here. Do some of you want to act like school teachers??? IMO that is worse than behaving childishly.

I have posted the odd thing that has annoyed people and joined in with the childishness occasionally too. 99% of the time the stuff on here is brilliant, good banter, interesting informative people, and honest enough to admit to being wrong at times. A bit like a bunch of like minded guys having a chat in the pub really. We don't always agree with each other, but we have good debates here nonetheless.
Please don't introduce censorship Ted unless things really get silly, like the elemchuckwu thing.

I'm also dead against "older" guys taking the moral highground all the time, that will just drive people away.

My final point is that sometimes people (including me last week) put things in writing that sound ten times worse than they would in speech. Bear that in mind...

This is a brilliant place to chat and share opinions let's keep it that way...

Edited by flasher on Sunday 13th January 18:55


1,143 posts

282 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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Erm, yes, maybe thats not such a good idea. I will put my hand up and admit to being involved in a few scuffles, you what it's like, shite day at work, anything to dodge dealing with more shite......

Jamer, yes the Warlock thing bothers me also. I work in IT and as such I have worked with these 'pale, 30 odd, living with mummy and daddy, type muppets'. I would hate for any of us to de-generate to that level. (however I am a bastard good Java developer and love Unix, oops that's torn it....)

I'll leave quietly with my mullet and Metalica t-shirt..



470 posts

282 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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(however I am a bastard good Java developer and love Unix, oops that's torn it....)


ahhh, I LOVE the man - says he, quietly putting his linux T-shirt on and lighting up a reefer.

The revolutionaries and incendiaries of yesteryear have been shown later to be right ..

let he who is without blame cast the first stone ...

etc. etc. etc.

I am totally against ANY form of censorship.

If someione like elem starts spoiling a thread, I think, if anything, its better to "retire" a thread for - say - 24 hours, i.e. noone can post to it. Such people with some sort of infantile attention deficit disorder will very probably clear off.

Rgds WalterU

Edited by WalterU on Sunday 13th January 21:28


34,443 posts

308 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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Censorship implies something more sinister that what I'm talking about which is kicking off knobs who spoil interesting debate with 'So and so is gay' etc.

The problem has been that when invaded by this type of character, it's been difficult for me to kick them off effectively. I am currently implementing better protection there which won't impede normal Gassers from going about their daily gassing.


Original Poster:

2,238 posts

288 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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I don't think anyone wants Gassing Station censorship as we all like a laugh and the banter on here can cheer up a shitty day at work.

Self moderation seems to be getting effective in some areas (ie porker v tiv debates which we must all be fed up with) whereby members gently! get the post back on track.

The problem I see is with the abusive posts that are either designed to provoke a response and use as much schoolboy smut as possible (eg, elem and the cornish invasion last week) or have a dig at someone over a grievance (ie some of the crap Clive at Zertec got).

In the past Ted has been effective at chasing and killing this but as the site gets more successful the job becomes harder - therefore it may need additional moderation as other forums do. If the abuse is deleted (or ignored, but that isn't easy as one bite will set them off again) or hit with a binned sticker they will get fed up.

Don't get me wrong, I only think the personal attacks or the worst schoolboy stuff needs cutting out - I love the banter and even the odd wind up post - is Puny for real? .

Anyway does any of this make sense or have I had too much this evening.

Remember - everything is good for you in moderation, even moderation


Original Poster:

2,238 posts

288 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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What was the 'test' for Ted ? It appeared and has now gone - does that mean it worked ?



34,443 posts

308 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Yep. Bit of behind the scenes work on the nonsense-filters


6,354 posts

276 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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There are grades of censorship.

First kind, being to edit out the bored school kid with nothing to say. Which is good.

Second kind is editing out something just 'cos you disagree with it, even if it has value to someone else.

Obviously the 1st benefits everyone, the 2nd, only the moderator !!

This is a great site, and I don't even have a sports car. Please keep it interesting !!

rgds, Carl.


2,975 posts

289 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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I'd agree. For what it's worth, here's my tuppence-worth (and it's only my opinion -- I'm not trying to usurp Ted's role).
There are three kinds of abuse in ascending order of seriousness:
1. In the general run of things, people get flamed. This is almost always moderated by other users and 99% of the time needs no action from the Webmaster.
2. A debate gets overheated and personal. Given that the laws of libel apply here as everywhere else, the Webmaster (or co-moderators) need to be able to throw the occasional bucket of cold water over tthe protagonists, with the potential sanction available of pulling potentially libellous posts. That said, such action is unlikely to be required in 95% of situations.
3. Childish non sequiturs that don't relate to the discussion. These should be stopped at source or pulled by the Webmaster (or co-moderators): that's not censorship, that's allowing people to get on with enjoying their debate and is the same as a barman chucking out someone who is annoying other customers with unwanted attentions.



34,443 posts

308 months

Monday 21st January 2002
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Today's mob were the same kids as on 10th January. I've reported the IP addresses to the ISP who are investigating and promise that "Most abuse through our networks is caused by school children and is dealt with in an appropriate manner."