Not sure if I'm being thick...

Not sure if I'm being thick...



Original Poster:

9,658 posts

267 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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But this "mates" thing -I understand it is meant to be able to tell you if someone is online or not, is this true?

If so - where do I find/see such information?



Big Al.

69,180 posts

268 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
quotequote all

But this "mates" thing -I understand it is meant to be able to tell you if someone is online or not, is this true?

If so - where do I find/see such information?



Place curser over the MY INFO box slide the curser down to mates and if there are any of your mates online it will tell you. However if he/she has selected to be hidden it will state hidden against their name. Conversy go to MY INFO double click on mates and again it will show a small lightning bolt against those mates that are online.
Hope that makes sense.


Original Poster:

9,658 posts

267 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
quotequote all
Cheers - guess I have no friends at the moment then!


13,116 posts

266 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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you have to select your "mates" first,click on there name annd there profile pops up at the top you should see a mauve card click on this and they will be added to your mates list


12,425 posts

276 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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Go to the one's profile, who should be your mate.
Click the , and hey presto - mate added.
To view which mates are online, hoover with your mouse cursor over #My Info #Mates.

To bin your mate, click on #My Info #Mates and you get a list with your Mates; click on the in the same line of your mate's name and the mate will be removed.

D'oh! beaten to it twice!

>> Edited by Bodo on Tuesday 20th May 23:44


854 posts

262 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Yes i see you are online!