

Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,175 posts

268 months

Friday 9th May 2003
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OK Guy's and Girls
IE promlem.
I have lost me IE toolbar, all I get is a full page.
How do I get the Toolbar back?


1,676 posts

274 months

Friday 9th May 2003
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F11 should do it

Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,175 posts

268 months

Friday 9th May 2003
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alunr said: F11 should do it

Hi Alun, Almost got it, got a small toolbar but not me
19mm size usual size.

Be gentle with me PC numpty driving!

Ed to add:-

Got me toolbar back (pheww) just got to configure it now.
Any suggestion.

>> Edited by Big Al. on Friday 9th May 19:17


90,036 posts

294 months

Friday 9th May 2003
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right click on a plain grey area to the right of the last button on the tool bar, choose customise from the pop up menu and look for the 2 drop down menus on the bottom left, button size & text options, play around with them until you get what you want.

Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,175 posts

268 months

Friday 9th May 2003
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Cheer Guy's think I'll have to play with it for a while.
Then I'll get back to the IE reconfiguration