Formatting in posts



Original Poster:

16,442 posts

271 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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Just a suggestion (blatantly ripped from another website):

In the posting window, you could have the formatting codes available in the same window, rather than a pop-up. Clicking on one would drop the appropriate codes into your message at the insertion point.

You're just left to fill in the blanks, such as the URL for a picture etc, rather than having to (mis-)type the codes.

It would certainly save me a few spurious edits to get it right :useless:


13,382 posts

277 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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You can get 3rd party gadgets that do this.. allowing you do drag & drop smileys etc into your edit box..

Look on or such like for smiley/emoticon managers