How to get different smileys

How to get different smileys



Original Poster:

320 posts

270 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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Have you looked at the list of smileys and thought, “hmm. There just doesn’t seem to be the EXACT smiley I need”?

I hope this post will provide the information on how to post a smiley, that doesn’t appear in Teds excellent list.

The first thing to do, is go to one of the websites that provide the smilies such as The Ultimately Pointless Website.

When you have found the smiley that you want, click on it.

In the bottom right hand corner, there is a box with “UBB:” before it.

Copy the code displayed in the box.

Paste the code into your message box.

You should have something that looks like this;

Now all you have to do, is replace the letters ‘img’ in the square brackets at each end with ‘pic’. (don’t forget to leave ‘/’ in the last brackets)

The result should be

Another site to get smileys from is
Give the page time to load, and it does take a little time

Scroll down the list until you find a smiley to use.

Copy the middle code, and paste into your message box.

You should have this appear;

Like before replace the letters ‘IMG’ with ‘pic’

Edit to add - if you've got it right the smiley should appear in the preview box.

>>> Edited by farmboy on Saturday 11th January 03:21


13,116 posts

266 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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could be good for mungo on saturday am posts?
good weather?
very funny?
moderators stick?
self explanatory

yep they worked respect given


2,646 posts

279 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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Heh heh, it works!


2,646 posts

279 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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- these are great!

danger mouse

3,828 posts

271 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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1,409 posts

267 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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pies said: could be good for mungo on saturday am posts?
I believe that they have already proved quite useful - try this


1,409 posts

267 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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danger mouse said: ...yay!
Mouse - you should get that one under your name like james and meercat do. Not sure how to do this though


554 posts

288 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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How do you get icons below your nickname?


4,339 posts

289 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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Ted does it at his discretion. He doesn't want a free for all of people choosing their own icons, and rightly so - it would make the forums look awful.

P.S. "Crikey chief, nice icon DM!"


13,116 posts

266 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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daydreamer said:

pies said: could be good for mungo on saturday am posts?
I believe that they have already proved quite useful - try this

thread cant be found


15,605 posts

278 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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Just found another mungo smiley


3,829 posts

284 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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This one's pretty good


1,409 posts

267 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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pies said:thread cant be found
Looks like CarZee or Ted have had the moderator stick out. Was a definite Saturady mungo type thread. Anyway - as to not disapoint - as mungo is now officially flasher's monkey on the Folembray outing - he has been offered a new logo - as pointed out by the man himself - even the Roger Moore eyebrow is spot on .


15,605 posts

278 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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they even have one for cambelt and outlaw ( no offence chaps )


Original Poster:

320 posts

270 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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pies said:
yep they worked respect given

Cheers pies.

Another bit of advice, if you happen across some particular good/useful smileys.

I save them with the 'img' & 'pic' already changed in a word document, and a brief descrption for easier/quicker access.

Should have put this in the original post, but then I'm simple.

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

268 months

Monday 13th January 2003
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I'm just gonna give this a go, as I am on a mac and they generally don't work. Here goes

Edited to add yay it works

>> Edited by Mrs Fish on Monday 13th January 11:53

>> Edited by Mrs Fish on Monday 13th January 12:52

>> Edited by Mrs Fish on Monday 13th January 13:48

danger mouse

3,828 posts

271 months

Monday 13th January 2003
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dennisthemenace said: Just found another mungo smiley

...he certainly seems to be enjoying that book.

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

268 months

Monday 13th January 2003
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Here's another mungo smilie

Edited to add
just noticed it's already been done. Oh well

>> Edited by Mrs Fish on Monday 13th January 13:54


12,915 posts

273 months

Friday 17th January 2003
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hey it works



12,915 posts

273 months

Friday 17th January 2003
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