To all of those how are

To all of those how are



Original Poster:

2,500 posts

286 months

Tuesday 14th August 2001
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Hello to all out there. I do make spelling mistakes and you all seem to like my threads and I enjoy the banter but every know and then I will say something that will make cense (I will be off the malt at these times and geting jittery ) but its only eery know and then I think this site is spot on and these forums are a grate source of info and a fun way to nat (chat) and I had better cheque my spelling before Mel dose it for me (its the malt and Mel is good at deciphering my words ) Well thanks for reading this This is Campbell sineing off or better known as Flying Scot but I normally just hover Byy

big rumbly

973 posts

287 months

Tuesday 14th August 2001
quotequote all
did you spell deciphering correctly on porpoise.