Ted, since I've joined the ranks of the unemployed, I'm having to log onto pistonHeads at home. All the script appears but no colour, or pictures, links all work ok. Any ideas please?
If you're using Internet Explorer, try pressing Ctrl-F5 when you're viewing the site. It forces a reload of everything including stylesheet, graphics etc.
Pah. Netscape Schmetscape. No wonder you've got problems.
OK, go to EditPreferences and in the advanced section, make sure "Automatically Load Images" and "Enable Stylesheets" are ticked. Then press Ctrl-R to reload (or restart Netscape).
I am in fact on IE5 (brain fade)I tried Bonce's suggestion of CNTL F5, but still same, no graphics, can see them in gassing station if any messages have them, but not on front page. Any suggestions Ted?