scams on getting car reports

scams on getting car reports



Original Poster:

6 posts

221 months

I have a number of people pretending to want to buy a car , and they want a report from Prime or others, its just a promo as I am sure many know. ALL GMAILS and all the same BS, very annoying as it takes an email or 3 to get to the scrux of no interest just tyring to get you to go the web sites and request a car report I think PH needs to make us all aware :-)


15 posts

282 months

I have exactly the same problem, 9 emails in one day, all saying essentially the same. All very positive, to be honest, too positive but all requesting I run a report from either or All appear to be US as they refer to clean titles and payment in dollars. Really quite time-consuming as it takes as you say 2 or 3 emails to get them to come clean. Not a great advert for either service if they have to con people into using them.


Original Poster:

6 posts

221 months

phew not just me, I even spent £36 on one, it was a UK co, felt a bit stupid did it on APPLE pay so no chance of anymore , but yes had 4 of these today , they are very clever until you are on the second one then its a first question .. yes it needs to be watched.. all GMAIL


15 posts

282 months

All emails here too and all with name/number

All seem to say that they can't run the report due to title/privacy issues. Sounds like a load of bull to me, just a scam to make you run the report.

Out of curiosity did they offer to pay you back? 😉

I have had another two since replying above.

Pattern is;

Default pistonheads email, Lead message:
" Hello, I'm interested in this car. Is it still available? "

You reply, 'Yes it is!' they ask a basic question, is it a sorted car, or are you the first owner, my car is 15 years old so what's the chances of that?

Then they say can you run a report as due to privacy they can't and if you do they will come over next Monday to view and what's your preferred payment method?

Time wasters!


Original Poster:

6 posts

221 months

Spot on 100%, just waste of time and damn annoying 4 in the last 10 mins, OH Well, HOW do PH stop it, its all a number and gmail


1,365 posts

216 months

There have been several threads about this recently.

Anyone directing you to run a paid check of any kind is a scammer and it really should be setting off alarm bells as soon as you hear it.

Flip it the other way around, when was the last time when you were buying a car from a private seller than you asked them to HPI it (or similar) at their expense and send the result to you? How likely is it that had you asked that, you'd have been told to sod off?

So why, with your seller hat on, should you not also tell them to go forth in a reproductive manner...


1,365 posts

216 months

And as to "how do I stop scammers from scamming" - you don't. Block the number, report it, move on.

If it really irks you, take the mobile number they are using to scam, and sign it up for as many s3x toy mailing lists and other comedy spam sources as you can until your calm is restored...


Original Poster:

6 posts

221 months

LOL , I just block now when they get to the point


22,444 posts

161 months