Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights

Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights


Clockwork Cupcake

75,237 posts

275 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Bodo said:
Blimey, there's a name from the past! wavey


2,039 posts

127 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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The reactions to the 1000 post requirement are interesting. Given there are some articulate and erudite people posting in this thread from below that threshold, I can't help wondering if a 500 post requirement would be more reasonable. The alternative would be to remove the post count and allow 12 months to filter out all but the most dedicated trolls. I am struck, however, by how some posters intend to leave for pastures anew - were politics a main draw of a motoring forum?


57 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
Exactly the same here. yes

I often joke that NP&E is the Mos Eisley of PH and I stand by that; it is a very toxic and unpleasant place, and I rarely go in there now.

I've also finally given up on contributing to threads to do it transgender issues, as the rampant transphobia towards me was just getting too sickening and the moderators were letting too much stand (it seems homophobia, misogyny, and racism are not tolerated but transphobia is fine. Although I suspect that is more down to a lack of awareness as to any deliberate bias).
I always thought you wuz a mod, CC.


480 posts

130 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Levin said:
The reactions to the 1000 post requirement are interesting. Given there are some articulate and erudite people posting in this thread from below that threshold, I can't help wondering if a 500 post requirement would be more reasonable. The alternative would be to remove the post count and allow 12 months to filter out all but the most dedicated trolls. I am struck, however, by how some posters intend to leave for pastures anew - were politics a main draw of a motoring forum?
Not particularly a draw in my case but if I am reading about a topic I like to know I have the ability should I choose to use it of response.


9,129 posts

46 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Donbot said:
Gadgetmac will be upset.
Or James 6112 or the NewBoy!


57 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Levin said:
The reactions to the 1000 post requirement are interesting. Given there are some articulate and erudite people posting in this thread from below that threshold, I can't help wondering if a 500 post requirement would be more reasonable. The alternative would be to remove the post count and allow 12 months to filter out all but the most dedicated trolls. I am struck, however, by how some posters intend to leave for pastures anew - were politics a main draw of a motoring forum?
Duplicate/banned returnees flouncing? There's loads of people who post in NPE who rarely if ever post anywhere else, which always seems a bit odd, given the availability of the Daily Mail or Twitter for comment/argument/echo chambers (depending on your leaning).


480 posts

130 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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OnTheBreadline said:
Levin said:
The reactions to the 1000 post requirement are interesting. Given there are some articulate and erudite people posting in this thread from below that threshold, I can't help wondering if a 500 post requirement would be more reasonable. The alternative would be to remove the post count and allow 12 months to filter out all but the most dedicated trolls. I am struck, however, by how some posters intend to leave for pastures anew - were politics a main draw of a motoring forum?
Duplicate/banned returnees flouncing? There's loads of people who post in NPE who rarely if ever post anywhere else, which always seems a bit odd, given the availability of the Daily Mail or Twitter for comment/argument/echo chambers (depending on your leaning).
So which would you categorise me?Dupe or returning flounce?
I joined up app 8 years and suddenly have posting privilege removed for basically not having an opinion or something to say very often. Why would I not seek out alternative forums?


9,129 posts

46 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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If one wants to play devil’s advocate here, then as PH is a motoring forum, then presumably all the topics not related to motoring (of which there are quite a few) should be subject to the same rules.

Alternatively, not have any topics and sub forums that are non motoring related?

I can see why the change has come about although logically, it doesn’t make sense, especially with a threshold of 1000 posts in the motoring threads. Yes that will deter the posters who, for whatever reason, like to be disruptive but it will also deter others from contributing.

It appears that it is a sledgehammer to crack a nut scenario when maybe a 3 month period and say 250 posts would be a more appropriate threshold.

Still ultimately, their business, their rules.


57 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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edgyedgy said:
OnTheBreadline said:
Levin said:
The reactions to the 1000 post requirement are interesting. Given there are some articulate and erudite people posting in this thread from below that threshold, I can't help wondering if a 500 post requirement would be more reasonable. The alternative would be to remove the post count and allow 12 months to filter out all but the most dedicated trolls. I am struck, however, by how some posters intend to leave for pastures anew - were politics a main draw of a motoring forum?
Duplicate/banned returnees flouncing? There's loads of people who post in NPE who rarely if ever post anywhere else, which always seems a bit odd, given the availability of the Daily Mail or Twitter for comment/argument/echo chambers (depending on your leaning).
So which would you categorise me?Dupe or returning flounce?
I joined up app 8 years and suddenly have posting privilege removed for basically not having an opinion or something to say very often. Why would I not seek out alternative forums?
Do you qualify as someone who posts exclusively in NPE? If so then why choose PH, when there are other more appropriate sites? If not, then I'm obvs not talking about you smile


480 posts

130 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Boringvolvodriver said:
If one wants to play devil’s advocate here, then as PH is a motoring forum, then presumably all the topics not related to motoring (of which there are quite a few) should be subject to the same rules.

Alternatively, not have any topics and sub forums that are non motoring related?

I can see why the change has come about although logically, it doesn’t make sense, especially with a threshold of 1000 posts in the motoring threads. Yes that will deter the posters who, for whatever reason, like to be disruptive but it will also deter others from contributing.

It appears that it is a sledgehammer to crack a nut scenario when maybe a 3 month period and say 250 posts would be a more appropriate threshold.

Still ultimately, their business, their rules.
Whereas mods just removing disruptive users when they make trouble is too difficult. Much easier to blanket ban long term users. Anyway as you said it’s their train set to do as they wish.


480 posts

130 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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OnTheBreadline said:
edgyedgy said:
OnTheBreadline said:
Levin said:
The reactions to the 1000 post requirement are interesting. Given there are some articulate and erudite people posting in this thread from below that threshold, I can't help wondering if a 500 post requirement would be more reasonable. The alternative would be to remove the post count and allow 12 months to filter out all but the most dedicated trolls. I am struck, however, by how some posters intend to leave for pastures anew - were politics a main draw of a motoring forum?
Duplicate/banned returnees flouncing? There's loads of people who post in NPE who rarely if ever post anywhere else, which always seems a bit odd, given the availability of the Daily Mail or Twitter for comment/argument/echo chambers (depending on your leaning).
So which would you categorise me?Dupe or returning flounce?
I joined up app 8 years and suddenly have posting privilege removed for basically not having an opinion or something to say very often. Why would I not seek out alternative forums?
Do you qualify as someone who posts exclusively in NPE? If so then why choose PH, when there are other more appropriate sites? If not, then I'm obvs not talking about you smile
Well as my ability to post in there has gone I’m either collateral or one of the agitating sorts you referred to earlier. I don’t believe I’ve ever even had a disagreement in there before so seems well intended blunt instrument.


9,364 posts

222 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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MYOB said:
…As I said, very elitist.

These forums used to be full of intelligent, funny, compassionate, erudite members who have continually been driven away by complacency and acceptance of the torrents of manure sprayed around certain corners of this place by a mass of idiots.

A bit of elitism might be just what’s needed.


25,849 posts

196 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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The Numbers Game, Mornington Crescent and sundry 'post a cool X' threads will have their popularity boosted.
Ouroboros said:
One thing i've noticed is newer poster getting accused of things by more long standing posters, with no evidence, then pack mentality gets a piles on. Will PH look at reigning in these dominate posters who push their own narratives, not just in NPE.
Yes, accusations of being a sockpuppet because of similar turns of phrase are pretty common, mostly as setting up new accounts hasn't exactly been well policed; they don't add anything to threads, if people believe it to be so then reporting the poster is what should be done.

Edited by hidetheelephants on Wednesday 20th April 00:44


2,345 posts

137 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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I can definitely see this from both sides. It gives me great pleasure that the known multiple returning trolls wont be able to ruin the forum as they have for years. I also feel sorry for the people who don't post often, but make great contributions when they do no longer being able to contribute.

It also creates a rather strange situation.. A quick glance at the first page of NP&E shows a long running 148 page discussion where the OP is suddenly no longer able to post in their own thread due to <1k posts. That's weird.

I think 12 months plus something like 300 posts would be a more reasonable approach but overall I welcome the change.

Edited by JackJarvis on Wednesday 20th April 00:38


4,863 posts

141 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Mezzanine said:
MYOB said:
…As I said, very elitist.

These forums used to be full of intelligent, funny, compassionate, erudite members who have continually been driven away by complacency and acceptance of the torrents of manure sprayed around certain corners of this place by a mass of idiots.

A bit of elitism might be just what’s needed.
These intelligent, funny, compassionate, erudite members are only those that have been here for at least a year AND with 1000 posts?


29 posts

139 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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I'm sorry but I am very against this , been a member of pistonheads for 10 years very rarely post in any forums , but restricting my very rare posts because I'm not vocalist on any item sucks

Rufus Stone

6,661 posts

59 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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PH towers trumps the 'script'.

It's not a good look in my opinion.


4,624 posts

189 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Sadly you do have those who have been members for many many months with few posts who will be impacted but… I think that’s outweighed by the posters who pop up, have been a member for a few months and have a load of posts all being argumentative/ contrarian within NP&E.

We all know something is a bit fishy in those circumstances.

I’ve modded elsewhere in the past and the change seems to be the easiest way to filter out the mess. Coupled with no more thread volumes too, once a ban, always a ban hehe


2,163 posts

40 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Ah okay. I think I get it now. The change is primarily intended to stop new account registrations from banned users.

The 1000 posts can be in any section. So the change is not about excluding users who don’t post enough about cars, as I had presumed.

Fair enough makes more sense. FWIW I think a Twitter style system that allows users to mute new accounts would be better. I can’t see the new system making any difference to the general tone of NPE given 99% of accounts are aged. But that’s another topic.

Perhaps older accounts over 5 years could have their post counter reset to 1000?

If I’ve got all this right; please move the NPE threads that don’t suffer from this problem to the lounge?

Edited by lizardbrain on Wednesday 20th April 08:00


738 posts

51 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Is this 1000 new posts, or do replies to posts count?