Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights

Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights



57 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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deckster said:
lizardbrain said:
I’ve just scrolled through a handful of threads in NPE and there are barely any accounts less than 100 months old. 99% have over a year. If the quality of posts in NPE is such an issue, is it really the < 1% of new posters that are the problem?
The simple answer is "yes". There are a few (very few, probably less than 10 individuals although it can be hard to tell) that are multiple returning bannees and they cause a hugely disproportionate amount of hassle. It might, also, get some of the posters who stay jjuuusstt on the right side of banning to rein things in as if they get banned now then they can't come back for a year.

Personally I think the 1,000 post requirement is too high and will catch a lot of long-timers who don't post much, but that can always be tweaked. But for sure this will get rid of almost all the problem posters.
Indeed. It does not take many agitators to ruin threads so this is a great way to keep those people off the forums they covet.

Supercilious Sid

2,600 posts

164 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Not a bad move IMHO. To some it appears to be all they appear to live for. I also agree some prolific posters exhibit obsessive traits that appear mentally unhealthy.

928 GTS

477 posts

98 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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1000 posts is very high count to hit. Been here six years and have only managed to get under 300. Also many of them are in politics. So I'll probably never get count up that high.


57 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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rigga said:
Good, something had to be done regarding the continued returning banned members.

Regarding the post count, yes 1000 seems a high figure, but its either that or 12 months from date of joining, so won't hamper anyone for ever, and there had to be some cut of point..
It's 1000 posts and 12 months, not either or.


7,848 posts

263 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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garyhun said:
Zumbruk said:
Seems OK to me. There are some deeply unpleasant people in NP&E, hopefully this will get rid of some of them.
The lack of replies in there this afternoon would indicate that the new policy is a success smile
Does seem quiet, doesn't it?


929 posts

244 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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I am disappointed, been a member for 18 years, I don't post much so nowhere near 1000 posts. I have however been posting in the Scottish referendum thread for over 9 years and now suddenly with no warning I can't. Seems an odd decision, surely it's fairly easy to ban troublemakers?


2,371 posts

42 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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One thing i've noticed is newer poster getting accused of things by more long standing posters, with no evidence, then pack mentality gets a piles on. Will PH look at reigning in these dominate posters who push their own narratives, not just in NPE.

Edited by Ouroboros on Tuesday 19th April 22:18

Roderick Spode

3,209 posts

52 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Alpacaman said:
I am disappointed, been a member for 18 years, I don't post much so nowhere near 1000 posts. I have however been posting in the Scottish referendum thread for over 9 years and now suddenly with no warning I can't. Seems an odd decision, surely it's fairly easy to ban troublemakers?
Your posts have always been measured and reasonable in that thread, and yet an arbitrary post limit means you can no longer contribute.

On another forum I help moderate we have a minimum post count for new members of 10 posts - that's usually enough to weed out the trolls, bots and spammers from carpet bombing the forum with inane drivel. 1,000 posts seems an unreasonably high threshold for an occasional contributor to attain. It's taken me over two years to rack up ~1,700, and I'm posting regularly every day.


9,364 posts

222 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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928 GTS said:
1000 posts is very high count to hit. Been here six years and have only managed to get under 300. Also many of them are in politics. So I'll probably never get count up that high.
You need to put in a bit more effort in lad.

Perhaps try leaving your job and partner, this might help hehe

Clockwork Cupcake

75,237 posts

275 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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anonymous said:
Exactly the same here. yes

I often joke that NP&E is the Mos Eisley of PH and I stand by that; it is a very toxic and unpleasant place, and I rarely go in there now.

I've also finally given up on contributing to threads to do it transgender issues, as the rampant transphobia towards me was just getting too sickening and the moderators were letting too much stand (it seems homophobia, misogyny, and racism are not tolerated but transphobia is fine. Although I suspect that is more down to a lack of awareness as to any deliberate bias).


1,320 posts

96 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Alpacaman said:
I am disappointed, been a member for 18 years, I don't post much so nowhere near 1000 posts. I have however been posting in the Scottish referendum thread for over 9 years and now suddenly with no warning I can't. Seems an odd decision, surely it's fairly easy to ban troublemakers?
Agreed, a somewhat odd decision. One thousand motoring forum posts!

That said, if CarGurus continue to not pay their moderators then it's understandable that the mods felt the need to do something.


2,163 posts

40 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
Exactly the same here. yes

I often joke that NP&E is the Mos Eisley of PH and I stand by that; it is a very toxic and unpleasant place, and I rarely go in there now.

I've also finally given up on contributing to threads to do it transgender issues, as the rampant transphobia towards me was just getting too sickening and the moderators were letting too much stand (it seems homophobia, misogyny, and racism are not tolerated but transphobia is fine. Although I suspect that is more down to a lack of awareness as to any deliberate bias).
Sorry to hear that. Do you think there is much correlation between transphobia and age of account?

Edited by lizardbrain on Tuesday 19th April 23:16


4,380 posts

236 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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It should be 12 months first and 1000 posts after

Less than 80 odd posts in a month isn't surprising, we don't all post about cars all the time (that would be very boring)


4,863 posts

141 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Don’t agree with this at all. Very elitist and smacks of censorship. Why penalise the genuine new members and long term members with low post counts because of the actions of a handful of trolls?

We should be welcoming voices from everybody without the need of having to meet the ridiculous targets.

As I said, very elitist.

Clockwork Cupcake

75,237 posts

275 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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lizardbrain said:
Sorry to hear that. Do you think there is much correlation between transphobia and age of account?
I don't recall. I just know that NP&E was a deeply unpleasant area that I no longer want to be any part of. And I say this as someone for whom PH has been part of my life for 20+ years.

Any moves to try to curtail the nastiness and toxicity is worth exploring. This may not be the best way, but we shall see.


480 posts

130 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Thanks for taking my ability to choose not to post that often as evidence I’m an “agent provocateur” I joined up years ago yet choose to rarely post unless I’ve something to say. Guessing a lot of traffic will be heading the way of arsse after this decision to lock out long term users.


1,320 posts

96 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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edgyedgy said:
Thanks for taking my ability to choose not to post that often as evidence I’m an “agent provocateur” I joined up years ago yet choose to rarely post unless I’ve something to say. Guessing a lot of traffic will be heading the way of arsse after this decision to lock out long term users.


480 posts

130 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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valiant said:
It’s long overdue and some posters will temporarily lose out but new account holders stposting as soon as their probation period ends is endemic. Whether it’s returning banees, sock puppet accounts or Russian troll bots, it’s a problem that’s plagued NP&E for yonks.

This change alongside the new limitless number of pages per volume means that a ban now means a ban (no longer returning with a new volume) and posters will have to think before they stpost.

Also means that Sidicks will finally give up with his multiple accounts….
Temporarily lose out? I’ve been here 103 months and have posted maybe just under 400 times in that period. I’m considering my time as a user of this site as over and done with as I it’s gonna take me about another 8-9 years before I can post in politics group.


12,400 posts

269 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Sounds like an interesting new feature!


57 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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It's gonna bite both sides of the NPE political spectrum equally hard.

I think it's a good move FWIW