How to Post a Picture - A Beginners Guide

How to Post a Picture - A Beginners Guide



296 posts

216 months

Monday 15th October 2018
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296 posts

216 months

Monday 15th October 2018
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Ok thanks, I think I missed out the / in the last [/img]


296 posts

216 months

Monday 15th October 2018
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296 posts

216 months

Monday 15th October 2018
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296 posts

216 months

Monday 15th October 2018
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it doesn't look like it!

Thanks for your patience though. I have a completely irrational reaction to this and I just cant see the wood for the trees. Any ideas whats up with the last two?


296 posts

216 months

Monday 15th October 2018
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296 posts

216 months

Monday 15th October 2018
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finally, thanks bstardchild!


260 posts

224 months

Friday 26th October 2018
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57 months

Wednesday 21st November 2018
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Can someone give me a quick idiots guide on how to post phone pictures the right way up please ?


57 months

Thursday 22nd November 2018
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B'stard Child said:
Are you using an iphone?
Sorry, should gave said. It's a Samsung S6


57 months

Thursday 22nd November 2018
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B'stard Child said:
OK hopefully someone will be able to help - I've only had windows phones and more recently iphones so can't help on android - I guess it will be something to do with the meta data held in the image
Thanks BC. I saved the photo to my pc and trying posting it from there and it still rotated, so I guess it is something to do with data in the image.


57 months

Thursday 22nd November 2018
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B'stard Child said:
Ahh then I might be able to help - let me look for a min
Thanks, but I think I may have done it. Not sure how though !


57 months

Thursday 22nd November 2018
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Thanks BC. I will check that out in a mo.

mini me

1,436 posts

196 months

Sunday 3rd February 2019
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3,769 posts

67 months

Sunday 3rd February 2019
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mini me said:

Love these Mk1 Golf's wink

Thumbsnap always rotates my pictures no matter how I hold my Galaxy S8... I even tried to go one better and rotate it another 90° in the editor and it still comes out on its side ranting


4,858 posts

188 months

Saturday 9th March 2019
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265 posts

188 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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Any ideas what i am doing wrong? have [img ]&[/img ] at beginning and end, but only get thumbnail not the actual picture. have tried putting.jpg at end and still only thumbnail???


2,940 posts

152 months

Thursday 28th March 2019
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78 posts

133 months

Friday 5th April 2019
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78 posts

133 months

Friday 5th April 2019
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Now I'm confused - I can post a pic here, but I get a FIAT 500 error message when I try to post in the Goodwood forum!!