Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights

Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights



51,074 posts

158 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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williamp said:
I wish it could be. There is a healthy debate about womens health and relationships on mumsnet which isnt on here..

..but then again, I would not be comfortable talking about my personal issues online..
The expectant dads thread is pretty healthy.


6,324 posts

268 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Seems reasonable, although it would have taken me forever to get there… biggrin

Edit: just did the maths. Using my average, it’d have taken me just shy of 5 years…


9,359 posts

222 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Nice to see some positive action implemented into the forums and very much overdue.

I actively stay away from NP&E as much as possible as it feels like a completely different forum. This might change now smile


10,625 posts

163 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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It’s long overdue and some posters will temporarily lose out but new account holders stposting as soon as their probation period ends is endemic. Whether it’s returning banees, sock puppet accounts or Russian troll bots, it’s a problem that’s plagued NP&E for yonks.

This change alongside the new limitless number of pages per volume means that a ban now means a ban (no longer returning with a new volume) and posters will have to think before they stpost.

Also means that Sidicks will finally give up with his multiple accounts….


3,433 posts

69 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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What's scary about this is it made me look at how many posts I'd made since I lost my previous username.

Most of it being drivel, should have posted it in NP&E

B'stard Child

28,681 posts

249 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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carinatauk said:
1000 posts in a motoring forum is a lot.

I realise that some post a lot in the NP&E forum but I hardly post, unless I have a question or comment, but do take interest in a lot that is posted. It seems that I will be one of those unable to post in NP&E even though I have been a registered member for eons.
carinatauk - 1,308 posts - 228 months confused


7,848 posts

263 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Gerradi said:
Zumbruk said:
Seems OK to me. There are some deeply unpleasant people in NP&E, hopefully this will get rid of some of them.
...& possibly mentally ill by the look of the awful posts...
Definitely *something* wrong with them


120 posts

151 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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I get the idea, but I'm not sure the criteria is the best one.

Applying it to myself : I have been on PH for a long time but don't post much (I'm not British but I enjoy reading motoring threads, plus I practice English which is always good for me).

However, these past weeks I've been following the Ukraine thread and even posted a few times myself, and I'll regret not being able to in the future.

I understand the will to chase trolls away, but then I'm not sure a troll would have started an account years ago...


7,167 posts

49 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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B'stard Child said:
carinatauk said:
1000 posts in a motoring forum is a lot.

I realise that some post a lot in the NP&E forum but I hardly post, unless I have a question or comment, but do take interest in a lot that is posted. It seems that I will be one of those unable to post in NP&E even though I have been a registered member for eons.
carinatauk - 1,308 posts - 228 months confused
Might have helped if a certain poor confused soul hadn't written "posted 1,000 times in our motoring forums" if it just means any 1000+ posts and doesn't care where.

Going forward NPE posts obviously can't count towards hitting 1000 as you wouldn't be able to create them in the first place, but if you already have 1000+ it seems no one actually wasted time & overhead counting where they were made.


7,167 posts

49 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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6pi said:
I get the idea, but I'm not sure the criteria is the best one.

Applying it to myself : I have been on PH for a long time but don't post much (I'm not British but I enjoy reading motoring threads, plus I practice English which is always good for me).

However, these past weeks I've been following the Ukraine thread and even posted a few times myself, and I'll regret not being able to in the future.

I understand the will to chase trolls away, but then I'm not sure a troll would have started an account years ago...
Should really be more sophisticated, bit of a sledgehammer if you can be 'punished' as a long established user just for not posting endless reams of crap to make up a number.

Either needs a sliding scale of time & posts or a secondary time cutoff that doesn't care about post counts.

Or indeed anything else that isn't so simplistic.

B'stard Child

28,681 posts

249 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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pquinn said:
B'stard Child said:
carinatauk said:
1000 posts in a motoring forum is a lot.

I realise that some post a lot in the NP&E forum but I hardly post, unless I have a question or comment, but do take interest in a lot that is posted. It seems that I will be one of those unable to post in NP&E even though I have been a registered member for eons.
carinatauk - 1,308 posts - 228 months confused
Might have helped if a certain poor confused soul hadn't written "posted 1,000 times in our motoring forums" if it just means any 1000+ posts and doesn't care where.
Regarding poor confused soul - requirements are clear to me and apply from now - if you can't post in NP&E then clearly you can only rack up "qualification posts" in the non NP&E sections

pquinn said:
Going forward NPE posts obviously can't count towards hitting 1000 as you wouldn't be able to create them in the first place, but if you already have 1000+ it seems no one actually wasted time & overhead counting where they were made.
OK I don't know what Forum logic has been applied to previous posts - I made a guess that having reached 12 mths and more than 1000 posts would probably be OK and I think I'm right on that.

If posts are deleted someones post count doesn't go down by the deleted post

Harrison Bergeron

5,444 posts

225 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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pquinn said:
The other funny bit is that even the most anoraky of 'motoring communities' with 'engaged car enthusiasts' are most active on the bits that aren't really about cars. That's true of how most boards and forums tend to be. Or is Pistonheads forums really seen as just General Gassing, the Lounge and a few bits and bobs of token 'motoring' elsewhere?
Thing is there's only so many ways to say the new STAMGMline "sports" coupe , saloon mpv is too heavy , ugly or expensive.

Is it really worth filling GS with x thousand low effort posts?

Mr Penguin

1,885 posts

42 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Roderick Spode said:
Interesting to correlate those who mostly post on NP&E and those who cause trouble, which I would suggest is not the case. A few bad apples do not necessarily spoil everyone. I rarely post anywhere else on PH, so I for one will be unable to post further on NP&E unless I make an arbitrary 1,000 posts elsewhere on the forums. A good way to kill the posting volumes in NP&E I suppose. Seems a strange ruling - the mods already have the ability to ban troublesome posters from individual topics, and furthermore to implement a full ban from NP&E if required, so other than disengaging active posters from a section of the forum, I'm not sure what this achieves...

When is it to be implemented?
I'm the same. I read the car stuff but I don't have a fun car or a shed at the moment which makes my garage very dull. It's the same on most forums though - the off topic channels are often the best ones because most people have more than one interest and NP&E is one of the few places that I enjoy talking about politics.

I think 1000 posts and a year is very high so I wonder how busy the mods actually are.


8,740 posts

204 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Good, something had to be done regarding the continued returning banned members.

Its a toxic environment at times, and it was a farce, when someone rightly got banned only to join under another username, and continue the bile. Often several easily identifiable time's.

Regarding the post count, yes 1000 seems a high figure, but its either that or 12 months from date of joining, so won't hamper anyone for ever, and there had to be some cut of point.

Its been a long time coming, the volume of threads now no longer needing numbering has helped, as often those taking a break from a thread had to wait till the next volume to join back in, these further steps hopefully will further weed out those that do not play nicely.

Also it including existing members is a bonus, start as you mean to go on.


7,352 posts

39 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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I havent been here long but from what i have seen there are plenty of long time members who dont play nicely either but they all appear to get away with it!


490 posts

160 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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just posting on here so I can see my post count.. I had over 12000 on 911UK but I also have a real life.


2,159 posts

40 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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GranpaB said:
I havent been here long but from what i have seen there are plenty of long time members who dont play nicely either but they all appear to get away with it!
I’ve just scrolled through a handful of threads in NPE and there are barely any accounts less than 100 months old. 99% have over a year. If the quality of posts in NPE is such an issue, is it really the < 1% of new posters that are the problem?

Edited by lizardbrain on Wednesday 20th April 00:28

The Rotrex Kid

30,719 posts

163 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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valiant said:
It’s long overdue and some posters will temporarily lose out but new account holders stposting as soon as their probation period ends is endemic. Whether it’s returning banees, sock puppet accounts or Russian troll bots, it’s a problem that’s plagued NP&E for yonks.

This change alongside the new limitless number of pages per volume means that a ban now means a ban (no longer returning with a new volume) and posters will have to think before they stpost.

Also means that Sidicks will finally give up with his multiple accounts….
Nailed it! Unfortunately there really are some very nasty individuals who return time and time again just to cause trouble. This will end that and also hopefully curtail some of the longer standing members who can be a bit unsavoury as now if you get banned, it’s going to take a very long time to get back in NP&E even if you manage to stay under the mod radar with a new account.


57 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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Zumbruk said:
Seems OK to me. There are some deeply unpleasant people in NP&E, hopefully this will get rid of some of them.
The lack of replies in there this afternoon would indicate that the new policy is a success smile


9,631 posts

258 months

Tuesday 19th April 2022
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lizardbrain said:
I’ve just scrolled through a handful of threads in NPE and there are barely any accounts less than 100 months old. 99% have over a year. If the quality of posts in NPE is such an issue, is it really the < 1% of new posters that are the problem?
The simple answer is "yes". There are a few (very few, probably less than 10 individuals although it can be hard to tell) that are multiple returning bannees and they cause a hugely disproportionate amount of hassle. It might, also, get some of the posters who stay jjuuusstt on the right side of banning to rein things in as if they get banned now then they can't come back for a year.

Personally I think the 1,000 post requirement is too high and will catch a lot of long-timers who don't post much, but that can always be tweaked. But for sure this will get rid of almost all the problem posters.