Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights

Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights



57 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Excellent. I agree with this.

Not only will this have an immediate effect on cutting down on the troublemakers and nutcases, it will also weed them out over time. Once they get banned, which most do at some point, they won't just be able to simply create a new account and keep on posting like they do at the moment.

PH has some brilliant non-motoring sub forums, with some amazing contributors, but sadly the last 2-3 years years have really brought out the crazies who have turned NP&E into something of a cesspit, with a generous helping of conspiracy crap on top.

Kudos taking action over it.

But... I think it should be extended to The Lounge as well, as some others have suggested.

As Shirt correctly notes, if you ban them from NP&E, they will just start peddle nonsense in The Lounge. I mean yes, the Lounge is for nonsense, but not that kind of nonsense!

shirt said:
Oh great. Change the posting rules for np&e and this st just moves to the lounge
Edited by anonymous-user on Thursday 21st April 09:48

tumble dryer

2,039 posts

130 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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witteringon said:
Might be a co-incidence but the hitherto fast moving, excellent and informative Ukraine thread appears to have become very slow now?.
Agree completely.

The 'Ukraine' thread has been one of the most informative ever on the site (well, in my almost 10 years) and with very few exceptions has proved to be well behaved.

I don't know if I'll be caught in the net but it does seem to set a very high bar for 'membership'.


695 posts

204 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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So my 15 years of posting very nearly 40 posts per year isn't welcome in NP&E anymore?!?!?


4,640 posts

55 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Captain Raymond Holt said:
I always find it interesting (says a sorry lot about me hehe ) to look at peoples first posts - I think mine was asking whether a Rover was worth buying! eek

Looks like you went in with both boots to the Boris and Europe threads with pretty comprehensive posts, good effort! Although it looks like you might have scared Tuna away, who you were replying to hehe
That's probably true, I can't be bothered checking smile. However the reason I'd have been on PH would have been because I googled a car issue then happened to read some other posts and got annoyed at Tuna's views on the Northern Ireland Protocol. I like Tuna a lot by the way, we've had our disagreements but he's good for a debate and was the first poster to give me a thought out reply if I remember correctly. Last I remember he was about to get involved in a new startup company, having been there and done the same I can very much believe he's far too busy to post on here now smile.


2,176 posts

40 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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tumble dryer said:
Agree completely.

The 'Ukraine' thread has been one of the most informative ever on the site (well, in my almost 10 years) and with very few exceptions has proved to be well behaved.

I don't know if I'll be caught in the net but it does seem to set a very high bar for 'membership'.
Agreed. On reflection, the Ukraine thread is the only thread I’ll miss. But I have unsubscribed from the thread as its less fun to read if you can’t (even if only rarely) comment.

I notice the guy who tried to sneak a politics post into the lounge had a 4 year sock account!

Edited by lizardbrain on Thursday 21st April 12:48


57 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Can it be extended to the Football Forums please?


10,716 posts

163 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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LordGrover said:
8.4L 154 said:
Maybe the answer is

1 year and 1000 non p&p/np&e posts


2 years, no post count requirements

Still arbitrary but at least established accounts are grandfathered in. PH can revisit the policy in 2 years if there's a sudden influx of determined troll accounts springing into life after 2 years dormancy
Not a bad idea...
Would do nothing against second sock puppet accounts where they stay dormant for years and then suddenly explode in a posting frenzy funnily enough when another poster gets banned.

Has to be a minimum post count to deter these.


4,640 posts

55 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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anonymous said:
There's a football forum?

I'll not peek but I can imagine Mos Eisley's probably more reputable. I prefer to stand in local terraces with the smell of chips and cheap cigars and moan about people supporting premiership teams without ever having been to a game smile. However, the team I go and support now is adopted as I no longer live where the team I really support play at home. When they play each other I get to be the butt of many jokes.


9,674 posts

136 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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roger.mellie said:
There's a football forum?

I'll not peek but I can imagine Mos Eisley's probably more reputable. I prefer to stand in local terraces with the smell of chips and cheap cigars and moan about people supporting premiership teams without ever having been to a game smile. However, the team I go and support now is adopted as I no longer live where the team I really support play at home. When they play each other I get to be the butt of many jokes.
There's a football forum, but the wrong code - which is probably a good thing for me.

I find it strange that umpires are completely neutral until they're officiating in a match where Geelong is playing, whereupon they become blind to the opposition's obvious fouls while harshly penalising Geelong players for minor accidental incidents. irked


57 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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I think the dear mods have got it the wrong way round.
Anyone who manages more than 1,000 posts a year is an obvious troll with far too much time on his hands, and should be banned.
(Ducks for cover!) :-)


1,552 posts

123 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Johnnytheboy said:
It is a bit weird. If you want to talk about politics and not cars/driving, why join PH? I've never got it.

The one year thing I approve of, but I do think 1000 posts might be a bit steep. 500 maybe?
Really ? All the bickering & sniping that goes off topic seems to come from these types , make it 5000 posts ...
Still a good move by mods..


5,300 posts

33 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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So if I'm reading this right I've got to wait another 6 months and rack up another several-hundred posts elsewhere to be allowed into a thread to which I have already contributed several times without problem, specifically thinking of the Ukraine thread, a topic on which I have shared what I hope to be interesting and useful personal insight and knowledge of the situation? Oh well, not my loss I suppose. Bit of a dragnet fishing approach though isn't it?

I am a car enthusiast and came to this site mainly as it's a brilliant resource for real world experience of the issues with a huge range of cars, but I don't have huge amounts to contribute in that regard as I'm not an experienced "spannerer" so to speak. I like the "what car" threads which crop up regularly, specifically the work-a-day car requirements rather than the supercar stuff, as that's what I'm interested in and I like to suggest left field motors to people which others don't necessarily think of. I'm here to be educated to an extent, and contribute when I have something useful to say, from the knowledge that I do have of cars, motoring and driving - and politics, current affairs etc. I guess the latter is going to have to wait a while now.

Captain Raymond Holt

12,232 posts

197 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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I wonder if the demise of CTF meant we saw some returners


51,135 posts

158 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Captain Raymond Holt said:
I wonder if the demise of CTF meant we saw some returners
When did ctf die?

Captain Raymond Holt

12,232 posts

197 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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vaud said:
Captain Raymond Holt said:
I wonder if the demise of CTF meant we saw some returners
When did ctf die?
Not exactly sure, maybe a year ago? I last view it a couple of years ago I think and it was a wasteland.


6,155 posts

67 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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lizardbrain said:
It's a bit of a shame. I enjoy reading the car threads whilst I'm visiting, but the main driver to visit is NPE to honest. I mostly post specifically about cars on Tesla motors club (or whatever car specific forum, for what I happen to be driving).

I'm quite unlikely to ever reach a 1000 posts in the motor sections, as quite frankly, the EV section is mostly troll posts and there is rarely any depth to the threads.

Oh well. Nice whilst it lasted. I understand the decision.

Good luck with all your future endeavours!
Sorry to see you shut out of the tent LB - your contributions to the Scottish Independence thread were insightful!

I totally get the reason for the decision, but is the bar maybe set way-too-high and will risk NP&E dying off?

6 months/500 posts would achieve the same result and allow properly established and well behaved posters back into the fray.

Even 3 months/250 posts would be enough to weed-out the repeat-offender trolls?


57 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Johnnytheboy said:
It is a bit weird. If you want to talk about politics and not cars/driving, why join PH? I've never got it.

The one year thing I approve of, but I do think 1000 posts might be a bit steep. 500 maybe?
To be fair, I can totally see the appeal of joining PH even if you have no interest in cars. The sub forums for DIY/Homes, Business, Law, Health, Economics Photography, Watches, and so on are quite literally some of the best on the internet, certainly for UK based users.

PH was essentially mocked years ago for becoming 'Dadsnet' but it has been massively successful at that, and threads like 'Expectant Dads' are terrific help groups and a mine of information.

I joined originally to post about cars, and ask car questions, but I almost have zero interest in posting about cars now. 95% of my posts will be homes/business/watches/economics etc.

Gerradi said:
Really ? All the bickering & sniping that goes off topic seems to come from these types , make it 5000 posts ...
Still a good move by mods..
Yes. This is the issue, those sub-forums, especially NP&E, make PH attractive also attract the trolls, nutcases, conspiracy loons, and those with frankly appalling views, and it does need stopping.

The mods are doing the right thing.


2,622 posts

165 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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anonymous said:
Extend it to the whole site. You can't post until your post count is 1000 or more


24,458 posts

116 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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rampageturke said:
anonymous said:
Extend it to the whole site. You can't post until your post count is 1000 or more


33,574 posts

215 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Careful now... Down with this sort of thing!