Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights

Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights



1,473 posts

145 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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I am not a prolific poster, I tend to read an awful lot more than I comment on, but I have definitely noticed a lot of 'one month' members posting in N,P&E over the last year.


57 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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The new rules do not seem to have stopped the usual old stagers posting stupid comments and having a go at each other on N, P and E.
So what was the point?


1,049 posts

47 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
IAmTheWalrus said:
OK so the Russians are invading the Ukraine and trying to run a dictatorship, heavy in the news and what do we see on PH? :ROFL:
You're only 55 moans away from being able to post there again.
I know but still, its a silly rule that arbitrarily silences peoples use of the site which is ironic because the whole point of a forum to give people these rooms is to facilitate conversation.


1,049 posts

47 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
vaud said:
It would just push the topics into the Lounge, which is why I think NP&E was set up (I may have misremembered)
I think you may be right. yes
Well luckily for me my car is running good so I do spend more time on here talking about things besides cars. For those who do have good cars and not such an enthusiast of other things in relations to cars, they might not easily build up the posts to his the 1000 mark.

Anyway Clockwork, how did build up 68000 posts? Did you win the lotto and decide to just post on here for a living?


10,758 posts

163 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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IAmTheWalrus said:
Clockwork Cupcake said:
vaud said:
It would just push the topics into the Lounge, which is why I think NP&E was set up (I may have misremembered)
I think you may be right. yes
Well luckily for me my car is running good so I do spend more time on here talking about things besides cars. For those who do have good cars and not such an enthusiast of other things in relations to cars, they might not easily build up the posts to his the 1000 mark.

Anyway Clockwork, how did build up 68000 posts? Did you win the lotto and decide to just post on here for a living?
There’s far more to PH than cars. Tell us where you’re going on holiday, How crap ManU are, Hamilton vs Verstappen? You decide! (Well, maybe give that one a swerve as it’s a bad as the worse NP&E thread hehe).

Point is is that you have a lot to offer away from what car you drive or the latest news. There’s something here somewhere where YOU are the expert by your life experience and that would be valued by others. You just have to spread your wings a bit around the more smaller sub-forums where it’s infinitely more friendly and supportive.

Clockwork Cupcake

75,367 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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IAmTheWalrus said:
Anyway Clockwork, how did build up 68000 posts? Did you win the lotto and decide to just post on here for a living?
I've been here 21 years come August, so that helps.

Also, I participate in live commentary threads like the F1 threads and also Strictly, so that racks up the posts. Especially the F1 threads.


57 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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IAmTheWalrus said:
Clockwork Cupcake said:
vaud said:
It would just push the topics into the Lounge, which is why I think NP&E was set up (I may have misremembered)
I think you may be right. yes
Well luckily for me my car is running good so I do spend more time on here talking about things besides cars. For those who do have good cars and not such an enthusiast of other things in relations to cars, they might not easily build up the posts to his the 1000 mark.

Anyway Clockwork, how did build up 68000 posts? Did you win the lotto and decide to just post on here for a living?
Attaboy Walrus! You're nearly there! biggrin


5,500 posts

141 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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valiant said:
You just have to spread your wings a bit around the more smaller sub-forums where it’s infinitely more friendly and supportive.


My vote goes to the ‘post pictures of your dog’ sub forum.


51,211 posts

158 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Seventy said:


My vote goes to the ‘post pictures of your dog’ sub forum.
Expectant dads is also one of the best threads (if you are having kids). Zero toxicity.


9,408 posts

222 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Seventy said:
valiant said:
You just have to spread your wings a bit around the more smaller sub-forums where it’s infinitely more friendly and supportive.


My vote goes to the ‘post pictures of your dog’ sub forum.
Shhh!! That is one of my little safe corners of this place where peaceful solice is guaranteed - don’t publicise it to the masses.


546 posts

175 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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I can understand the member time restriction but the post count stipulation is unfair imo. I've been a member nigh on 13 years but only chime up occasionally. By my reckoning it'll only be another 30 years or so before I can post In there. At least this'll be one toward the 1000.rolleyes

But again along with some dubious moderations and member bans being issued in some of my favourite threads on the Internet (not in NP&E I might add) I suspect my objections will be akin to peeing in a hurricane.

Edited by sdh2903 on Wednesday 20th April 21:29

Edited by sdh2903 on Wednesday 20th April 21:39


11,038 posts

184 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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IAmTheWalrus said:
Well luckily for me my car is running good so I do spend more time on here talking about things besides cars. For those who do have good cars and not such an enthusiast of other things in relations to cars, they might not easily build up the posts to his the 1000 mark.

Anyway Clockwork, how did build up 68000 posts? Did you win the lotto and decide to just post on here for a living?
We all believe you hehe


17,126 posts

169 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
IAmTheWalrus said:
Anyway Clockwork, how did build up 68000 posts? Did you win the lotto and decide to just post on here for a living?
I've been here 21 years come August, so that helps.

Also, I participate in live commentary threads like the F1 threads and also Strictly, so that racks up the posts. Especially the F1 threads.
This reminds me of one of the oddest things about PHs. People going in to sub-forums on subjects they don't like in order to throw cats among the blissfully happy pigeons within a thread.

I lost interest in F1 around about the time Damon Hill retired and the Tartan Terror sold Stewart F1 to Ford. And you couldn't persuade me to watch ballroom dancing on TV unless you put a gun to my wife's head. So I wouldn't dream of gatecrashing a thread about either subject just to start a row. But it seems plenty of users on here actually relish causing trouble in threads about subjects they profess to have no interest in.

Terminator X

15,467 posts

207 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
TTmonkey said:
Because they probably have a ‘life’ and are too busy to build up a thousand posts.
Oh here we go; the old chestnut that low post count equates to high quality, and by corollary people with high post counts make only low quality posts and don't have a life.

One has to wonder why these people who have a 'life' deign to post on internet forums when they could be doing something more worthy and important.
Post count checks out wink



4,640 posts

55 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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I must admit I find it a bit self destructive although will be happy to be proved wrong to restrict access. I find this forum a massively useful resource but don’t post much on the car threads as I’m not expert enough to answer conpared to many and my questions can be answered by a quick Google which invariably means my question has already been answered on here. Often more than once. So discussion for discussion’s sake isn’t a bad thing in my view. I’m on other forums and they’re slowly dying a death as the world has moved on and I can’t be arsed with Facebook or TikTok or instagram etc, if PH decides to close the door based on post count I think it’s wrong for the site’s future given the general trend of forums on the internet but trust they probably know better than me.


145 posts

147 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Must admit that I find it a bit disappointing.

I have been visiting and lurking on this board for many years but rarely post. I have posted on N, P & E in the past and I would much prefer that moderators apply some level of critical thinking and rationale thought rather than applying a blanket post requirement. The new posting rules seem as arbitrary a statement as `speed kills', which is surely close to the heartstrings of most here. We now have to put up with the people addicted to the forum and the opinions of these individuals are typically not the most thought provoking or insightful. The value of the community is that it is inclusive and evolving and not the continual spewing from the same posters.

However, in as much as `sinking to lowest common denominator', `pile them high sell em cheap' and `short term gain versus long term investment', this is at least in keeping with the banality of the majority of existence today. I had higher expectations.


1,471 posts

90 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Don’t post often but I do disagree with this decision but it’s the owners choice.

Teddy Lop

8,301 posts

70 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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6pi said:

What kind of troll would register today with a target of coming back in one year ? I think none, this kind of people want to flood a thread immediately.

Anyway, with my current pace, I'll be back in 90 years to comment in the WW3 thread...
There exists a small in number but quite motivated and prolific operaters in the online sphere who tend to steer most political discourse into repeating patterns, creating the impression that a majority think in a certain way when they don't.

It's a blunt tool and I hope the mods have a mechanism and willingness to grant exceptions for those who warrant it but I can appreciate the thinking.

Rufus Stone

6,769 posts

59 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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It's a policy of guilty until proven innocent.

PH towers are clearly too lazy to weed out any trouble makers.


1,515 posts

151 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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This does seem a little arbitrary. Although I am a petrol head, I do find NP&E most insightful (as well as finance), and is the main reason I frequent. I have nearly 900 posts and have been a member for many many years. As others have said there are some bad apples, but they are usually weeded out pretty fast.