Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights

Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights


Supercilious Sid

2,604 posts

164 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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DanL said:
Possibly, but you’d have to think spamming will get noticed, and the users will be banned… If you’re a member for over a year and can code, I suppose you could write a script that would create a new topic, post 1,000 replies to it, then delete all the posts. Run that at 3am, and you’re likely to get the required number of posts without drawing attention.

It’s a lot of effort to go to when there are plenty of other forums out there to use instead, mind you!
Just asking for a friend, but hypothetically, what would that script look like?

Just kidding- I probably don't meet that threshold but don't particularly care.

However, this thread is more interesting than most NP&E threads.

Clockwork Cupcake

75,373 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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anonymous said:
Funny you should say that, but at the very first BTaP I got the "P45 Award for the person most likely to get fired for posting on PH during office hours". hehe

Basically it was such a small event that PetrolTed tried to give pretty much every regular an award, and that happened to be mine. smile


1,049 posts

47 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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LordGrover said:
IAmTheWalrus said:
One year? 1000 posts? That's ridiculous. What's the point in having the section if people have to wait a year to share their thoughts? Unless you have a problem with your car or the motor sports is on, you've little reason to be on PH.
You are clearly not the target demographic.
Most of us came here to research, learn and chat about cars, driving, motorsport, etc.
The whole point of a news section or any other sub forum for that eg TV and video is to allow people to be sociable and share ideas and thoughts.


9,408 posts

222 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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MYOB said:
Mezzanine said:
MYOB said:
…As I said, very elitist.

These forums used to be full of intelligent, funny, compassionate, erudite members who have continually been driven away by complacency and acceptance of the torrents of manure sprayed around certain corners of this place by a mass of idiots.

A bit of elitism might be just what’s needed.
These intelligent, funny, compassionate, erudite members are only those that have been here for at least a year AND with 1000 posts?
That was not really what my post, and it’s context to the rest of this thread, implied was it.

But I think you know that.

Clockwork Cupcake

75,373 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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IAmTheWalrus said:
The whole point of a news section or any other sub forum for that eg TV and video is to allow people to be sociable and share ideas and thoughts.
Right. So 1000 posts in a year shouldn't be very difficult to achieve if you are being sociable and sharing your ideas and thoughts. smile

At this rate you will be well on your way from your replies to this thread alone. wink


1,049 posts

47 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
charltjr said:
Yes, and not for the better.
If you one does not appreciate the npe section then don't go there. I like to talk about politics having worked with councils before but given my car is in good working order this means I'll end posting on another site and ph just losing out on the like minded folk.

Clockwork Cupcake

75,373 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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IAmTheWalrus said:
If you one does not appreciate the npe section then don't go there. I like to talk about politics having worked with councils before but given my car is in good working order this means I'll end posting on another site and ph just losing out on the like minded folk.
Ok, well don't let the door hit your arse on the way out eh?


301 posts

143 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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This is a rather irritating change.

I have been on here for ten years and post, on average, once or twice a month where I feel I have something to contribute.

To be prevented from posting in NP&E with no notice and for reasons largely due to the failure to moderate the behaviour of certain posters seems more than a little arbitrary.


9,994 posts

38 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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B'stard Child said:
crankedup5 said:
I did wonder why I had been banned from posting in NP&E, seems like being treated like a naughty schoolchild laugh
Only 19 days and you will be in.......
Is this when I use my best ‘Terminator’ impersonation hehe


1,049 posts

47 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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EW109 said:
This is a rather irritating change.

I have been on here for ten years and post, on average, once or twice a month where I feel I have something to contribute.

To be prevented from posting in NP&E with no notice and for reasons largely due to the failure to moderate the behaviour of certain posters seems more than a little arbitrary.
Agreed. My car works fine so I'm not likely to hit a 1000 posts before I want to comment on the news..

8.4L 154

5,553 posts

256 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
IAmTheWalrus said:
If you one does not appreciate the npe section then don't go there. I like to talk about politics having worked with councils before but given my car is in good working order this means I'll end posting on another site and ph just losing out on the like minded folk.
Ok, well don't let the door hit your arse on the way out eh?
indeed, a 20 month old account with a somewhat trolly name (sealion anyone) with one or two sporadic posts until about 6 months ago when their posts rate suddenly exploded all over P&P. Looks like exactly the type of account the policy is aimed at.

IAmTheWalrus, who were you before the ban?


2,202 posts

40 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
Right. So 1000 posts in a year shouldn't be very difficult to achieve if you are being sociable and sharing your ideas and thoughts. smile

At this rate you will be well on your way from your replies to this thread alone. wink
I think it’s more the (perceived) injustice that upsets such posters. (Not me no) of being punished when others who are not without sin walk free. Unavoidable maybe

Question. Is a war map thread suitable content for the lounge?

Edited by lizardbrain on Wednesday 20th April 12:41


7,652 posts

39 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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8.4L 154 said:
Clockwork Cupcake said:
IAmTheWalrus said:
If you one does not appreciate the npe section then don't go there. I like to talk about politics having worked with councils before but given my car is in good working order this means I'll end posting on another site and ph just losing out on the like minded folk.
Ok, well don't let the door hit your arse on the way out eh?
indeed, a 20 month old account with a somewhat trolly name (sealion anyone) with one or two sporadic posts until about 6 months ago when their posts rate suddenly exploded all over P&P. Looks like exactly the type of account the policy is aimed at.

IAmTheWalrus, who were you before the ban?
Well, that didn't take long for the inevitable pile on to start.


1,326 posts

106 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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IAmTheWalrus said:
If you one does not appreciate the npe section then don't go there. I like to talk about politics having worked with councils before but given my car is in good working order this means I'll end posting on another site and ph just losing out on the like minded folk.
This is not an airport, there is no need to announce your departure

Clockwork Cupcake

75,373 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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lizardbrain said:
Clockwork Cupcake said:
Right. So 1000 posts in a year shouldn't be very difficult to achieve if you are being sociable and sharing your ideas and thoughts. smile

At this rate you will be well on your way from your replies to this thread alone. wink
I think it’s more the (perceived) injustice that upsets such posters. (Not me no) of being punished when others who are not without sin walk free. Unavoidablemowrhaps!
I was actually cheekily turning the post back on itself.

For reference, I was replying to this:

IAmTheWalrus said:
The whole point of a news section or any other sub forum for that eg TV and video is to allow people to be sociable and share ideas and thoughts.
But, yes, I can of course see how some might feel aggrieved. But then again, maybe long time lurkers should contribute more? Who knows.

It's clear that there are going to be some innocents affected by this policy.


1,383 posts

40 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
Ok, well don't let the door hit your arse on the way out eh?
Classy, a perfect example of why it won't work!


9,631 posts

258 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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GranpaB said:
8.4L 154 said:
indeed, a 20 month old account with a somewhat trolly name (sealion anyone) with one or two sporadic posts until about 6 months ago when their posts rate suddenly exploded all over P&P. Looks like exactly the type of account the policy is aimed at.

IAmTheWalrus, who were you before the ban?
Well, that didn't take long for the inevitable pile on to start.
Go on then. Take a look at IATW's posting history and tell me that's not somebody whose previous account was banned about 4 months ago.


2,622 posts

165 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Wonderful, all those second-third-fourth accounts with 2 months of membership and 1500+ posts must be seething.

This is a motoring forum first and foremost, if you aren't interested in that, look elsewhere.

Edited by rampageturke on Wednesday 20th April 12:59


20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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It’s a motoring website.

Thee must be other websites that have N,P& E type content for those now desperately seeking to air their views?


2,202 posts

40 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Overclockers is good. Tbf they have a very similar policy to the new Ph policy. But they don’t tell you the numbers.

TMC off topic is painfully dull