Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights

Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights


Clockwork Cupcake

75,256 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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charltjr said:
Yes, and not for the better.


2,371 posts

42 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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charltjr said:
Even if that were true, what’s the problem? As long as moderation follows the rules then people only get banned for breaking the rules. Anyone can report anyone but if the post doesn’t break the rules then there will be no action.

NP&E has long been an embarrassing cesspool. The signal to noise ratio is appalling and it’s overloaded with childish point scoring and strawman attacks. It’s a shame, because when there is good, respectful debate it is immediately drowned out. This has to be worth a try.
The problem is, people know how to play the system, get other posters banned , so they can ensure there point stays up. It is very true as the mod posted about the user.


120 posts

151 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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ambuletz said:
I think being a member for at least 1 year should be sufficient. Plenty of lurkers who have been here years but rarely or sometimes never posted. The long time lurkers who do end up posting turn out to be quite nice/normal people. It's the nasty keyboard warriors who rack up hundreds of posts in a week that are the issue.

Edited by ambuletz on Wednesday 20th April 08:17

What kind of troll would register today with a target of coming back in one year ? I think none, this kind of people want to flood a thread immediately.

Anyway, with my current pace, I'll be back in 90 years to comment in the WW3 thread...


9,148 posts

46 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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As an old bugger who grew up without the internet and didn’t enter the murky world of forums until maybe 15 years ago, it never ceases to amaze me how people behave behind a keyboard.

I always thought that forums were like a virtual pub where you stood and talked with people who you may agree or disagree with in, usually, civil manner. It was quite pleasant and if some person got a bit out of order, then words were exchanged and on very rare occasions, violence may have been threatened and even rarer used.

The level of insults and “debate” that some(the minority) posters use beggars belief and they would not get away with it in the real world so stopping them coming back after a ban makes sense.

However, as I said last night, the bar appears to have been set too high and will deter a lot of people which is a real shame - it is a a low form of censorship in my view and as with many things in life, the minority spoil things for the majority.

1000 posts is just shy of 20 a week and whilst my post count is high, I am retired so have more time on my hands, especially in winter- when I worked, there was less time to fritter away in the internet posting rubbish!


2,371 posts

42 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Let's be honest you don't miss much. For example Trump thread, trump is bad everyone who disagrees gets banned.
Biden thread, Biden is brilliant, same actions as trump.

I don't really care on both, but threads end up just being ruled by a few who enforce the narrative, so ends up with little actual debate just constantly same message repeated over and over. Better just to steer clear of NPE anyway, the majority of the poster in there don't care about cars.


57 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Ouroboros said:
The problem is, people know how to play the system, get other posters banned , so they can ensure there point stays up. It is very true as the mod posted about the user.
Play the system? You mean they trap people into making posts which break the rules? I’m sorry, but I don’t buy it.

I moderated a large forum for years and I’ve seen people who thought they could play that game, and equally have been accused of being played by them. It’s really simple and easy to answer - either a post breaks the rules or it doesn’t.

Someone who constantly reports people just for disagreeing with them will likely be on the radar as a time waster very quickly.


2,371 posts

42 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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charltjr said:
Play the system? You mean they trap people into making posts which break the rules? I’m sorry, but I don’t buy it.

I moderated a large forum for years and I’ve seen people who thought they could play that game, and equally have been accused of being played by them. It’s really simple and easy to answer - either a post breaks the rules or it doesn’t.

Someone who constantly reports people just for disagreeing with them will likely be on the radar as a time waster very quickly.
Well the poster was known. I wish I could remember the thread it was better explained on thete. You break the rules if you are thought as a troll, a troll would be very subjective term. The rules aren't as clear as you want to make out, they are used against other posters. I don't really care on NPE but saying how I actually seen it. There are a core of posters who will report constantly.


673 posts

31 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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pquinn said:
From the way some go on you'd think NPE was a mass of flaming and depravity like the deeper pits of Twitter, Reddit and 4Chan.

Whereas some people just mean that others disagree with their views on some subjects and are therefore WRONG AND EVIL. Apparently pile-ons are fine if they go the right way.
Doesn't hold a candle to some of the stuff that's commonplace on /pol/ and /b/. Definitely outdoes most of twitter though. smile


7,460 posts

39 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Ouroboros said:
Let's be honest you don't miss much. For example Trump thread, trump is bad everyone who disagrees gets banned.
Biden thread, Biden is brilliant, same actions as trump.

I don't really care on both, but threads end up just being ruled by a few who enforce the narrative, so ends up with little actual debate just constantly same message repeated over and over. Better just to steer clear of NPE anyway, the majority of the poster in there don't care about cars.
Yes i do agree.

I browse the CV threads occasionally and it does appear that it is the same handful of posters who seem to constantly pile on anyone who has a differing view. Although the Boris thread is the same.


7,167 posts

49 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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anonymous said:
That's just them sitting all day hammering F5.


57 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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This is a good move by PH IMHO and one that is long overdue. As others have said NPE attracts some abhorrent posts and it’s well past time that was addressed.

For anyone who says 1000 posts is too many: it’s obviously been chosen to keep the disruptive posters out. In one respect no number would be too high. But whatever number one chooses some people will argue it is too high.

It is a shame (again, IMHO) that it seems that the precise terms of the proposal can’t be implemented - by which I mean in particular the part about any member who today has fewer than 1000 posts in the *motoring* forums is locked out of NPE until they do have. That omission leaves, I suspect, a small rump of potentially disruptive posters who have sneaked in under the wire so to speak and can stay in NPE.

That said, this is still a much better idea than leaving things as they were.


12,802 posts

213 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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anonymous said:
While it is true that there are some toxic long-term posters, what this does do is reduce the numbers of trolls who enter the fray and the swift return of banned members under the aegis of a new username. It will also hopefully cause those who might, at times, get too confrontational to consider their actions as a lifetime ban would have more teeth. I think, as a result, it might take some of the heat out of the debate in NP&E - no bad thing.

That said, I rather enjoy the bear-pit. Jousting with those who hold opposing views is interesting and challenging. I'm rather difficult to offend.

Supercilious Sid

2,600 posts

164 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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anonymous said:
I have noticed this too. They appear to do this to close inconvenient threads by making them toxic.

Supercilious Sid

2,600 posts

164 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Mezzanine said:
Perhaps try leaving your job and partner, this might help hehe
I did wonder how some posters appeared to be untroubled by the need to graft a living or do family stuff


6,960 posts

202 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
I couldn't disagree with you more. NP&E can be a vile and toxic place with some truly abhorrent posters.
This. It's only mildly more tolerable than the self-righteous posters within some threads in Speed, Plod & the Law

8.4L 154

5,550 posts

256 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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It will be interesting to see which long-term members with high post counts no longer post in NP&E. Although if all the posts in Pie & Piston except NP&E count then they will probably clear the bar. Not sure why the rule doesn't apply to the whole of Pie and Piston sub forums as the toxic arguments will just move to those other forums.


8,951 posts

278 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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anonymous said:
I think a lot of the alternative view posters are just sock puppet accounts of people with high posting counts just messing around causing mischief by winding the others up.
1000 posts outside NP&E sounds fine to me, it makes it too much effort for all but the most determined troll to create an account just to wade in to some debate and start calling people out on things they said in other threads, etc.

Supercilious Sid

2,600 posts

164 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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edgyedgy said:
Thanks for taking my ability to choose not to post that often as evidence I’m an “agent provocateur” I joined up years ago yet choose to rarely post unless I’ve something to say. Guessing a lot of traffic will be heading the way of arsse after this decision to lock out long term users.
ARRSE has the very welcome feature of blocking users who you decide are acting like cocks. That also extends to blocking their posts, when quoted by other users.


1,153 posts

92 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Surely those with very high post counts (of constant sniping and pile-ons, etc) are the problem, rather than those who mostly read and only contribute when they have something to add to the discussion - and are quite capable of scrolling past the name-calling and other stupidity.

Just a requirement of 6 months would be enough to deter most spam and returned banned members...

(I know this isn't adding much, but it gets my post count up rotate )


40,420 posts

199 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
pquinn said:
From the way some go on you'd think NPE was a mass of flaming and depravity like the deeper pits of Twitter, Reddit and 4Chan.

Whereas some people just mean that others disagree with their views on some subjects and are therefore WRONG AND EVIL. Apparently pile-ons are fine if they go the right way.
I couldn't disagree with you more. NP&E can be a vile and toxic place with some truly abhorrent posters.
banning them from NP&E won't stop them from being vile and toxic though. They'll just carry on in other forums.