Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights

Change to News, Politics & Economics posting rights


Clockwork Cupcake

75,256 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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lizardbrain said:
FWIW I think a Twitter style system that allows users to mute new accounts would be better.
Unfeasible for a forum as you would still see people's replies to the poster you muted. You'd also still see any quoting of their posts due to the architecture of the forum software.

Clockwork Cupcake

75,256 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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AudiMan9000 said:
Is this 1000 new posts, or do replies to posts count?
A post is a post.

You're roughly halfway there (livin' on a prayer) already with your post count of 499


1,808 posts

96 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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I never post in NP&E but 1k posts is quite a lot. I have only managed about 800 in 7 yrs or so;)


1,151 posts

172 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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1000 is a bit much, 500 is more reasonable. All this will do is stop any new thought entering the forums.

You'll end up with the high post lords ruling the forums a bit like on Reddit.


10,682 posts

163 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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edgyedgy said:
Whereas mods just removing disruptive users when they make trouble is too difficult. Much easier to blanket ban long term users. Anyway as you said it’s their train set to do as they wish.
Mods rely on users reporting posts that may be a bit too much. I’ll be betting that a lot of NP&E threads that get a bit out of control are simply not being reported until it’s too late and the whole thread get locked of great swathes of the thread are suddenly culled.

There isn’t an inexhaustible supply of mods to constantly patrol the forums, it is effectively self policing so it’s good that an ‘entry fee’ is being applied and the ban hammer now means something.

This should cool a few of the more argumentative posters who, if they continue in their inimitable style, will soon find posting privileges removed from the sub-forum permanently. A better discussion should now be possible and the site will improve as argumentative tosspots slowly get banned.

NP&E has long been a cesspit. Time has come to drain the swamp…

Edited by valiant on Wednesday 20th April 07:53


5,456 posts

198 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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RanchoGrande said:
1000 is a bit much, 500 is more reasonable. All this will do is stop any new thought entering the forums.

You'll end up with the high post lords ruling the forums a bit like on Reddit.
Agree, it took about 2.5 years to get there incident npe posts. I can see why, but the threshold seems too high.


2,168 posts

40 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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RanchoGrande said:
1000 is a bit much, 500 is more reasonable. All this will do is stop any new thought entering the forums.

You'll end up with the high post lords ruling the forums a bit like on Reddit.
I think 650 is about right.

You don’t want people posting fluff to increase their post counts…

Also it seems like deleted posts count? I deleted a couple of posts on this thread after I realised I had got the wrong end of the stick. But my post count didn’t drop.

Edited by lizardbrain on Wednesday 20th April 08:10


2,976 posts

36 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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RanchoGrande said:
1000 is a bit much, 500 is more reasonable. All this will do is stop any new thought entering the forums.

You'll end up with the high post lords ruling the forums a bit like on Reddit.


51,111 posts

158 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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PurplePangolin said:
You’ve managed 1840 posts in 9 months?


2,371 posts

42 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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RanchoGrande said:
1000 is a bit much, 500 is more reasonable. All this will do is stop any new thought entering the forums.

You'll end up with the high post lords ruling the forums a bit like on Reddit.
Already happens. I remember one mod saying 90% of reports came from one poster. They used the report function to get other posters banned from threads. As quite a few do.


10,848 posts

184 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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I think being a member for at least 1 year should be sufficient. Plenty of lurkers who have been here years but rarely or sometimes never posted. The long time lurkers who do end up posting turn out to be quite nice/normal people. It's the nasty keyboard warriors who rack up hundreds of posts in a week that are the issue.

Edited by ambuletz on Wednesday 20th April 08:17


1,049 posts

47 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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S17Thumper said:
Incoming flurry of ‘why can’t I post’ posts hehe

Sensible criteria though thumbup
One year? 1000 posts? That's ridiculous. What's the point in having the section if people have to wait a year to share their thoughts? Unless you have a problem with your car or the motor sports is on, you've little reason to be on PH.


22,435 posts

161 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Ouroboros said:
Already happens. I remember one mod saying 90% of reports came from one poster. They used the report function to get other posters banned from threads. As quite a few do.
I don’t think your recollection is correct.


8,740 posts

204 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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MrMan001 said:
rigga said:
Good, something had to be done regarding the continued returning banned members.

Regarding the post count, yes 1000 seems a high figure, but its either that or 12 months from date of joining, so won't hamper anyone for ever, and there had to be some cut of point..
It's 1000 posts and 12 months, not either or.
I stand corrected.

The reason for this new rule I still believe is a good one, the limits may need adjusting, but that's not down to the members.

Posters stating why don't mods just ban those members who cause trouble? They do, but are unable to stop them registering new accounts under another name, and continuing.

This will stop them doing so.

Yes it does affect those who only post occasionally, and do not cause issues, and I can see the frustration, but the few have caused enough issues, something had to be done.


33,574 posts

215 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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IAmTheWalrus said:
One year? 1000 posts? That's ridiculous. What's the point in having the section if people have to wait a year to share their thoughts? Unless you have a problem with your car or the motor sports is on, you've little reason to be on PH.
You are clearly not the target demographic.
Most of us came here to research, learn and chat about cars, driving, motorsport, etc.


7,167 posts

49 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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From the way some go on you'd think NPE was a mass of flaming and depravity like the deeper pits of Twitter, Reddit and 4Chan.

Whereas some people just mean that others disagree with their views on some subjects and are therefore WRONG AND EVIL. Apparently pile-ons are fine if they go the right way.


57 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Ouroboros said:
Already happens. I remember one mod saying 90% of reports came from one poster. They used the report function to get other posters banned from threads. As quite a few do.
Even if that were true, what’s the problem? As long as moderation follows the rules then people only get banned for breaking the rules. Anyone can report anyone but if the post doesn’t break the rules then there will be no action.

NP&E has long been an embarrassing cesspool. The signal to noise ratio is appalling and it’s overloaded with childish point scoring and strawman attacks. It’s a shame, because when there is good, respectful debate it is immediately drowned out. This has to be worth a try.


7,167 posts

49 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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LordGrover said:
You are clearly not the target demographic.
Most of us came here to research, learn and chat about cars, driving, motorsport, etc.
Ever thought the way things work might have shifted over the past 15 years or so?

Clockwork Cupcake

75,256 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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pquinn said:
From the way some go on you'd think NPE was a mass of flaming and depravity like the deeper pits of Twitter, Reddit and 4Chan.

Whereas some people just mean that others disagree with their views on some subjects and are therefore WRONG AND EVIL. Apparently pile-ons are fine if they go the right way.
I couldn't disagree with you more. NP&E can be a vile and toxic place with some truly abhorrent posters.


57 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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pquinn said:
LordGrover said:
You are clearly not the target demographic.
Most of us came here to research, learn and chat about cars, driving, motorsport, etc.
Ever thought the way things work might have shifted over the past 15 years or so?
Yes, and not for the better.