Newbie Questions



Original Poster:

23,921 posts

287 months

Monday 11th November 2013
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Is there a way to raise and lower the rear spoiler on my '11 Gallardo other than the speed-related automatic operation?*

It's a little inconvenient to have to run behind at 70mph to clean the area underneath. wink

*And no, I don't yet have a manual so cannot RTFM. biggrin


Original Poster:

23,921 posts

287 months

Monday 11th November 2013
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andrew said:
either switch off the ignition at > 70, or find a rolling road
I'm disappointed that your preferred solution isn't to fit an alternative that is a little more static.


Original Poster:

23,921 posts

287 months

Monday 11th November 2013
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andrew said:
is that a ferrari in the background ?
I do believe it is, and the rare Rosso Skipale edition as well. biggrin


Original Poster:

23,921 posts

287 months

Monday 11th November 2013
quotequote all
andrew said:
jeremyc said:
andrew said:
is that a ferrari in the background ?
I do believe it is, and the rare Rosso Skipale edition as well. biggrin
i drove one once
the interior was rubbish
But you could hardly refuse.


Original Poster:

23,921 posts

287 months

Monday 11th November 2013
quotequote all
andrew said:
jeremyc said:
andrew said:
jeremyc said:
andrew said:
is that a ferrari in the background ?
I do believe it is, and the rare Rosso Skipale edition as well. biggrin
i drove one once
the interior was rubbish
But you could hardly refuse.
that would have bin rude
And an opportunity wasted.


Original Poster:

23,921 posts

287 months

Tuesday 12th November 2013
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70proof said:
indeed i did.... jc, if you moved some of my threads to the new 'gallardo' section, they'd make a great reference source ..... there's one for e gear, the spoiler, accessing the battery and of course my buying guide!
Fixed that for you. thumbup

If there are any other threads anyone would like to see in this section then feel free to make a list. smile


Original Poster:

23,921 posts

287 months

Tuesday 12th November 2013
quotequote all
70proof said:
Doesn't help the ads are full of spoof ads from certainly one trader, and Haymarket tolerates this....
If you think there is a problem with an advert then hit the 'report' link and it will be investigated. smile

Haymarket does not tolerate "spoof" ads and will remove them if they are found to be out of order.