removing luggage compartment in g - how to?

removing luggage compartment in g - how to?



Original Poster:

6,061 posts

158 months

Saturday 17th December 2011
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hi all,

the drivers side screen jet wasn;t working so i thought i'd explore.....
yikes as i pulled it up, it became apparant why.... the hose was detached at the pump end...!!
to put it back, need to remove the luggage box..... anyone done this for a battery change...

what size allen key is it? t25?

i assume it is the three? allen screws in the compartment that i loosen and that is it...

how do i detach the light, and do i need to worry about the usb port... don;t have a cd changer....

thanks for any help..... and famousass, sorry its another question, thats life with me.....


Original Poster:

6,061 posts

158 months

Saturday 17th December 2011
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mybrainhurts said:
What's a g...?


Original Poster:

6,061 posts

158 months

Saturday 17th December 2011
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first remove the seal for the compartment, simply pulls off
then remove cd changer etc.... t25 screw at bottom of trim, whole trim then lifts out with unit,
detach connecter to unit, then push this out of the compartment, rubber sleeve too
there are 2 t30 screws each side, which when undone, then allows whole 'tub' to be lifted out
need to disconnect light so lift side to your right first....biggrin

the tube to one jet had detahced from this t piece, which didn;t really have a natural place to sit, so i ended up wrapping it as such

glad i didn;t just assume the jet was clogged up, as the t piece had fallen by the battery so that would have got soaked with every squirt!! also explains a bit of damp in the compartment as water squirted in through battery flap...!!

there was a thread not to long ago about build quality.... i was impressed with the obession to detail... even the back of the light has a curtain!

and also found this!!!


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6,061 posts

158 months

Saturday 17th December 2011
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and one final thing, gave everything a quick wipe whilst i was in there.... sad heh


Original Poster:

6,061 posts

158 months

Saturday 17th December 2011
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V10 BAT said:
Am i slow or what biggrin Good job
we must have been typing and uploading pics at the same time.....biggrin
knew you would reply.... thanks mate...
like to dabble..... wish i had your toolkit though!!!!


Original Poster:

6,061 posts

158 months

Sunday 18th December 2011
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unclegrouch said:
Bit of a busman's holiday that one was, wasn't it 70Proof LOL
laugh, yeah, got impatient so i figured if i try anyway, provided i left a path like hansel and gretal, things couldn;t go disasterously wrong..... TBH pis easy, funny as manual says battery should only be accessed by a highly trained techinician wearing lambo endorsed overalls!!