Ferrari Pursangue

Ferrari Pursangue



Original Poster:

1,907 posts

220 months

Friday 13th October 2023
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Afternoon all,

So my neighbour has literally just had his new Ferrari Pursangue delivered, I believe he was the first UK customer order, but approx 5th UK delivery.

Whilst he's my neighbour, and he does have quite a car collection, he's very Ferrari (imagine the scene from friends with Joey and the Porsche outfit) obsessed, I was wondering if any other PH'ers have had there's or have ordered one. Its a stunning car in the flesh, not as big as I expected but the design is really something. Just really curious to opinions. I know the car in mainstream media had people slagging it off, but honestly I think its stunning, plus the engine sounds like something else! I haven't had the pleasure of a ride in it (yet) plus he also hasn't as he's had to go away with work. Based on what the Urus did for Lambo and the Bentagya did for Bentley, I honestly think this car could be a master stroke for Ferrari.

PS I couldn't even afford a Tyre for this car, so my post is in no one there to light the flame of bias etc