Sunny & Dry... how many people take the Fers / Lams etc out?

Sunny & Dry... how many people take the Fers / Lams etc out?



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273 posts

162 months

Friday 10th January 2014
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Dealing with my first winter owning a Ferrari and whilst the 599 sits in a temp / humidity controlled garage it is very tempting to get her out and go for a blast....

I know the salt thing has been discussed before, however the roads are dry and the sun is shinning...



Original Poster:

273 posts

162 months

Friday 10th January 2014
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I agree, we really need to drive them when the opportunity presents it's self... Will have to go for a potter tomorrow...



Original Poster:

273 posts

162 months

Saturday 11th January 2014
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TISPKJ said:
Salt, will corrode ally even more so than steel.

Slightly off topic but how do you find the 599 ? What did you have before and how do you find it size wise etc etc
Questions to both you and gusB
Obviously I am assuming silly quick :-)
I love it and find it so exciting to drive. Coming from an M3 which I think is fast and a great car, the 599 is in a different league for pace and drama, as you would expect, however it goes beyond what I thought it was going to be like.

I looked at a V12V and a DBS before I bought it and really like both cars, however there is something extra special about Ferraris and as Evo / Autocar etc etc have consistently said the 599 is one of the all time great Ferraris... I did also looked at buying a 458 and may do at some point, however not enough space for me at the moment...

On that boring note it is also amazingly practical, two set of golf clubs and enough luggage for a week to tour with whilst also offering a great cabin...

The engine is not one I think I will ever get bored of as it is full of character, it can be happy pottering along and then also scream all the way to 8000 rpm... does like a drink though...



Original Poster:

273 posts

162 months

Wednesday 15th January 2014
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colincolin said:
Out every day !

I did 14000 miles in my Cali last year. I've already done 3500 in my FF, since September 2nd. Modern Ferrari's are designed to be used. So, my advice is: If you've got one - use it !
And there I was thinking Ferraris where only allowed to do a maximum of 1500 per year... You make me feel bad for only doing 6000 miles....
