599 - HGTE or not?

599 - HGTE or not?



Original Poster:

121 posts

135 months

Sunday 8th December 2013
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I am looking to buy a used 599 early next year. Now I am wondering whether I should stretch my budget an extra 20k or so for one with the HGTE pack?

Anyone have experienced both versions?

I am wondering if:

a) I will notice the difference much when driving? (I like spirited-on road driving but I am just a passionate amateur with no racing-experience)
b) Whether the HGTE will prove to be a much better investment long-term

Also: Are there any other options I should look for? Do the carbon brakes make a difference or are the stock ones good enough? I almost melted the stock brakes on my V8 Vantage last time I drove down the Schauinsland-Pass...

What color choice would you make?

I personally love the dark-red metallic:

but might also just go for the classic red (easier to find)

In terms of wheels, I like either the star-shaped ones or the HGTE-wheels. The 20" challenge ones don't do it for me...

curious about your opinion smile


Original Poster:

121 posts

135 months

Sunday 8th December 2013
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it does! Exept for the grey interior - so ... grey :P


Original Poster:

121 posts

135 months

Monday 9th December 2013
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GrahamPM said:
Size was one issue, it never instilled confidence in me to throw it about like I could with any of my previous Astons or Porsches. The 'chassis' felt un-connected with the body and used to squirm under either hard braking or acceleration.
That is some good feedback - I will defenitely go for some extensive test-driving before I sign on the dotted line! I would use the car mainly for spirited drives on b and c roads so I need to be comfortable with it's size and handling

Now before everybody tells me to get a different car that handles better around corners: I just love the look of the 599 and I drive for fun not best lap times so as long at it's FUN up a mountain pass I'll still buy it wink


Original Poster:

121 posts

135 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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I'm sure I can handle the size... threw this around a lot of twisties in the black forrest the other day and it was surprisingly fun: