Lots of 599 GTOs for sale - why?

Lots of 599 GTOs for sale - why?



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237 months

Friday 8th November 2013
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Just having a daydream looking at 599 GTOs.

Their is usually maybe one or two for sale, if any, but at present there are no fewer than EIGHT for sale right now. Whats impacting this? From what I've read, they're very much loved and often thought of as 'keepers'. F12's look to be available at under list too, so I suspect its not demand for them?

I'd take the top one in a heartbeat.....


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237 months

Friday 8th November 2013
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By the way, the bottom one isnt for sale at that price.


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237 months

Friday 8th November 2013
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traxx said:
Pork said:
I'd take the top one in a heartbeat.....
I've never seen that car before I thought there were only two UK cars in the white/blue combination
Ad says its an import.

Incidentally, it was seeing your car in Victoria a few years back that gave me my soft spot for these. I've never before of since heard anything quite like it and to see a 'relatively' ordinary car making that noise just flicked a switch for me.

Edited by Pork on Friday 8th November 12:32


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237 months

Friday 8th November 2013
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jtremlett said:
Well, of your eight:

Two appear to be the same car (Graypaul Birmingham and Bentley Manchester).

One is in Germany.

Two are LHD imports.

One is a RHD import.

Presumably those latter three bought in from outside the UK for sale.

So actually only two UK cars for sale which is what you said was normal.

By the way, why is this thread in the Ferrari V8 section when the 599 GTO has 12 cylinders?

Having just one for sale is rare, so two or more is more than normal. I agree, some are clearly not UK cars (is one AndrewDs old car?) but I would argue that the market for these crossed borders.

The question is whats driving the increase - maybe the LHD are driven by FX or something? Interesting point above re 16<s and F12s.


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237 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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Crazy to think you could get one for £320k last year and now a similar one is up for £480k.

Is that advert right - we're there only 49 RHD made? Or is that 49 UK cars?


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237 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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andymc said:
Are they selling at that though?
That's the thing. The white one at the top of my original post was for sale for a good while, as I think the others were too.


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237 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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jtremlett said:
'm not sure which advert you are referring to that says 49. Foskers says 60. Anyhow, there were about 80 RHD delivered new to the UK.


This one... http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/f...

Wasnt there something like 750 made in the end too, in total?


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237 months

Sunday 12th October 2014
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DeltonaS said:
Because you can get a new F12 for less...
Very different cars and by many accounts. The earlier car is much more desirable.


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237 months

Sunday 12th October 2014
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Thermonuclear said:
Congrats. But to be honest, when a ratty Porsche 993 is 100-200k, why wouldn't a 599 GTO be half-a-mil? Compared to some other crazy prices of other cars, at 480, I reckon that GTO was a bargain smile
I was in Dick Lovett on Friday and they had a classic 911 for sale. The mate I was with had just sold one very similar to it, but with half the mileage for less than half.

It seems to me that anything old or potentially going up in value has gone absolutely mental. This is not the thread for the question but I do wonder how sustainable the rises are.


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237 months

Thursday 21st January 2016
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ajr550 said:
Beautiful Scozia rhd just popped up at HR Owen.Anyone know what they are asking ?


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Thursday 21st January 2016
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Stunning. Madness to think at the start of this thread, 26 months ago, it would have been arguably less than half the current price.

It is stunning though.....


Original Poster:

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237 months

Friday 22nd January 2016
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It was the sound that first caught my attention. When they were relatively new, I was walking in Victoria in London and heard a car coming that I thought was very close to an F1 car. It was Traxx in his white 599 GTO. What a sight, what a sound.

From that day to this, the GTO has been the very top of my wish list, kind of the motoring equivalent of love at first sight. If I am ever in the position, one would be in my garage at the earliest opportunity.....


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237 months

Sunday 27th March 2016
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traxx said:
Unfortunately the sound was by far and away the best thing about the car imo
You couldn't manage two laps of Silverstone without the brakes overheating

Its all very silly but this video has me in Rome back in 2011
That's disappointing to read.

Is 'yours' still in the UK?


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237 months

Sunday 27th March 2016
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traxx said:
I think so, but I've never seen any photos of it on the road so probably just unused in a collection which is where I guess most cars have ended up
Interesting. Such a shame if so, but then if they're worth close to £1m, it's understandable.


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237 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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I've never driven one and am not sure I ever will but there's something about them that puts them right at the top of the fantasy wish list for me.

In Bianco Fuji please.