Every day tips for living with a 599

Every day tips for living with a 599


cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Thursday 20th June
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PGNSagaris said:
cake eater said:
PGNSagaris said:
Cake, it’s been a pleasure to read this whole thread the last few days.

I’ve always loved the 599 (preferred it to the 550/575 and even the F12) but this thread and multiple pictures of that utter beauty has left me with a deep and urgent yearning for a 599

Hold my drink
Hi PNGSagaris,

I've got the beer and looking forward to hearing about your purchase biggrin
Time for my beer back …just collected this. Wow.

That is absolutely fabulous!

Great colour combo


I think you deserve more than a beer!

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Thursday 20th June
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cake eater said:
PGNSagaris said:
cake eater said:
PGNSagaris said:
Cake, it’s been a pleasure to read this whole thread the last few days.

I’ve always loved the 599 (preferred it to the 550/575 and even the F12) but this thread and multiple pictures of that utter beauty has left me with a deep and urgent yearning for a 599

Hold my drink
Hi PNGSagaris,

I've got the beer and looking forward to hearing about your purchase biggrin
Time for my beer back …just collected this. Wow.

That is absolutely fabulous!

Great colour combo


I think you deserve more than a beer!

How many miles have you done in it? Done anything silly yet? Be great to meet up and compare notes


cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Thursday 20th June
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Not looking good for tomorrow

And the car is aquaplaning at 50 kph. Saw this sign and stopped to take this oxymoron of a photo

I might just spend tomorrow in the diner watching as there's a mixed event that includes race cars.

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Friday 21st June
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PGNSagaris said:
cake eater said:

How many miles have you done in it? Done anything silly yet? Be great to meet up and compare notes

I collected it today around 1 and have done about 150 miles.

It’s supremely comfortable on a motorway or just cruising along.

Then put it in race and floor it and it’s fking madness. Almost uncontrollable.

Does need a geo (booked for 8th July with suspension secrets) and overall the tyres just don’t stand a chance. They’re 3 years old MPS4S’s but fk me that engine is savage.

The ICE is unintelligible, there are no cup holders and the heated seat turned itself on.

And I got a mannetino fault, suspension fault, CST failure as I was pulling away from the dealer!

They plugged it in and it’s down to a brake pedal sensor (£20 part to them) but takes 90 minutes to sort and I couldn’t twait so I’ll bring back late next week after a Euro trip. Not affecting the driving currently.

It also has an aftermarket exhaust. Glorious sound, especially in race mode and high up the rev range. It absolutely screams.

It’s so very special. For the money, nothing I’ve owned comes remotely close.

Looking forward too meeting up Cake
The 599 really is awesome and standard has a really breadth of ability. Race mode is definitely screw loose! She surprises a lot of much more modern cars with how fast she is.

It's scary when the dash lights up with faults. When you have the chance I'd definitely check the MAF and see if there's oil in the intake. Oil level 10mm above minimum, especially if your going to use the full rev range biggrin

Hahaha, ICE mode is strange but surprisingly it works well when there's no traction. No Cup holder is annoying but you can get, it goes in the map pocket behind the seats so you can't reach while driving. My radio turns it's self on or off over bumps. The auto wipers like to have an Italian moment randomly go nuts in the rain.

599 really is cloud9

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Friday 21st June
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Love this angle of the 599

Just peachy

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Friday 21st June
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I have a very good instructor today. Friend and previously team mate of the late Sabine Schmitz and Stefan Bellof

We drive 4 laps then he does one lap on the car and then back to me driving.

My lines are pretty much there but he has me changing some of the lines to better manage the weight of the car and the body movement.

He says that the car is fast but too stiff. The front nervous. His final comment is she's a little beast biggrin but needs race seats and harness as the speed is scary.

And that's 3 ring instructors now told me she's scary.

Morning was damp but dried out. The tyres are finished even though 3/4 of the tyre is perfect. In the slower corners the CST is allowing a surprising amount of lock before intervening. And I'm seeing the CST triangle a lot because of track and tyre condition.

We exit Hohe Acht and enter into Hedgwigshöhe.
There's a slight crest and a little left before the right. I'm off line a little from passing an exige and the back steps out over the crest. I'm happy I've got it under control but the CST does not think so and steps in grabbing the brakes. Turns into a big tank slapper but we recover and stay on line for entry to the right.

Makes me realise just how much the car and I are relying on the grip of the tyre to keep the car in check. Front end is pretty sharp and true to input but the rear can be wayward and really catch you out quickly.

Body control on the car is very badly shown up at Nurburgring. Somehow too stiff and too soft. Brakes are inconsistent and don't give confidence.

I believe I know where to go to sort it. I'm in a dilemma to decide where my limited funds go and in what order.

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Friday 21st June
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Also her good side evil

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Friday 21st June
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Some of my limited funds are going on new tyres

Overall condition is good, like new

But outside shoulder is gone

New tyre for tread wear reference

And the undertray is dry so gearbox repair looking good

Edited by cake eater on Friday 21st June 15:59

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Friday 21st June
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DeejRC said:
Your idea of “limited funds” Cake I think are up there with Sheik Mohammed!

I'd be in an F12 TDF

But there is a scale and I very much appreciate that I'm on the lucky side

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Friday 21st June
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PGNSagaris said:
Amazing to se how you use this on track - it would take some skill to master the weight of it I’d imagine.

In similar but different ways ….I was up at Donington today testing and the 599 was a glorious companion getting there. Proved useful too and no fault codes either drink

Looks like the 599 made you sweat! Or are you just using her as a coat hanger biggrin

I hope you had a good day testing

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Friday 21st June
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I had a quick chat with Eddy (ring instructor) about weight. He's of the same opinion that the 599 is heavy. Obviously a GT3 is 300kg less. That's a huge difference.

From the corner weight setup I know she's 1830 kg. So I think pretty much, that's normal now. An M2 is 1700kg. M4 competition xDrive 1775kg. M5 1850 kg.

Jaguar F-type, Aston DB12 are all 600 bhp, 1800kg or there abouts.

So it's normal biggrin

Reminds me of Cartman

Edited by cake eater on Friday 21st June 23:28

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Friday 21st June
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PGNSagaris said:
Just a glorious coat hanger.

Testing in the 997
Very nice! driving

Edited by cake eater on Friday 21st June 23:34

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Back to ring toys for an oil change. Richard and Frank reckon I'm 'over servicing' even with the 'hard' ring milage.

Oil is drained and it looks good, drain plugs are all clean.

I'm paranoid about the high revs and I love the car at high revs. She's not using oil but on cold start up she's tappetty. This is normally sorted with an oil change and comes back when the oil starts to 'thin'. MDL also raised a concern about the timing chains stretching. I can't hear any rattling but my hearing is not so good anymore. ears

I called GreyPaul and they say that the chains are a life part and it's and engine out job to change them. From what little information I have it's not possible to measure chain stretch / adjuster slack in place.

Anyway the car is given a once over, it all looks good.

Front undertray really is quite intricate but nothing compared to modern stuff.

There's some damage

Washers are a good size (problem is generally the rivnuts on the otherside) bolts are treated with an anti seize compound.

Oil level is checked and it takes 3 goes before I'm happy with the level. Reving the engine for 1 min is a concern with noise regulations

Edited by cake eater on Saturday 22 June 16:07

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Then lunch with a view

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Sunday 23rd June
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PGNSagaris said:
I think off all the circuits, you can definitely make a case for the 599 at the ‘ring and SPA.

You have a proper set of plums cake bow
Says the man who asked me to hold his beer

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Sunday 23rd June
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I'm back in school today

The presentation has me snickering in the corner. German language is so rich biggrin

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Monday 24th June
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From theory to practice, lined up for ducks and ducklings training

The instructors are using their personal car and have very different choices

One has an F8 spider.

He says Ferrari is useless at the ring and you need a GT3.
I replied that GT3 is like a VW golf at the ring and a boring choice

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Monday 24th June
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I'm not happy with the way the car is handling. It's party the brakes and mostly the tyre combination and maybe the track is a little slippery.

Because of the tyre size I'm restricted with Michelin PS cup 2. Front is BMW * marked and last time the rear was non marked. The rear is now M0 marked (for the AMG GTR) and the change in balance is obvious.

Roland at tyre trade centre told me not to match * and M0 and I'm hearing his words on the track.

I can feel the car wants to rotate more on entry to the corner and the CST doesn't like it. It's properly grabbing the brakes to stop the car rotation just when I really need it to, almost making the car turn out of the corner. It's horrible.

There's a guy here with an M8 competition, he says ditch the Cup2 and change to Nankang CR-S. Roland said the same, just didn't have any in stock.

Brake pedal is also very inconsistent. Few people ask me why the TC is intervening when it does. I tell them it's not the TC, I'm tapping with the left foot on exit or I have a long pedal on the next entry, particularly if it's bumpy and just about everywhere is bumpy.

A few people also ask if the car is stock because they can't believe it's going so quickly. I really want to tell them it's the pilot but it's so obviously not biggrin

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Monday 24th June
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Afternoon is free driving and I have set up Harry's Lap Timer. I downloaded it ages ago but have always been too afraid to have it running. I didn't want to be chasing lap time when I'm still learning my way around.

Best lap, Bridge to Gantry is 7:43.

I'm confident I can get below 7:40 with a clear lap and but while trying I get a transmission failure.

It says the transmission has over heated and it's not really a hot day. I'm stuck in 5th with about a third of a lap to go.

I managed to get to the car park and dump it. I check under the car and it's dry, so hopefully all okay. I'll let it cool down and see what it says on start up. Back to looking for an oil cooler upgrade.

It's a little frustrating as for the last two hours the track is almost empty.

cake eater

Original Poster:

760 posts

169 months

Monday 24th June
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I try to start the car but no go

As always MDL are on the end of the phone. I've tried the battery isolation switch off / on and no success.

MDL suggest touching the battery terminals together. I get the standard tools out and I can't believe how hot they are to the touch

I'll wait another couple of hours and if no go I'm calling Ferrari assistance.