Ferrari 458 new owner initial thoughts and ownership thread

Ferrari 458 new owner initial thoughts and ownership thread



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Saturday 27th June 2020
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So 24 hours in and a couple of drives I thought I would share some of the experience and some feedback on the car:

Collected yesterday from JCT in Leeds freshly serviced/MOT'd and ready to enjoy!

I had driven a different 458 previously so knew roughly what to expect but the first drive home was an experience I guess you only truly get once. As a bit of background this is the first supercar I've owned although I have extensive experience with Sportscars running a business in this field. Yes I'm afraid I'm a Lotus bore. Sorry. One of the things that having a Lotus does is basically ruin or try to ruin any car that you have afterwards as they are just do bloody good to drive.

This was the predecessor an Evora 410 Sport I had owned for 2 years buying new in 2018

These are truly superb cars. At 65k for a lightly used example they are amazing value for money and a much more capable/tactile and interesting alternative to a GT4 which is probably it's nearest rival. Other than some reasonably extensive QC issues when it was new I had 2 trouble free years in the Evora. It has the best power steering of any car I have ever driven and with it's super loud exhaust and aggressive cup 2 equipped setup it was a very focused car for a daily driver which is what I used it for. It was a manual (I do prefer autos for a daily but the Evora Auto isn't great and they delete the LSD from the spec of the single clutch auto too)

So anyway 458....Not a car I ever even dreamed I would own it sort of came out of nowhere really having been looking at 991.2 GT3s for quite a long time and also a brief flirt with swapping the Lotus for a 570s the fact that a Ferrari with hydraulic steering and a superb DCT gearbox was available for the same money I simply had to have one.

Initial thoughts are just dominated really by the engine and gearbox its just such a combination. It's a quick car not savagely fast like a 570 but not too far behind and no turbo lag makes up for it. As does the noise which is something I'm afraid a McLaren owner would only be able to play back through their stereo system (if it worked on the day wink ) The noise and aggression of the shifts is something you could just never tire of it's a proper proper thing this car!

Yesterday I had the chance to take it down a little back route to work and in Race mode its just incredible. One thing that surprised me is just how playful it is with the ECU allowing a flattering amount of oversteer. I've yet to try the CT setting but it feels pretty controllable and the super quick steering makes light work of dialing in opposite lock.

Steering I had limited expectations coming from the Evora I had to accept some dynamic compromise with this change and the steering is one area that does lack a bit of sparkle. It's loads better than the over servo'd 570 steering but still a way off what I've been spoilt with in the Evora.

One thing I do need to look at is the brakes. These are not good! I have read a few things about 458 brakes ranging from the brakes needing bedding in properly (I will be doing this procedure ASAP) to issues with servos but they are a bit inconsistent and really don't pull a 570BHP rocket up like you would think they would do with the size of the bloody things! It is capable of triggering the ABS so I suspect bedding the pads in again might bring some bite back. I had a similar thing when I installed new pads on a PCCB equipped Porsche.

One thing I really knew would be a negative for me is the attention I can see it getting a bit wearing after a while but I guess if you buy a bright red Ferrari everyone's going to have an opinion to voice about it. Early interactions have been positive with a few thumbs up etc they are a rare sight around here and green eyed negative reactions are something that's a clear and present danger something to be very mindful of. Already had a crazy Audi driver up my backside seemingly trying to impress his mate at keeping up with me in a line of traffic in a 40 zone! Hey ho!

So overall I'm happy its a completely ridiculous car to own and for me a real once in a lifetime thing that I'm going to savor every moment of. A Ferrari in the garage I mean it's just ludicrous right?


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Monday 29th June 2020
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Good luck I've never driven a 430 but wouldn't mind a go for a comparison


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Sunday 5th July 2020
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Cheers guys it's been a week although it's been back to the dealer already for the brakes looking at. After a run last weekend my feelings on the brakes were that there was something really not right. I'm finding the pedal a bit inconsistent particularly at higher speeds. It's been back in and bled and they have also replaced the rear pads. The front discs and pads were replaced already so I'm suspecting it's been n issue with this car before maybe. Since I got it back the pedal feel is improved but the bite and overall stopping power just isn't confidence inspiring to me. I've read many reports of the same issue so it may be just how they are but I'm going to arrange driving another one as a check. I understand the need to get heat into the ceramics I've had a Cayman with PCCB but I think we might have a more fundamental issue here but we'll see.

I've not experienced any negativity yet anyway which was a genuine worry. Up here in the North of England it can be a bit funny with people being jealous of cars. I had aggro when I had a nice Cayman and more aggro when I got my Evora so I was expecting incoming with the Fez but not experienced any yet in fact the few occasions I've pulled up somewhere people have been complementary. Ladies appear to like it too but I already have one of those so just an observation biggrin

For me the more important things are the steering which is actually pretty good. Jumping directly from the Evora it felt a little light but as the memory of that fades a little there is good detail in the 458 steering and the weighting is decent. Very quick rack which is great for catching slides. Another thing I've spotted with the car is what a dual personality it's got. Stick it in auto mode (the auto mode only really acts like none sport in a Porsche) it shuffles very quickly to 7th the compliance of the suspension is good and it's a really smooth drive but flick that manettino round to race mode and knock auto off it turns into a GT3 car! The rush of acceleration and immediacy of the box are properly intoxicating. I'm still feeling my way around the car at the moment but assessing it as a drivers car I'm relieved that yes it is a proper one. It's not overhyped by the jurnos (Mr Harris is always a worry on this front!) I noticed a few reviewers from back in the day commented it was the best car they had ever driven. I'm not sure I am ready to make that statement yet but it is a pretty exceptionally good car. I would be intrigued to hear from anyone that's had a 458 and gone to a McLaren and what the motivation was. I wouldn't swap the noise and steering for the additional pace of the macca.


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Sunday 5th July 2020
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Yeah for me as some background I'm not a Ferrari fanboy (I originally wanted a GT3) I have driven the McLarens but there are a whole host of reasons already listed above why I didn't get one. The 458 is just a better car as a driver' car than the Mac. The Mac is just really a super quick car. I detest the turbo lag and the horrid noise the exhaust makes. Each to their own but I can't understand why given a free choice you would want one in the garage over a 458 hence my question earlier being genuinely interested to see what people's decision making process in going that way was. The 458 isn't exactly a rare car so unsure what that will mean for values. I'm really critical on cars (see Jayemm's comments above - Lotus guys are always hard to impress) but the 458 is a pretty sensational thing it feels ahead of other cars I have driven like the 570 in terms of dynamics and even the box is still better than most current cars.

Order66 what is the remote control you have fitted? I have seen reference to the scud pads are these specific ceramic pads you fit?


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Sunday 12th July 2020
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Well a bit of an update a pretty boring one. I haven't had chance to have another proper drive yet I did go to work in it Saturday and was planning an epic 40 mile drive home but got tied up with other things and ended up just trundling home!

One thing I hadn't had chance to do was swap over the incorrect trickle charger fly lead I had in the car and set up the charger. After a week of inactivity you could see the dash lights dimming a bit on startup so I was keen to get this little job done over the weekend

I had bought a genuine ctek extension lead to run up behind the seat to make connecting the charger easier

I also installed a garage sign I bought. I have Porsche/Lotus and Vauxhall ones that were £80 each the Fez one was £250. My first taste of Ferrari tax I'm sure not the last!

I'm in negotiations with the Mrs at the moment to have a bit of downtime and myself and a pal are looking at having a little drive to Modena. Watch this space!


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Tuesday 21st July 2020
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chippy348 said:
What year is your 458 fridaypassion ?

Why i ask is mine is a late 2012 car and the lack of exhaust note on the over run is a bit disappointing also not confirmed yet as i have not driven it really hard but mine does not give that raspy "auto blip" on the throttle on the down shifts, from memory it does not give much of a blip at all.

I have read the 2011 on cars had different software up-dates, but mine sounds really tame
Mines a 12/62. The trick with the downshifts is race mode and change down higher up the revs than you may think like 4/4.5k that gets it going biggrin


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Tuesday 21st July 2020
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Gibbo205 said:
Of topic but may I ask where you get your Ferrari sign from please in your garage?
Ebay special!


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Tuesday 21st July 2020
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Made a bit of progress with the brakes. Unbelievably I think whats happened is I have had a car with the brakes completely not bedded in!

I can't remember if mentioned earlier in the thread but the car had a full front axle set as part of the prep apparently a chip on one or both front discs so the whole lot is new. Plus rear pads changed now too.

I noticed after my efforts at seeing how close I could get to crashing by not drawing up on the approach to corners that the front discs were half and half in terms of shade. I figured out that the front pads were only contacting half the disc surface! So last weekend I carved out an hour to take the car out and go on a proper bedding in mission.

So several 80 to 40 stops plus 10 *20 to 80 stops has brought some life in to the brakes. I got them hot enough to smell the pad material which is finally properly transferring to the disc. Will probably do another session but the pedal feel is much improved and finally some confidence in the stoppers! It has been slightly unnerving to have bought a car from a main dealer though and them to be frankly so fecking clueless on this! Is this normal from F dealers? Bear in mind that it's been back in once shortly after purchase for this issue and old luddite here has fixed it when their "top tech" declared the brakes the same as any other 458. Needless to say we will be travelling for next year's service. Safe to say I now have zero confidence in their technical ability I feel this was a pretty simple issue. I'm pretty sure this car could have caused an accident in the state it was in previously!

One thing I'm pretty sure of is 570BHP in the fashion this car delivers it is more than enough for the road! It's so quick it just rips through those first 3 gears truly savage performance! I love how it writhes around it does slip and slide a bit especially in race mode and the TC although a good safety net I think it leaves enough on hand to enable you to get in trouble if you don't have some driving skill.

I certainly wouldn't want this thread to derail into a McLaren bashing thread but it's such a more tactile car than a 570. The 570 you could just stick your foot down and the very advanced electronic systems just manage everything so it feels quite clinical. The chassis is vastly better on the 570 though that was something that shone through the accompanying ride quality was something the Fez can't get anywhere near with its more traditional construction. The engine and noise plus better steering more than make up for it though!

Edited by fridaypassion on Tuesday 21st July 20:29


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Wednesday 29th July 2020
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Yeah I'm nearly there with mine I have a far far better initial bite than it had when I first got it. I still can't quite believe a main dealer could send a car out without the brakes bedded in on a carbon ceramic car but hey ho it looks like I've sorted it! The brakes still aren't anywhere close to McLaren levels I suspect a larger master cylinder would ultimately sort it. I had a Cayman with PCCB and we fitted a GT3 MC to that and it was a great mod giving much better.

So anyway almost a month in and it still has the capacity to scare me which is always a good thing! Race mode with bumpy road activated is amazing when it's up on it's toes. Decent weight to the steering and as I have found it's a car best driven at a brisk pace it's really rewarding when you get into the groove but it certainly requires your full attention to keep it in that sweet spot. The shift is just amazing. Back when the car was new it must have been like something beemed in from the future!

Stuff that's not so good? That fecking throttle! What an odd setup it is with the well documented hair trigger thing you are like a nodding dog driving normally but yet it seems like the back 30% of the peddle travel doesn't really do anything? I think this looking into a bigger master cylinder would be two things I would invest some time and effort into sorting if the car was a longer term keeper. I plan to keep it for 2 years so I think I can cope.

The planned trip to Modena has been put on ice but I'm still quite keen to do "something" with he car so thinking of NC500 maybe September.


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Thursday 30th July 2020
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Pah give your heads a wobble! We have both bought recently and we are taking a bath probably on the price regardless. Just drive it! I couldn't care less about the miles I'm in it for 2 years maybe 3 if I fancy it and it's chopped in for something else fruity probably a GT3 or maybe a Huracan.

I wouldn't say I'm in love with it its not that sort of car for me and its the first car I've ever owned on a pcp type arrangement so I know going into it that is not something I'll be handing down to my lad and keeping for and extended period. I have a wonderful Lotus Elise that is all those things for me.

It's an event it's that box you can feel very lucky to tick that you've had one. Also the other thing with ferrari for me there's no upgrade path as I would never have a turbocharged car so I think that's holding me back from becoming a fan boy! Really enjoying it for now anyway I think you do need to be in full attack mode to see the best of it I would agree that at lower speeds you may as well be driving a Golf it doesn't have that low speed tactility of say a Porsche and certainly not a Lotus. I have a business trip to Hinkley coming up which rarely for me I don't need to be in my van for but I won't go in the 458 as sitting on the motorway is not really what it's about.


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Thursday 30th July 2020
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Yeah that's my approach. Like today it's raining so I'll go to work as normal in my van but tomorrow the forecast is one of the best days for ages so Rarri out - 50 mile commute into work and probably the same home.

The way I look at it we are going to get bent over come service time, the way you need to drive it it will need rear tyres every 2k, theres a 15k premium for buying through a dealer. Life's too short just drive it. I did notice that all the used stock tends to have 20k on it I guess the guys that bought them new or with very low mileage will have lost way more than we could ever even try to loose. I think if you are buying at circa 20 (I sacrificed a bit of spec and went for one with a fresh service and 17500 miles) and probably be out of it with 24 to 26k on the clock hopefully if values recover in 2021 it might have been a 20k exercise which would work out at a similar burn rate to the new Lotus Evora I had in 2018.

Again my view is it's something to really savor for 2 years and then it's a handy tool to chop in for something else. I think at this level the 458 is about the best thing you can own for lack of depreciation which will be the main cost in owning any supercar these days.


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Thursday 30th July 2020
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JCT where Reg and i both bought our car from had sold all of the 6 they had in last time I spoke to them!


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Thursday 30th July 2020
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Not feeling the depreciation on those!


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Saturday 1st August 2020
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Well a most unexpected day today for me I've had the 458 on track!

This was a bit random but my usual track hack has some metal bits floating about in the oil so had to park that whilst we redo some bearings. I had the day booked and some friends attending that I hadn't seen for a while so I threw caution to the wind and decided to take the Fez!

Only stayed the morning and did 3 little sessions just taking mates out but it was really good and not something I really ever thought I would do with it! I took it pretty steady and still lapped only 10 seconds a lap slower than my 400 bhp VX220 track car which I thought was pretty impressive considering I was really driving like miss Daisy! It felt pretty planted I left it in race there was no heroics with the other two settings! A couple of the tighter corners you could really feel the electronics interfering but in the main its not too intrusive. My passengers really enjoyed it anyway it's really a very nice part of the ownership of the car to share it with people.


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Saturday 1st August 2020
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Yeah couple of Radicals there today.

The brakes were very good actually no problems I think they are properly bedded in now so certainly no SSF moments we have a proper bite on the pads now. I wasn't really braking late or really leaning on them but there was good modulation and one of my passengers did comment he thought the brakes were awesome so we must be getting there!


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Monday 3rd August 2020
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Javelins Photographer was on good form!


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Tuesday 4th August 2020
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Just fell off this morning officer biggrin It's in the frunk biggrin


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Thursday 6th August 2020
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Wow did you Reg?


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Thursday 6th August 2020
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I'm liking the pricing I think I might sell mine!


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Thursday 6th August 2020
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JCT had knocked 5k off all of their 458 Stock. Seemed to do the job!