Re-type...just found Ferrari's new home!

Re-type...just found Ferrari's new home!


bulldog 1

Original Poster:

76 posts

196 months

Monday 21st October 2013
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I'm just about coming up to my first year of owning a 360. For that reason I haven't needed to jump onto this forum to ask for any advice/opinions.

On a seperate note the 360 is a great entry level car into the world of Ferrari ownership. Those looking for great performance and the Ferrari logo on their vehicle without the £100k budget, wouldn't go far wrong with a 360.

What has crossed my mind is that we love to discuss our cars but surely it wouldn't be such a big deal to have a Sunday Meeting.

So I put it out there, would anybody be interested in meeting up one Sunday in the North London Area? Any tackers?


373 posts

242 months

Monday 21st October 2013
quotequote all
now if you copy and paste the suggestion on all the sub forums and the Maserati as well as Mclaren you will have accomplished what you used to do by posting once prior to this new idiotic undemocratic change!!!