993 GT2



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245 months

Saturday 3rd November 2007
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Saw a very nice one @ my local OPC in Colchester.. Haven't seen it on the roads , must be some ones pride and joy, looks like you only live down the road from me smile I'll get some pics up when I get them of my moby...


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1,878 posts

245 months

Saturday 3rd November 2007
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Apologies for quality, only had mobile to hand...

I'll take em down if owner doesn't approve smile


Original Poster:

1,878 posts

245 months

Saturday 3rd November 2007
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Crikey, well spotted, I suppose not many being around you guys get to know the finer details!!

It had proper bucket seat/harnesses inside, looked normal TT dash..

Also in the service bay was a stunning 996 GT3RS with well 'toed in' BBS's.. Looked like a right track slag bow


Original Poster:

1,878 posts

245 months

Saturday 3rd November 2007
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Did you notice the Ruf on the number plate ?