Macans hot for theft?



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275 months

Wednesday 17th January
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I'm in London and have heard of two Macans being stolen last couple days. Low mileage, late models. One had less than 1k miles on it... (the other I don't know).

Always thought that SUV theft focussed around Land Rovers and Mercedes. But both the above were very very targeted thefts, they just wanted to take THAT car, nothing opportunistic.

I'm aware car crime is through the roof now, but curious as to whether we're seeing Macans as being the new Range Rovers in terms of theft? Or just coincidence?


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1,649 posts

275 months

Wednesday 17th January
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Neither car had keyless entry...


Original Poster:

1,649 posts

275 months

Wednesday 31st January
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Charlie_1 said:
Why does anyone want keyless it only brings issues solving a problem that doesn't exist
My BMW has it. Before buying it I thought I'll just deactivate it. But, being open minded and all that, I thought: "given I've actually paid for this, one way or another, lets give it a go." (I didn't spec the car.)

Turns out it is actually useful and makes the process that little bit easier. A bit like an electric closing tailgate (another useless option in my book, but which has proved more useful than I originally thought, especially with the wave the foot thingy). It just adds a very small layer of comfort. "Comfort by 1000 cuts" I call it... Would I actually seek it and spec it individually, no.

The only time its particularly useful is when I'm away and the valeter need to access the car, I can lock & unlock the car from wherever.

Btw, at least for BMW, I believe that around 2019 they changed the design of how this stuff works so that the risk of being intercepted was considerably reduced - I "think" (hope!).

Edited by RiccardoG on Wednesday 31st January 12:29


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1,649 posts

275 months

Thursday 21st March
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Far Cough said:
The question is , where are they all going ??

It's not difficult to add to the security of the car with a DIY tracker and a steering lock which is what I'll be doing from now on. It won't stop it if they really want it but it may make them move onto the next one instead.
Trust me, they really want them. The one I wrote about originally I actually saw the thieves as the alarm was going off. They ran off and came back after a short while. I called the police who promptly arrived. Eventually the police left (took statements, searched local area, etc, a good job, as much as they could reasonably do). Later the same night the thieves must have come back as by the morning it was gone. They even kindly took the baby seat out and left it on the pavement!

Also, the driver door handle was taken off and was on the floor, presumably how they get in.


Original Poster:

1,649 posts

275 months

Thursday 18th April
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Timely... my neighbour recently received his replacement Macan recently too. Impressed it went so quick between having original car stolen and the brand new replacement arrive.

The "joke" is now will it make it to its first service??