New Macan GTS - residuals?

New Macan GTS - residuals?



Original Poster:

1,589 posts

249 months

Wednesday 31st May 2023
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Been offered a July build on a new GTS which I suspect I will only keep for 6/12 months max. I wondered what peoples experiences of current residuals are like please? Won’t be going mad with spec to be fair, maybe £5K of “essentials”. Will I potentially be taking a bath or likely get near cost price back? Wonder what current waiting list is like?


249 posts

155 months

Wednesday 31st May 2023
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I should think you'll be more than fine when you come too sell, especially after the recent price increase.

Not sure on current lead times, but I pick mine up in 2 weeks after a 19 month wait.


152 posts

24 months

Wednesday 31st May 2023
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Depends what you expect it to cost you?

Some at main dealers for £78k or so now.

If you were to walk in with your 6-12 month old one, in a years time, I reckon you will be looking at around £70k, so £63k trade in?

it's going to cost you £10-15k if you want to swap it fast.

We were told Q3 delivery around a month back might be possible, or early Q4.

Edit: missed you "get near cost back?"

No chance, you wouldn't get that now.


140 posts

193 months

Sunday 27th August 2023
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Can add some colour to this one, 8 month old Macan 2.0 with some £17k of options - offered £47k with 10k on clock. Every other similar car is selling £65k +
The options are very desirable, crayon paint - fully coded, 18 ways seats, pano roof, tow bar, surround cameras full leather interior and 21 inch wheels.

The guy said they need to make £15k in resale to cover costs.
Not sure how much more a GTS a would be but that’s quite a bath.
Clearly a private sale would be better!


1,931 posts

222 months

Sunday 27th August 2023
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The market seems to be back to where it was. Expect to loose £10-15k the second you take a car out of the showroom. The order books have opened up, the waits for a new build are dropping, so nobody wants to pay near list when you can order a car for delivery in a couple of months.


556 posts

126 months

Sunday 27th August 2023
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OPCs appear to be aiming for £15k to £25k spread on mainstream cars and more on GTs and Turbos.

It’s crazy and anyone who buys into it either has extremely deep pockets or a screw loose.



Original Poster:

1,589 posts

249 months

Sunday 27th August 2023
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Interesting thanks.

Yes I’m sitting tight meantime. Maybe change routes and go for another BMW -touring M3.


5,374 posts

197 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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simonsti said:
I should think you'll be more than fine when you come too sell, especially after the recent price increase.

Not sure on current lead times, but I pick mine up in 2 weeks after a 19 month wait.
Sadly, I think you would be anything but fine. I would guess at least a 20k hit if selling to trade.


814 posts

96 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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_speedyellow_ said:
The guy said they need to make £15k in resale to cover costs.
15k for what?? to place a couple adds on line and to have a sales person have a chat with a potential customer. potentially add a warranty at circa 2k. all these dealers have lost the plot!!


25,143 posts

186 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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finmac said:
Interesting thanks.

Yes I’m sitting tight meantime. Maybe change routes and go for another BMW -touring M3.
Watch this one go through collecting cars to give you an idea, I suspect it won't meet its reserve unless the seller "needs" to move it on, I wouldn't be buying a \n M3 touring if losing money on a Macan put you off. I think every Touring that has been on there has failed to sell FYI.


1,350 posts

59 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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Wills2 said:
Watch this one go through collecting cars to give you an idea, I suspect it won't meet its reserve unless the seller "needs" to move it on, I wouldn't be buying a \n M3 touring if losing money on a Macan put you off. I think every Touring that has been on there has failed to sell FYI.

Can you recall what the others didn’t sell for?

Just looking at the bmw config they are 86k plus paint plus ultimate pack - so around 98, 99k without anything else added.


556 posts

126 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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£55k - £60k trade in 12 months.


1,931 posts

222 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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Austin_Metro said:
Can you recall what the others didn’t sell for?

Just looking at the bmw config they are 86k plus paint plus ultimate pack - so around 98, 99k without anything else added.
That is ridiculous. It's a £70k car. Anybody paying £100k for one of those is off their head.


25,143 posts

186 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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Austin_Metro said:
Can you recall what the others didn’t sell for?

Just looking at the bmw config they are 86k plus paint plus ultimate pack - so around 98, 99k without anything else added.
The one I linked to failed to sell at 76k, can't remember the others


Original Poster:

1,589 posts

249 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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I agree re M3 touring price, ££90K odd for a 3 series BMW is nuts I’m planning hanging back till spring and reassess market then, suspect they are going to take a serious kicking over winter, there’s already 62 for sale on Autotrader


135 posts

182 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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Maserati Grecale? I’ve driven the Trofeo and it was quite something - fit and finish is really good - miles away from the Maseratis of old.


Original Poster:

1,589 posts

249 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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Interested in peoples views on Macan EV. Do we think it will drop like a stone as per the Taycan?

Far Cough

2,354 posts

179 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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DMC2 said:
The market seems to be back to where it was. Expect to loose £10-15k the second you take a car out of the showroom. The order books have opened up, the waits for a new build are dropping, so nobody wants to pay near list when you can order a car for delivery in a couple of months.
Can confirm this ....... was offered £25k less than the OPC`s were selling identical cars at when looking to part ex for a brand new one. Cost to change was too high so I`ll stick with what I have until the numbers become more sensible.


25,143 posts

186 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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finmac said:
Interested in peoples views on Macan EV. Do we think it will drop like a stone as per the Taycan?
I think people need to forget about the aberration that has been the last 3 years, the GFV on the finance agreement will tell you all you need to know in terms of your exposure via the back stop they are willing to provide.

RS Guy

279 posts

30 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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finmac said:
Interested in peoples views on Macan EV. Do we think it will drop like a stone as per the Taycan?
Yes I'd be interested as well, looking to order next year.