Porsche Panamera 971 Turbo damaged by Air Filter?

Porsche Panamera 971 Turbo damaged by Air Filter?



1,126 posts

125 months

Wednesday 3rd May 2023
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RobBell737 said:
Finally got a repair bill.

The dealer is still saying not covered by warranty but Porsche customer care are now involved and are looking at making a payment towards the repair although they are also looking into it being covered by warranty!!!

I can’t quite read all the info in your quotes, as the attachments are a little grainy, but it seems they’ve quoted you around £2500 in parts, main items being £1600 for a turbo, and £650 for an intercooler, plus lots of other little bolts and gaskets. Then a labour cost of £2700.

I’d want to understand what level of damage is on the turbo; I’d be surprised if a section of paper air filter had caused damage to the cold side of the turbo that couldn’t be repaired. Turbo rebuilds and repairs will be way less than the cost of a new turbo.

Also, if they are replacing the intercooler, then I’d want to understand what the damage to it is. Even if the turbo charger sucked in a section of the air filter, and then spat it out into the intercooler, it’s conceivable that the IC could be cleaned, checked and then pressure tested.

The labour cost is fair enough, there will be a book rate for bumper removal, intercooler and turbo removal and replacement. Porsche are not known for their low labour costs…

If Porsche are digging their heels in and refuse to pay for any of the parts, then I’d investigate getting a quote from an independent to get the turbo checked and rebuilt, get the whole air inlet system cleaned and checked, and finally replace the air filter.


Original Poster:

12 posts

15 months

Tuesday 6th June 2023
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Finally been told why its not covered: Very Vague...

External factors or events outside our control (including, but not limited to accident, hail, flooding or other extreme weather conditions, war or anything caused directly or indirectly by war, riot, fire, invasion, civil unrest, revolution, terrorism, vandalism, theft or attempted theft of or from the Vehicle or similar event); or any act or omission that is negligent or against the law;


9,462 posts

204 months

Wednesday 7th June 2023
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if the cars under an extended warranty speak to the warranty co and maybe time to let them know you'd like to put in a Financial Ombudsman Service complaint. Its a financial product and the cars not fit for purpose in the UK if going through some standing water does this. Its not like you've been caught in a armegeddon like storm.


696 posts

268 months

Wednesday 7th June 2023
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Is this a common problem with the Panamera turbo engine, you said someone else had it as well. I ask as I might consider one in due course.


Original Poster:

12 posts

15 months

Tuesday 31st October 2023
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Finally won my case through the Financial Ombudsman so if anybody else has the same issue it should be covered under the warranty.

The Wookie

14,003 posts

231 months

Tuesday 31st October 2023
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Great result and the right result. Thanks for reporting the conclusion


6,477 posts

258 months

Tuesday 31st October 2023
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Well done ... if a wet air filter can be so damaging, why place it in such a vulnerable place ??


644 posts

24 months

Tuesday 31st October 2023
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Well done on sticking it out.

These disputes can be very trying. Common sense goes out of the window and it's problematic to prove your position, despite it being evidently sensible.

[Having a dashcam can be useful. If they state you've driven through deep water recently, let them trawl through 8 hours of dashcam footage.]


9,462 posts

204 months

Wednesday 1st November 2023
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RobBell737 said:
Finally won my case through the Financial Ombudsman so if anybody else has the same issue it should be covered under the warranty.
Great news. What is still disappointing for me though is:

a) the time and hassle many OPCs put their customers through with untenable , ridiculous and unhelpful positions they take on warranty claims

b) that they continue to be ignorant about the nature of what an extended warranty on their customers Porsches are

c) and finally that many OPCs will continue to be unhelpful with similar claims on Panamera in the future although many OPCs read these boards and know they'll have their butts politely handed to them in a FOS complaint


3,564 posts

224 months

Friday 3rd November 2023
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Really odd reading this as an OPC mentioned to me recently about this problem and said not to worry about it. I’d never heard about it before but thought it was odd. Obviously this is a bigger problem for an OPC to defensively mention it when I had said nothing. Hmm.


4 posts

6 months

Wednesday 24th January
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RobBell737 said:
Finally won my case through the Financial Ombudsman so if anybody else has the same issue it should be covered under the warranty.
Hi Rob

I am now facing the exact issue! How did you get them to pay for this as they are saying its not covered and want me to fork out for the repair bill?

Is there a case reference with the financial ombudsman?

Edited by Jtrv1 on Wednesday 24th January 16:31


Original Poster:

12 posts

15 months

Wednesday 24th January
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Sorry to hear that.

Which Porsche dealership are you dealing with? Open a case with the Financial Ombudsman and they will pursue Real Garant Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft the insurance underwriters of the warranty.

Have they said why it’s not covered?


4 posts

6 months

Wednesday 24th January
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RobBell737 said:
Sorry to hear that.

Which Porsche dealership are you dealing with? Open a case with the Financial Ombudsman and they will pursue Real Garant Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft the insurance underwriters of the warranty.

Have they said why it’s not covered?
I’m dealing with Porsche Sutton.
They are saying that I’ve driven it through water but I’ve only been driving it on motorways. The filter has the exact same damage as yours.
The cars got 60000 miles on it and they have never checked the filter as they are saying they haven't needed to as it’s Every 80K Miles / 120K Kms or every 6 Years as per service schedule. They are asking me for 8k to fix it


4 posts

6 months

Wednesday 24th January
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RobBell737 said:
Finally won my case through the Financial Ombudsman so if anybody else has the same issue it should be covered under the warranty.
Do you have the ombudsman decision by any chance so I can forward it to them?

They want me to claim though my insurance


9,462 posts

204 months

Wednesday 24th January
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Reading stuff like this really does put me off buying a new Porsche. Awful.


Original Poster:

12 posts

15 months

Wednesday 24th January
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I don’t anymore.

They tried the same with me.

Insurance won’t be interested as it’s not flood damage.

They will try and claim “external influences” which is very vague and they have to prove that’s what’s caused it so I would just go straight to the financial ombudsman with your complaint. There’s a clear issue with the vehicle and even a safety recall for water ingress.

It’s such a shame that Porsche won’t honour the warranty when this has clearly happened to multiple vehicles.

The Wookie

14,003 posts

231 months

Wednesday 24th January
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Jtrv1 said:
I’m dealing with Porsche Sutton.
They are saying that I’ve driven it through water but I’ve only been driving it on motorways. The filter has the exact same damage as yours.
The cars got 60000 miles on it and they have never checked the filter as they are saying they haven't needed to as it’s Every 80K Miles / 120K Kms or every 6 Years as per service schedule. They are asking me for 8k to fix it
Coldfield? I know them fairly well and they’re usually pretty reasonable, I’ve only once had a mild pushback for a water ingress warranty claim and they backed down as soon as I reminded them of who had been charging me to clear out the rain gutters for the car’s whole life!

I’m actually there to drop off the old man’s Cayenne tomorrow, I can mention to them that there’s been a recent ombudsman’s ruling that isn’t in their favour if you like?

Worth bearing in mind that there’s been a lot of flooded roads around here recently, they must have a fair few people in who have drowned their cars, particularly Panameras

K800 RUM

352 posts

195 months

Thursday 25th January
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Replacing an air filter every six years or 80K miles seems absolutely crazy to me. What sort of servicing schedule is that?

Alex Z

1,228 posts

79 months

Thursday 25th January
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That does seem incredibly long.


26,709 posts

184 months

Thursday 8th February
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K800 RUM said:
Replacing an air filter every six years or 80K miles seems absolutely crazy to me. What sort of servicing schedule is that?
Presumably a consequence of offering fixed-price servicing... When it's a serious job to get to they push it down the line until it's beyond the scope of any service plan.