Store or Sell? 981 Boxster S

Store or Sell? 981 Boxster S



Original Poster:

3,107 posts

174 months

Monday 27th May
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There's a possibility of me taking an international posting for 2-3 years with work. Can't take the car with me.

In brief: 2014 Boxster S, spent a decent amount getting it very well sorted and has the perfect specification (PASM / Sport Chrono / Sports Exhaust etc.)

There's about 9k left on some very cheap finance, valuations for sale are coming in at ±28.3k.

I could sell it, clear the finance and use the 20k to invest / save short term and then in 2-3 years come back and re-buy something else.

I could also store it for 2-3 years and know that it will be here when I get back to the UK. I've looked into car storage in Scotland and it seems it would be 25-35 per week, on a battery conditioner, stored securely and started / warmed up once a month. This ends up being cheaper than what it costs to insure and tax it so it's not exactly breaking the bank.

What issues might there be if I have it stored for 2-3 years? Am I daft to consider storing something as relatively mundane as a 2014 Boxster?

A little torn, any experiences/knowledge appreciated.


Original Poster:

3,107 posts

174 months

Monday 27th May
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av185 said:
Reckon your proposal would possibly work for up to 12 months but not for around two and a half years
Yeah, that's what I was sort of thinking. I was going to sell my motorbike, but I'm really loathe to sell the Boxster after all the money I've put into maintaining it to a high standard. Feels like crystalising losses.


Original Poster:

3,107 posts

174 months

Monday 27th May
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Youforreal. said:
Storage long term would be no problem, starting ever month and running up to temp would be a no no in my book, just leave well alone for 6/7 months and once summer comes a run every month for 20 odd mile and you’ll have no issues with 2/3 year storage….ohh and a charger 24/7 obviously.
I would likely not be back in the UK for long enough to make taking it out of storage worthwhile just to run it. Especially if it's stored a good distance from home.


Original Poster:

3,107 posts

174 months

Wednesday 29th May
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DarkVeil said:
Why can't you take the car with you? Will you not need a car where you are going?
Gulf state, car would have to be under 5 years old, 4% import levy as well.

No, I'll probably just use Uber and the Metro while I'm here. Far easier.


Original Poster:

3,107 posts

174 months

Wednesday 29th May
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guyvert1 said:
For an <£30k car I'd sell it, invest in something reasonably stable (not BTC smile) You'll then save all the hassle of storage/maintainance etc etc and buy something when you get back with you ill gotten gains ...
Yeah, I'm leaning that way.

(already looking at cars to buy when I get back, if indeed I do make the move)


Original Poster:

3,107 posts

174 months

Thursday 30th May
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Paulm4 said:
Where about in Scotland are you? You can store it on my driveway if you like, I'm happy to take it for a spin every so often to stop it from deteriorating smile
Hah, not the first offer I've had for that 'service'.

It's unlikely I would be re-buying another 981S after returning, as others have stated, even after crystalising the losses versus what I've paid to have done on the car, the opportunity is probably still better to sell, utilise the funds elsewhere, and then on return find something newer.