Factory Collection?

Factory Collection?



Original Poster:

1,588 posts

245 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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Anyone done it recently? Is it even possible still post Brexit?


2,087 posts

183 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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When I enquired (UK based) this summer I was told it was off due to Covid at the moment.
I am hoping that it’s back on next spring once the winter tyres in Germany thing finishes.


Original Poster:

1,588 posts

245 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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bigmowley said:
When I enquired (UK based) this summer I was told it was off due to Covid at the moment.
I am hoping that it’s back on next spring once the winter tyres in Germany thing finishes.
Interested to hear how you get on? What are you hoping to collect?


2,087 posts

183 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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PTS 718 Spyder. Due to start build December so on current form ready by April redface


Original Poster:

1,588 posts

245 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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bigmowley said:
PTS 718 Spyder. Due to start build December so on current form ready by April redface