Show off your GT, past and present...

Show off your GT, past and present...



Original Poster:

465 posts

138 months

Thursday 17th October 2013
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The 911/Carrera GT thread wouldn't be complete without a GTx picture thread... smile


Original Poster:

465 posts

138 months

Thursday 17th October 2013
quotequote all
kingstondc5][/img said:
Hopefully this thread will just be full of pics and not people sucking each other off/comments...
Totally agree Kingstonc5 - pics and GT-related light-banter/chat only.

My first GT - 7.2 CS, ceramics, lift etc. Not many cars put a smile on your face like a 3 does. Still regret selling it. It's only after selling it you realise just how special these are. Best car i've ever owned. Hope to have another, soon smile

Mmmmm not really a GT, more a C2S in a frock, but shares the first 2 letters so worth a mention?...