MASSIVE Insurance Increase After Passing Your Test

MASSIVE Insurance Increase After Passing Your Test



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27,055 posts

266 months

Thursday 2nd September 2010
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My 17 yr old daughter is learning to drive and I found the insurance premiums quite reasonable at £700ish for a 1.4 206.

However a friend's son has just passed and warned me that once he told the insurers he'd passed his insureance increased massively.

TBH it never even occured to me that I should notify the insurers when my daughter passes but I have just checked and her £700 premium goes up to over £2200 !!!

Am I alone in not knowing about this ?

Had I known TBH I wouldn't have got her a car as she's a student and probably going to be for another 4 years.

Any bright ideas for lower premiums I've checked various cars and none seem to be much lower including 998cc Micras etc


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27,055 posts

266 months

Thursday 2nd September 2010
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I just assumed that the insurance was for a year, no one is a learner for long hence the cover was for them learning and passing the test.

Similarly if you get points during the year your insurance doesn't go up but it does when you renew.

We are both on her policy as named drivers.

Seeing the minimal fines for no insurance I can understand why many 'choose' the option.

However I think we'll get her to pass the test, then sell the car.



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27,055 posts

266 months

Thursday 2nd September 2010
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McSam said:
redgriff500 said:
I just assumed that the insurance was for a year, no one is a learner for long hence the cover was for them learning and passing the test.

Similarly if you get points during the year your insurance doesn't go up but it does when you renew.

We are both on her policy as named drivers.

Seeing the minimal fines for no insurance I can understand why many 'choose' the option.

However I think we'll get her to pass the test, then sell the car.

The fine is up to five grand and imprisonment is a possibility, as I recall.. Get quotes from elsewhere! I've just ran one with my company, for a girl who turned 17 last month, has held her licence for 0 months, on a W-reg 3-door 1.4 206 LX, doing up to 6,000 miles and leaving it on the street overnight, with my parents as named drivers: £1160 fully comp for a ten-month policy.
I've just run 2 more quotes with comparison sites and both are around £2k

I even tried Tesco who won't quote until shes 18 and even then its £1800


Original Poster:

27,055 posts

266 months

Thursday 2nd September 2010
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McSam said:
Comparison sites are about as much use as chocolate fire-pokers.

Managed to get it down to £1320.

They had quoted much higher on the comparison sites.

They are £200 more on her provisional... or is that because some are 'buying' the provisional business as they then screw you when you get your licence.



Original Poster:

27,055 posts

266 months

Thursday 2nd September 2010
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We went for TPFT as TP was only £50 cheaper.

I tried adding her to my wife's A6 TDi and the premium went up £1600 and my wife was unwilling to risk her NCB too.


Original Poster:

27,055 posts

266 months

Thursday 2nd September 2010
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standfree93 said:
Same as me, I passed my test just over a month ago, my insurance is around £2400 for a 1.25 Fiesta, 2002.
Ah but you are a boy (I presume)

And a Fiesta is Group 6