Why do Women sit so close to the Steering Wheel?

Why do Women sit so close to the Steering Wheel?



Original Poster:

12,803 posts

280 months

Monday 2nd March 2009
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Does anyone have a sensible reason for this?

Makes me laugh when you see someone wedged up so close to the wheel, when you know they are of a similar height to a guy that would have the seat 3 or 4 notches back and have a "bit" of a ben in the arms. See it all the time, women sat so close it looks painfull, but when she gets out she will be a totally normal or even tall in height.



Original Poster:

12,803 posts

280 months

Monday 2nd March 2009
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Nothing to do with height you see average height or tall women get out most of the time with the wheel MUCH closer than you would for a man of similar height.

It amazes me how you turn the wheel with the arms so bent.

I think they think they are closer therefor the THEY MUST be More in control.

Did not think on the airbag thing.

Maybe it is driver instructor lead?


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

280 months

Monday 2nd March 2009
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flemke said:
jellison said:
Nothing to do with height you see average height or tall women get out most of the time with the wheel MUCH closer than you would for a man of similar height.

It amazes me how you turn the wheel with the arms so bent.

I think they think they are closer therefor the THEY MUST be More in control.

Did not think on the airbag thing.

Maybe it is driver instructor lead?
It depends on what you mean by "so close".
Most drivers sit too far away for optimal efficiency and control, as it happens.
Ok I sit much like most men I think arms a little bent (certainly not straight), say at 140deg's.

Most women even the short ones sit much closer than the should (assuming they can reach the peddles) with arms closer to 90 degress!

My other half is 5' 2" but could defo sit back one of two notches and still reach the pedals and not have VERY bent arms.

Good point on the claims for women being so close resulting in mORE claims where the have hit the airbag or the actual wheel, as the are so close and the belt would barely have a have a chance to react.


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

280 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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I am not saying I sit with my arms straight. I am not that tall but sit a reasonable distance from the wheel, with a reasonable bend in my arms.

Just as an example a women at my work I parked next to this morning (same hieght as me) had her seat rammed so far forward it was CRAZY - you could fit a baby Hippo behind her e seat and it was a 2+2 VW Convertible.

I think it is some basic insecurity thing - can't put my finger on it but god it is stupid.


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12,803 posts

280 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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I give up - i'd haul evey women off the road sitting right up against the screen and take their license off them.


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12,803 posts

280 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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Zen. said:
jellison said:
I think it is some basic insecurity thing - can't put my finger on it but god it is stupid.
A bit like men with small Penis syndrome, where they buy a bigger faster car then try and hound others off the road?
I drive a Puma. How about you, you do not appear to own a car on your profile....

No ladies offering and sebsible reasoning for sitting right ontop of the steering wheel even if their legs are long enough to sit a good bit further back (i.e. not with face almost on the dash!/ airbag).

Edited by jellison on Tuesday 3rd March 14:40


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

280 months

Wednesday 4th March 2009
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Exact so this sitting a sensible distance back with moderately bent arms (assuming you can operate all pedals) make perfect sense for ALL woth most cars have Power steering. Absolutesly ZERO reason why most Women need to sit right on top of the Wheel! Lokks stupid, but also a crap idea on safety grounds.


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

280 months

Wednesday 4th March 2009
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I bet most wimin will have there Elbows on the top of the wheel or the 10 to 2 positions!