What did I see today? Blue light convoy?

What did I see today? Blue light convoy?



Original Poster:

4,121 posts

211 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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Happily motoring along at a decent lick (about 85) and noticed in the RVM two BMW's fast approaching in both lane 1 and lane 2 of a dual carraigeway, both with flashing headlights (strobe) and small blue strobes mounted in the bonnet grille and sirens.

They came past me at a fair rate (circa 100-110mph) and were both black, blacked out windows (inc front passenger glass) new shape BMW 3-Series, debadged but no exhaust so assume diesels but with the large wheels. Nice.

About ~15 seconds later two new style Range Rovers passed at a similar speed, again, both black with blacked out windows... These had blue strobes in the bonnet but no flashing headlights or no siren.

No flags on the bonnet or distinguishing plates! All cars looked a little too 'prestige' and clean to be undercover police vehicles ?


Original Poster:

4,121 posts

211 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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A23 between Brighton and Gatwick Airport.

I couldn't see into the cars properly (even the BMW's) as all the windows were tinted as dark as the car itself. Something I thought was not lawful on the front passenger windows, but it looked like two people in the front of each BMW wearing a darkish colour.