Black Box - Insurance Cancelled

Black Box - Insurance Cancelled



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80 months

Saturday 29th June
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I received an email from my insurer telling me the following.

I had their app installed on my phone since the policy started just over a month ago and every time I checked it, it would tell me that I haven't driven enough to be given a score yet. I received no warning, just an email/letter telling me about the above cancellation in 7 days.

What are my options here? Can I appeal this? Do I get a refund as I paid for the whole year up-front?

Can I contact them and cancel the insurance before the 7 days so it doesn't go on my record as a cancelled policy?

Is there anything else I should know/ask/explore?


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66 posts

80 months

Saturday 29th June
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Mr E said:
So, no box in the car? Just an app?
Do you have to have the app running when you drive?
Yes, the black box was installed the day it arrived in the post


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80 months

Saturday 29th June
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Edited by NewCarGuy on Saturday 29th June 22:34


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80 months

Saturday 29th June
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Alex Z said:
Definitely push them for evidence of what you appear to have done wrong, as this will have a big impact on insurance for years.

Is it realistic that you might have been driving in a way they don’t like?
I've just sent them an email with the following:

"Please provide a copy of the records that you hold and a written explanation explaining your decision to withdraw my car insurance cover.

You have not provided me with any warnings nor has your app provided me with any feedback regarding my driving.

In addition to this, please confirm that you will be refunding my car insurance premium which was paid in full for the year as you are cancelling my policy unjustly and outside of the terms of our agreement."

They didn't provide any warning or feedback as you can see in the screenshots from their app.

Edited by NewCarGuy on Saturday 29th June 22:34


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66 posts

80 months

Saturday 29th June
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phil1979 said:
Was there a curfew on your policy, I wonder?

If so, perhaps you didn't Ride on Time?
No curfew, I read their terms before agreeing to insure with them because I was wary this could happen but their terms read to me that only good behaviour is "rewarded" by a cheaper renewal next year. I didn't read anything about them being able to cancel my policy if they don't like my driving behaviour.

I'm 30 years old for reference and have been driving for 8 years.


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Saturday 29th June
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FMOB said:
Driving for 8 years and on a black box policy! That is long enough to pick up a few bad habits, I thought these were for new drivers until they get a bit of ncb and then bin it to get the monkey off your back.
I only went with it because the annual cost was half the price of the next lowest quote without a blackbox. I 100% regret not just paying the extra without a box though now, will never choose a black box policy again after this experience.


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80 months

Saturday 29th June
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In the meantime, should I take out a new insurance policy now? I've got a quote at a price that's not too bad right now.


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80 months

Saturday 29th June
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pingu393 said:
If you can wait until Monday, phone the Financial Ombusman, then decide.
Yeah, I think that's the best course of action. Horrendous that they've sent this letter today on a saturday when their own support is only available to be contacted Monday to Friday.

And the email address they have for support auto-replies to say they don't accept queries via email lol


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Saturday 29th June
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Bonefish Blues said:
What is it about your driving that caused you to comment that you wouldn't be surprised if it was indeed that which had precipitated the cancellation? (I paraphrase from memory but I think you have deleted the post)
Get your HR butt out of here biglaugh


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80 months

Saturday 29th June
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Just opened up my policy documents and this is what it says regarding telematics - from what I'm reading it seems that they are accusing me of excessive speeding. I'll be contacting them to ask for more details because I don't believe this to be correct.

"Telematics Data
Once the Telematics Device is installed and activated in your vehicle, you and any named drivers on your policy can drive as you normally would. The
Telematics Device sends us regular information, “Telematics Data”, which allows us to understand how your vehicle is being driven, the distance it is
travelling, when it is being driven and where it is parked.
We will use this information to:
1. Review the mileage on your policy and check it is an accurate reflection of the miles you are travelling. This may result in the mileage stated on your
policy being adjusted, to reflect the mileage you have driven.You will be given 7 days’ notice of any adjustment and will be charged an amendment charge
in addition to any premium change.
2. Review the location and class of use of the insured vehicle on the policy and check is it an accurate reflection of how the vehicle is being used and
where the vehicle is being kept overnight. This may result in the adjustment or cancellation of the policy.You will be given 7 days’ notice of any adjustment
or cancellation. Any adjustment will have an amendment charge in addition to any premium change, and any cancellation will have applicable charges.
3. Interpret how safely the insured vehicle is being driven and turn this into a driving behaviour score and extreme event notifications.
4. Show your driving score on the smartphone app, provide tips on how to improve your driving, issue 7-day cancellation notifications due to extreme event
notifications and/ or your driving being classified as High Risk or Very High Risk. We may also use this to provide discounts at renewal.
5. in the event of a claim, we, your insurer and Action365 Ltd, will also use your driving data at or around the time of the accident to assist with the claims
process and ensure the insured vehicle was being driven in accordance with your policy terms and conditions.

Driving Behaviour Score and Extreme Event Notifications
Some factors we use to interpret how safely the insured vehicle is being driven are speed, braking and time of day.
1. Speeding – frequently driving above the speed limit increases the likelihood of you having an accident. Driving not only in accordance with the speed
limits but also at a speed appropriate for the road and conditions is the safest approach.
2. Excessive speeding – we don’t believe there is any reason to be driving at excessive speeds such as 90mph on a 60-mph speed limit road, or over 100
mph on any road type. These types of excessive speeds will trigger an extreme event notification and may lead to cancellation of your policy with 7 days’
3. Erratic driving – we measure this by combining certain driving behaviours, such as speeding-up, braking and cornering.
Freedom Brokers Ltd is an appointed representative of Action 365 Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 306011). Freedom Brokers Ltd is registered in England
and Wales, company number 10399389 and its registered address is BizSpace Cheadle, Cheadle Place, Stockport Rd, Cheadle, SK8 2JX.
4. Time of Day – driving in the late evening through to the early hours is the riskiest time to be on the road. Statistically this is when the most serious
accidents occur."


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66 posts

80 months

Some of you are talking about the old style black boxes, they don't really use those anymore. It's just a small device that plugs into your cards ODB port now.


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charltjr said:
So OP, what has the insurer said now they're open?

Worst case you just cancel it yourself before they cancel it so you don't have to declare it as a cancelled policy.
They've told me it's due to excessive braking and speed, I asked about if I cancel it first before they do and they said it wouldn't go against me then so I'm going to cancel it tomorrow morning when they're open again. £75 cancellation fee and a pro rata refund is better than having a cancelled policy on my record.


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eliot said:
excessive braking and speeding in 25 miles is some going - I think i would want to see the data still.

In a world where gps jamming /spoofing is becoming commonplace, I think the 100% reliance insurers have on these could be challenged.
I've requested copies of the data from them and I'm still filing a complaint so I'll see where things go from there.


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The OG Jester said:
This is bonkers to me! Surely at 30 y/o you can get a decent enough price for insurance?

So how can you break excessively? What happens if you had someone jump in front of you 20 times in 25 miles? Not saying it's likely but it could happen and you get punished for it?

The speed thing is tough titties, surely you would know that would be picked up on easily?
£700 vs £1500 with and without a black box at my last renewal. Should have just forked out for the non-black box policy.


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Yesterday (10:06)
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BMW 320i in the West Midlands, you're right, it doesn't make sense.


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Yesterday (11:07)
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Byker28i said:
Excessive speed and braking. Did you do this?
No comment


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80 months

Yesterday (12:30)
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ro250 said:
I assume that means you did so does beg the obvious question why, when you had a black box installed.
What sort of loaded question is this? In my original post I was clear with what my questions were and what I was asking. You're just waffling about something irrelevant.


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80 months

Yesterday (13:46)
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There were a lot of useful replies at first, now it seems to be the Karen's of the forum that have jumped on in.