Speed limiters from July 7 2024 on all new cars

Speed limiters from July 7 2024 on all new cars



Original Poster:

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111 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Have I been living under a rock? Managed to miss the previous discussion with a 2022 enforcement date, which has presumably been delayed to 2024 (?)


This seems like exactly the sort of thing Brexit was cited as solving. (A "Brexit benefit" if you will...getmecoat )

So why are we opting in? (As such)

And why haven't I seen it on the news for that matter? Or even an up to date thread on a specialist motoring forum (unless I've missed it? In which case a mod can close this, or file in the bin smile )

Of particular concern:

All new cars that are launching or have been launched in the European market need to be fitted with an Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA) by 7 July 2024 according to the 2019/2044 regulation by the European Commission. This means any existing unregistered cars on forecourts will have to be retrofitted with a speed limiter before they can be sold.
Is it just a case of "turn it off and forget about it" - for now, at least?

Speed limiter I guess is slightly misleading, it's just a warning system which beeps at you, as opposed to slamming the brakes on when it misreads a 50 sign on the back of a lorry


Original Poster:

8,499 posts

111 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Lil_Red_GTV said:
Funnily enough I just, concurrently with the start of this thread, started this thread about my experience of Intelligent Speed Assistance in a 2024 Peugeot 408:


It's not good.
Yeah that's exactly the sort of thing I was hoping to avoid smile

Wife's getting a Skoda Karoq in June, or early July - hopefully before the 7th - if that even makes a difference?? - seems most manufacturers have jumped the gun (understandable given retrofitting would no doubt be a nightmare)

Anyone got any experience of Skoda's system? And is it turn off and onable?

Might stick to the WagonR spin

And going back to my first point, without trying to turn it into another Brexit thread, why are the European Commission's ramblings of any concern to us? At least give us an optional extra of a kill switch which I believe Mazda use - from reading of the original thread and a Jeremy Clarkson Telegraph review of same, I believe


Original Poster:

8,499 posts

111 months

Monday 3rd June
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biggbn said:
I'm assuming all of those vehemently against nanny state snooping don't have mobile phones, Internet connections, smart TV or shop online, use store cards etc.... I'm always astonished how they manage to post their protestations given they must surely live off grid with the comfort of a thick blanket and a log burner...(sounds like heaven to me by the way!!)
It's actually useful to display the current max legal speed alongside your current speed. Fill yer boots and colour it in if you like (as Google maps does, and other Sat Navs). There's no need for any of the bells and whistles (literally)