Think I was followed in my RS6

Think I was followed in my RS6



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200 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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I recently bought a 66 plate RS6. I used to run an M5, but I've noticed that the Audi attracts more attention out and about - I had some scooter boy scallies get me to try and rev it the other day, that kind of thing.

I've just been out and about and noticed an 08 plate Passat behind me, which stuck with me through various turns. I then turned into the area by where I live and stopped outside a corner shop. The Passat followed me in, drove past, then turned around and came back, then also pulled into parking by the shop. The young bloke in the Passat slowed down and we 'checked each other out'. As he was parking I drove off and think I lost him, but I do feel marked.

Is there anything I should or shouldn't be doing right now?


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200 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Hi all, thanks for the comments. As has been mentioned by a couple of posters, I also live in Birmingham. I did also get the registration of the Passat.

i have got a tracker fitted and have some big bolts on the house front door. I also have a faraway cage which I'll leave in an easy spot to see.

I also don't have a driveway, so will make a point of not parking immediately outside the house. There is a bit of curb about 20m down the road which isn't connected to anyone's house.

Maybe it was just coincidence, but feeling like this has taken the shine off owning the car. I don't feel like it's going to be a long term love affair.


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200 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Gio G said:
OP, hopefully it is nothing. This is information I got from Police. If a gang want something, they often rely on you making consistent journeys every day to home so they know when to strike. I would start doing different journeys home, or maybe don't leave at the same time.

When I was carjacked, I pretty much did the same journey 4 days a week, so they knew where I would be, probably monitoring me for weeks. Also has been said before, fast, discreet 4/5 door cars is what they are usually after, RS models are a perfect fit.

Thank you. That's interesting. I will make my already slightly random life, more random!


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200 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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Thread update:
At around 4am on Sunday morning, my house was broken into, keys taken and RS6 stolen. Fortunately, I think, the thieves thought that I was home and didn't ransack the rest of the house. However, I was actually camping in a field, out of mobile reception range and didn't get any tracker alerts until Monday. The tracking company, (Global Telemetrics) have been fantastic and had recovered the vehicle within 20 minutes of me calling in. The police have been fairly useless as I haven't heard anything from them to date and have had to chase them if they wanted to do any forensics on the fake number plates used.

The RS6 is now back in my possession and stored securely at my girlfriends house. I believe the damage is cosmetic as they ripped a load of internal panels off trying to find the tracker. I need to get the panels refitted, the key fob re-coded and the car checked over. I'm then going to chop it in for something else.It's way too high profile for where I live.

So, an amazing car that I really enjoyed for the 6 months I had it, but not worth the risk. Unfortunately it's dented my confidence on what to get next. I'm gravitating towards a 2+2 of some flavor around £50K. Any suggestions?


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1,595 posts

200 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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My new car buying quest can be found here


Original Poster:

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200 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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Thanks for all your comments. It does make me wonder if car thieves are operating with absolute impunity given how non existent the police response has been. It hasn't filled me with much confidence of them going forward.

Regarding the question of additional security and the one thing that has really impressed me, was how quickly Global Telemetrics got on the case. Had I not been out of mobile signal at the time and able to call the theft in immediately, I do get the feeling that they would have been tracking the car on the move, which 'hopefully' would have attracted more police interest. Without doubt I will be putting another of their trackers in my next car, probably with an isolator switch this time.


Original Poster:

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200 months

Saturday 2nd September 2023
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Jader1973 said:
Sort to hear that OP. Almost as if they realised you’d realised and backed off for a few months - maybe alerted by a thread you posted about being followed? They also knew it had a tracker by the sound of it.

If I google “RS6 followed Birmingham” this thread is on the first page of results.

(Not having a go at you, just a thought)

I think sometimes PHers forget this is a public forum, not a private, members only corner of the internet.

I’m fairly certain it would be entirely possible to pick a type of car, trawl this forum for pics and info, and work out at least an area where one lives.

I know there are rules around it, but you wouldn’t need to be a member to do it, and even if you were nobody would ever know.

Something we should maybe all think about?
Fair point. It's easy to be complacent in these matters.

As an aside, quote to get everything fixed is just shy of £2.5k