Has your insurance gone up?

Has your insurance gone up?



Original Poster:

668 posts

255 months

Monday 13th March 2023
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Just going through renewals on a Disco 5 and M4...both have gone up significantly despite my shopping around. We did have a vehicle stolen in January and obviously had to claim. I've not had this happen before, so I'm trying to figure whether this is the cause of the increase, or policies have gone up in general ? I'm talking c.40% increase on both policies.

Any views appreciated.


Original Poster:

668 posts

255 months

Tuesday 14th March 2023
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Ninja59 said:
OP insured with Admiral?
The M4 was with AXA, gone from £670 to £970 and that's before I let them know about the theft - not the M4, was my wifes discovery but as she was on my second policy of course I have to declare it here as well. THe best quote I have had with all details correct is £1050.

The Discovery (we now have another) has gone £610 to £1050. Was LV now Swiftcover.

So the two combined have gone from c.£1250 to £2100.


Original Poster:

668 posts

255 months

Tuesday 12th March
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So, a year after starting this thread I'm back with the latest unfathomable logic that is car insurance. Here are my latest examples.

I insure a Peugeot 107 in my name to get a 3rd policy running, thereby creating over time another NCB build up. Not too bad at £320 per year. 3 months in I have moved the 107 to another policy, so I look at swapping another car onto this one i.e. to 'replace' the Peugeot.

2005 Honda Civic which I have sitting around sorn - extra £202, so about £520 in total. Car is worth about £1500.

2007 Golf GTI, which I am looking at as a run around - extra £109. It's worth more, newer and better performance than the Honda.

The best one though....
Ferrari 612, about 3 years ago I got a quote for £297 per year (yes I know !)

On a similar ' normal' policy now, it's £5600, only difference being my wife had one claim for an accident and one for a theft, but why would either of those make me or the 612 a higher risk. I'm not putting her onto the policy (imagine what she might do to the clutch and wheels), but she was on my policy when she and hence I had to make those claims.

Most things in life seem to have some logic / rationale. The black box that is car insurance still defeats most tests of logic in my view.

One thing that I always wonder....Does the fact that I have had claims simply drive an algorithm to increase my premiums based on the logic that the particular insurer sets, or are the premiums being increased to claw back the money that an insurer has paid out.

If it's the former, then why an accident that my wife had 3 years ago in a Merc diesel, would affect the premium I pay for a 612 when she's not on the policy, is truly beyond me. Anyway, a mix of rant and wonder, but feels like therapy to at least air it..!