Think I was followed in my RS6

Think I was followed in my RS6



Original Poster:

1,595 posts

200 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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I recently bought a 66 plate RS6. I used to run an M5, but I've noticed that the Audi attracts more attention out and about - I had some scooter boy scallies get me to try and rev it the other day, that kind of thing.

I've just been out and about and noticed an 08 plate Passat behind me, which stuck with me through various turns. I then turned into the area by where I live and stopped outside a corner shop. The Passat followed me in, drove past, then turned around and came back, then also pulled into parking by the shop. The young bloke in the Passat slowed down and we 'checked each other out'. As he was parking I drove off and think I lost him, but I do feel marked.

Is there anything I should or shouldn't be doing right now?


26,726 posts

184 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Sell it - it sounds like it's stressing you out.

Missy Charm

800 posts

31 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Nothing. It was probably just a coincidence that you have interpreted as sinister. Happens to most of us at some point.


1,619 posts

62 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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warp9 said:
I recently bought a 66 plate RS6. I used to run an M5, but I've noticed that the Audi attracts more attention out and about - I had some scooter boy scallies get me to try and rev it the other day, that kind of thing.

I've just been out and about and noticed an 08 plate Passat behind me, which stuck with me through various turns. I then turned into the area by where I live and stopped outside a corner shop. The Passat followed me in, drove past, then turned around and came back, then also pulled into parking by the shop. The young bloke in the Passat slowed down and we 'checked each other out'. As he was parking I drove off and think I lost him, but I do feel marked.

Is there anything I should or shouldn't be doing right now?
He might have just liked the car, or he might be dodgy. There's not really any way to know.


717 posts

73 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Krikkit said:
Sell it - it sounds like it's stressing you out.
That would be my advice.


1,564 posts

18 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Maybe he was interested in you, not the car? Are you good looking?


3,659 posts

138 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Friend of mine had his brand new RS4 nicked off his driveway in Islington (broke into the house for the keys). Insurance replacement arrived about a month later and he was violently carjacked shortly after while his wife and two small children were in the car with him.

He started sleeping downstairs with a baseball bat, his wife went ballistic and insisted the move to the countryside. They are currently enjoying a nice quiet life in a barn conversion in rural Kent.


8,444 posts

203 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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I once followed someone (who was clearly feeling nervous over a late lane change in front of the queue I was in a few junctions earlier) all the way to the road outside my house, where they stopped and informed me they were calling the police.

Even when I pulled onto my driveway and my garage started opening, I think they still believed I was following them to do some form of harm.

So paranoia- it’s a real thing.

(No Police ever turned up, but I would like to hope their driving improved).


17,458 posts

282 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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paralla said:
Friend of mine had his brand new RS4 nicked off his driveway in Islington (broke into the house for the keys). Insurance replacement arrived about a month later and he was violently carjacked shortly after while his wife and two small children were in the car with him.

He started sleeping downstairs with a baseball bat, his wife went ballistic and insisted the move to the countryside. They are currently enjoying a nice quiet life in a barn conversion in rural Kent.
Sometimes having something that’s ‘flavour of the month’ really isn’t worth it.
There’s so many interesting cars in the world that you could get instead, that don’t compute with the scrotes.


115 posts

68 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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That Passat represents a clear and present danger. It must be dealt with accordingly. Next time you see it press the cruise control button for 5 seconds and double tap volume up. This will fire a heat seeking missile which will the terminate the Passat in a ball of fire.

Another idea: ask the Passat driver to swap his car for yours. Then follow him around, see how he likes it!


10,620 posts

172 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Dashcam would have caught his reg and possibly what he looked like.


6,851 posts

258 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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vikingaero said:
Dashcam would have caught his reg and possibly what he looked like.
So would the OP's mobile phone actually.


2,572 posts

216 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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I got followed in Birmingham many years ago when I had a 123D Coupe. Car full of lads followed me for 10 minutes, luckily the traffic lights were on my side and I was able to make some ground and lose them eventually.
RS Audis are a scrote magnet as you're finding out. Either move it on, or invest in some security features such as strengthened glass film, tracker with cut out etc. Sounds like you're already pretty aware when driving. If you feel you're being followed, don't let them follow you home, head to a supermarket carpark or similar and wait for them to F/O.


10,620 posts

172 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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andygo said:
vikingaero said:
Dashcam would have caught his reg and possibly what he looked like.
So would the OP's mobile phone actually.
Problem with a mobile is that you might get a negative reaction from the person having their image taken. At least with a dashcam it is low key.


12,653 posts

231 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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andygo said:
vikingaero said:
Dashcam would have caught his reg and possibly what he looked like.
So would the OP's mobile phone actually.
Not when he's driving about.


10,612 posts

197 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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my friends wife got carjacked in their rs6, the thieves followed them at some point to where they live then at another date hid in the bushes until she was coming back home

she was really traumatised and the event caused them to move house into a gated community

there's something about RS audis that attract the worst of the worst, partly because so many are used in crimes as they make great getaway cars


2,442 posts

226 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Probably nothing but I see why you'd be concerned.

Might be worth contacting your local PCSO to report your concerns but realistically, they're not going to be able to do anything if you haven't got a reg.

Personally I'd leave the keys downstairs out of sight of the windows / doors, but somewhere that an intruder will easily find them.


20,911 posts

250 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Mate of mine had his RS4 taken when three guys broke in late at night and threatened to do stuff unless he handed over the keys. He’d only had it a week, he was positive he had been followed home as the car was not visible from the street.

You might feel you can handle yourself but when your with the Mrs, it’s 3am, dark, there’s three guys with weapons in the dark house, and your stood there with no clothes on…. Not a lot you can do really. He was upstairs, the called up, if we have to come up there, we will regret it….

He took the cash settlement from the insurers and bought something with less doors. There people don’t tend to take two door sports cars.


3,686 posts

106 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Few weeks ago I was driving home in my car (Corvette). I drive it all the time, it's my main car/daily. It was about 9:45pm, I'm 5 mins from home, as I'm approaching a roundabout on a dual carriageway there's a Citroen C1 ahead of me. It moves into the left lane, I stay right as both lanes let you go straight and I know I'm going to go quicker over the roundabout. As I leave the roundabout I check my rear view and notice the C1 is right on my bumper, which must have been an effort for it! I think nothing of it and it carry on, it drops back a bit so not too concerned. Maybe someone felt aggrieved I went round them.

Next roundabout, I take the exit up the hill where I live and look back and again, C1 is right on my bumper. Hmmmmmm. So I do 29mph all the way up the hill, the C1 gets bored and backs off a bit. Coming up to my turning at the traffic lights, its two lanes. Left is left turn only into my estate. Right is straight on. The road is empty, the car behind now a bit further back so I leave it a bit late before turning left without indicating. Now I'm driving down the road and looking in the rear view. C1 does the same. Turns in without indicating. Still might be a coincidence but now I'm wondering. Next turning is right only unless your a bus where you can go left, I speed up round the bend before it to drop the C1 from view and go right but my house is right after the turning so I drive slow whilst looking in the rear view. The C1 comes out of the turning STRAIGHT and stops in the middle of the road. I'm looking at it in the rear view crawling reverses and then follows me. So now I know he's absolutely following me.

Decided not to turn into my drive as I don't want anyone seeing where I park and straight ahead is a series of 4 round abouts in the development. C1 has caught up now, so first round about I do a full loop before taking the exit I would have taken if driving straight on. The roundabouts are smallish with only 4 exits. C1 does the same, one loop round behind me then off. There's no doubt, he's following me.

Next roundabout I decide to let him know I know. So I do one loop, C1 still behind. Second loop, still there. Third loop and this is silly now as he must know I know. So I stop in the middle between two turnings and drop my window. C1 pulls up as if to head off the roundabout but stops in the road also. I can see two guys in the car........he winds down the window.

"Can you rev it for us mate"


Turns out he'd just never seen one before and loves the car.

He drives off back the way he came.

Now I wasn't scared by this but what if I'd been someone less confident being followed by two blokes in a car? Some people do not engage their brain. I'm sure we've all seen something tasty on a motorway and sped up to catch up with it but following someone home in the dead of night, really?

Moral of the story - Maybe the person in the Passat just really likes RS6s. Maybe they were checking it out for other purposes. Good thing is you noticed it, so be aware but don't let it affect you're enjoyment of owning it.


530 posts

142 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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C5_Steve said:
Few weeks ago I was driving home in my car (Corvette). I drive it all the time, it's my main car/daily. It was about 9:45pm, I'm 5 mins from home, as I'm approaching a roundabout on a dual carriageway there's a Citroen C1 ahead of me. It moves into the left lane, I stay right as both lanes let you go straight and I know I'm going to go quicker over the roundabout. As I leave the roundabout I check my rear view and notice the C1 is right on my bumper, which must have been an effort for it! I think nothing of it and it carry on, it drops back a bit so not too concerned. Maybe someone felt aggrieved I went round them.

Next roundabout, I take the exit up the hill where I live and look back and again, C1 is right on my bumper. Hmmmmmm. So I do 29mph all the way up the hill, the C1 gets bored and backs off a bit. Coming up to my turning at the traffic lights, its two lanes. Left is left turn only into my estate. Right is straight on. The road is empty, the car behind now a bit further back so I leave it a bit late before turning left without indicating. Now I'm driving down the road and looking in the rear view. C1 does the same. Turns in without indicating. Still might be a coincidence but now I'm wondering. Next turning is right only unless your a bus where you can go left, I speed up round the bend before it to drop the C1 from view and go right but my house is right after the turning so I drive slow whilst looking in the rear view. The C1 comes out of the turning STRAIGHT and stops in the middle of the road. I'm looking at it in the rear view crawling reverses and then follows me. So now I know he's absolutely following me.

Decided not to turn into my drive as I don't want anyone seeing where I park and straight ahead is a series of 4 round abouts in the development. C1 has caught up now, so first round about I do a full loop before taking the exit I would have taken if driving straight on. The roundabouts are smallish with only 4 exits. C1 does the same, one loop round behind me then off. There's no doubt, he's following me.

Next roundabout I decide to let him know I know. So I do one loop, C1 still behind. Second loop, still there. Third loop and this is silly now as he must know I know. So I stop in the middle between two turnings and drop my window. C1 pulls up as if to head off the roundabout but stops in the road also. I can see two guys in the car........he winds down the window.

"Can you rev it for us mate"


Turns out he'd just never seen one before and loves the car.

He drives off back the way he came.

Now I wasn't scared by this but what if I'd been someone less confident being followed by two blokes in a car? Some people do not engage their brain. I'm sure we've all seen something tasty on a motorway and sped up to catch up with it but following someone home in the dead of night, really?

Moral of the story - Maybe the person in the Passat just really likes RS6s. Maybe they were checking it out for other purposes. Good thing is you noticed it, so be aware but don't let it affect you're enjoyment of owning it.
And you believed he all wanted you to do was just 'rev it' after all that effort?