Keep your distance.



Original Poster:

15,169 posts

239 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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Do you remember those stickers in rear windows?

Probably not a bad idea as many drivers now seem to follow far too close for comfort.

A trip up the road this lunchtime took me on a 50 limit single carriageway, there was a van ahead of me and traffic in front of that.

I kept the distance of approx 2.5 transits between me and the van ahead but the woman in her 207 behind was so close that I could not see her numberplate, in fact just the leading edge of her bonnet and occasionally the top edge of the headlights, so about 5-6 feet at 50mph.

Too close IMHO.

I notice that it is often young women who follow too close (not a sweeping generalisation as I did not say all young women) wink


2,258 posts

170 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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Slipstreaming - saves a fortune on fuel! biggrin


5,106 posts

211 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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Kentish said:
Do you remember those stickers in rear windows?

Probably not a bad idea as many drivers now seem to follow far too close for comfort.
Out of interest,

how big was the text on these stickers?

How close would you have to be to actually read it?

tongue out


189 posts

170 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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I have the advantage of smoke screen!!! Anyone sits close behind me and I just put my foot to the floor or drop a gear depending on speed and out it comes the big black cloud. This soon makes people drop back!!!


Original Poster:

15,169 posts

239 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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SlimRick said:
Slipstreaming - saves a fortune on fuel! biggrin
Maybe hehe

Similar story on the journey to work, only it was a 50 year old male in a Delicia AWD thing.

People are so fkin impatient now that they appear to think harrasing the car in front will make it drive faster, regardless of whether that too also has a car ahead of it.

My wife slows right down if she gets tailgated, I think that makes the situation worse.

A few weeks back I had a BMW push me along so I slowed and pulled in to let him go past, he immediately stopped after I drove off again and made me pass him and then tailgated me again rolleyes

Some sort of new hobby perhaps?


1,570 posts

176 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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You try to keep distance on the motorway and add more braking room in crap weather then some berk in a hurry decides to overtake (the usual sequence involves swerving inches from your bonnet) and sitting in the space you left. So, back off the throttle regain safe distance and another idiot does the same thing - repeat to destination.

You just know if they collided with a car performing an emergency stop (they are risking even more tailgating a lorry or van where they have no visibility forwards of it's back doors) they would be the first to start shirking responsibility and flapping their arms about like it's someone else's fault.


9,453 posts

239 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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Kentish said:
SlimRick said:
Slipstreaming - saves a fortune on fuel! biggrin
Maybe hehe

Similar story on the journey to work, only it was a 50 year old male in a Delicia AWD thing.

People are so fkin impatient now that they appear to think harrasing the car in front will make it drive faster, regardless of whether that too also has a car ahead of it.

My wife slows right down if she gets tailgated, I think that makes the situation worse.

A few weeks back I had a BMW push me along so I slowed and pulled in to let him go past, he immediately stopped after I drove off again and made me pass him and then tailgated me again rolleyes

Some sort of new hobby perhaps?
How odd. I would happily pull over. Driving like that, they WILL at some point be in an accident and I'd rather not be a part of it. Did you not pull over again when he was back up your ricka?


59 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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Women BMW drivers. That is all.


189 posts

170 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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Kentish said:
SlimRick said:
Slipstreaming - saves a fortune on fuel! biggrin
Maybe hehe

Similar story on the journey to work, only it was a 50 year old male in a Delicia AWD thing.

People are so fkin impatient now that they appear to think harrasing the car in front will make it drive faster, regardless of whether that too also has a car ahead of it.

My wife slows right down if she gets tailgated, I think that makes the situation worse.

A few weeks back I had a BMW push me along so I slowed and pulled in to let him go past, he immediately stopped after I drove off again and made me pass him and then tailgated me again rolleyes

Some sort of new hobby perhaps?
That's what I get the smokescreen from my Delica,
I wouldn't like to tailgate someone in it, they take a little longer to stop than a car. You do notice people turning round and staring at you when you pull up behind them at night, the headlights shine right in the back window of most cars when you get close and light up the whole inside of the car.
I have tried the slowing down idea aswell which I'd agree doesn't work unless you pick the right place to do it and come to a complete stop, I wait till I get to a point in the road where it'd be impossible or totally illegal to pass, and come to a stop and get out and have a quiet word with the offending idiot, then give them a nice blast of diesel smoke as I start back off again.


13,542 posts

239 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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It's part of the reason I'm considering de-cats on my T350 - anyone follows too close, quick lift off and 2-3ft flames out the pipes should make them back off a little hehe


4,422 posts

166 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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I had a right bawbag behind me, on the way home last night. The M3 northbound, near Winchester, was flowing nicely. For once, a packed lane 2 was moving quicker than a packed lane 1, and a packed lane 3 was moving faster than lane 2. Some fking cretin in a diesel Laguna parks himself about a Rizzla papers distance from my bumper and put his full beams on. Bearing in mind we were in L3, which was overtaking L2, and there was no gap into which I could fit in lane 2, without causing the guy in L2 to brake and it was chocka block in front of me in L3. Eventually there was a big enough gap to allow me to return to L1, which I did, when I could. The cock muncher in the Laguna then proceeded to follow me back to L1, still sat on my bumper, still with full beams on. I guess he was just in auto pilot mode and doesn't realise what a cocktard he is.


22,655 posts

204 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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If I am being tailgated while travelling at or just under the speed limit, in the correct lane then I just ignore them.

What seriously pisses me off are those MLMs who tailgate you if you overtake a wagon in lane 2 because they are afraid to use lane 3, the same idiots who tailgate you while youre doing 60 in lane 1 of a dual carriageway because they are afraid to use L2.


150 posts

224 months

Thursday 20th January 2011
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I've been thinking about these kind of stickers too. I was recently followed very closely in extremely thick fog by a driver who appeared to want to push me to go faster, but did not overtake (although he did follow me previously as I overtook another car). I then pulled a slight gap between us by taking a roundabout quickly, and without my lights to follow he had to slow down until I lost sight of him behind me.

I wonder if a sticker such as "do not tailgate if unwilling to overtake" would be effective in reminding people not to follow too closely, and that overtaking is an option. You could also have a bit of a poke at following drivers with "do not tailgate if unable to overtake".

I've seen stickers on boy racer cars with "go on small dick, overtake me!" which I originally thought was a childish provocation to race. When in fact it could imply that if a following vehicle is close enough to read it, then the follower should overtake or back off.