But seriously... The state of our roads are truly appalling

But seriously... The state of our roads are truly appalling



Original Poster:

2,282 posts

185 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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We all know this is nothing new, I'm well aware of that. I just find it no longer acceptable, the roads are plain dangerous!
I'm around Sheffield/ the derbyshire area and between Sheffield roads and derbyshire lanes by the time I get to my destination I feel stressed out. Putting aside the cosmetic situation (the holes in the road create so many stones lying about- waiting for a car on the opposite side to stone chip any part of the bodywork), its the danger of hitting those holes at speed. As if fog, darkness, other road users weren't hazard enough we now have to try and look extremely carefully at every inch of the road for huge potholes.

How do people responsible for safety on these roads get away with it??? It surprises me that more accidents don't occur.
It's a real disgrace. I have my folk in switzerland, have lived there for years, that tell me they're sick of the council cleaning up the roads, one or two leaves and they're there sweeping it up. Same goes with roads- its never left for more than hours.

Ours have this "disintegrated leaves" slush on the side of the roads, left there to rot until nothing is left.
I really wish a quality piece of tarmac was laid on a lot of our roads and remained in good order for years instead of the st we put up with.


1,498 posts

206 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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Government has been getting away with underfunding our roads for years, only got away with it because we've had relatively mild winters for years. Now that we've had two really cold ones are all the symptoms showing. Compared to our european neighbours our roads are a disgrace.

You are right they are very dangerous - pot holes from last year are now twice the bloody size. Some near me are like bloody craters.


53,902 posts

260 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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The Swiss etc have the budget to sort their roads so they can deal with harsh winters, we don't usually need to so we don't.

Good excuse for a 4x4 though.


795 posts

165 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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I am in Sheffield too, and I have to agree with you that the state of our roads is truly disgraceful. We still haven't recovered from last winter - there are still loads of big potholes around that they never bothered to fill in. Then they use that horrible `chippings` crap to resurface the roads that puts stone chips all over your car. When they did it on my estate, I could actually pull the stones up with my fingers.


10,486 posts

214 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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Try the M6 round Walsall and Cannock despite them doing the managed motorway work there are some nasty potholes along what was the original lane markings, great on a fast road.

Given last winter fked the roads to the point it would take a decade to fix now with a second bad winter I doubt it will help.


771 posts

167 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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I believe the AA have stated that the roads have been under-funded to the tune of about £10 billion over the last 10-15 years.

Having spent alot of time in Germany (Ring Trips), I have seen them resurfacing the roads there and the difference is massive. Their top layer of tarmac is at least 5 times thicker than ours and the result is that the roads last alot longer.

I have a friend in road building and he confirms that when they 's@%t stones' onto the road rather than resurfacing it, its because they don't have the funds to resurface it and instead try and delay the degredation of the road.

I saw the video going over the internet of the massive Haiti Earthquake at the beginning of the year. An SUV was driving down a street showing you the destruction caused. Watching it a second time though I was most desturbed to see that in this country with a GNP thats 0.25% of our own, they have better roads.


32,414 posts

209 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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Tuesday night coming into Dundee the police had closed off one lane of the dual carriageway because of a crater and in the next layby there was about ten cars with destroyed wheels etc.

I'm glad of my landrover with its huge kevlar strengthened tyres


2,931 posts

203 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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The roads around here arent too bad for potholes but they are incredibly bumpy. I drove through the cambridge area the other week to avoid the main roads and i was actually shocked as to how smooth the roads were.

They do use that stone chipping malarky too which, as others have stated, dings your car, wears out to leave bald patches and in one 500 yard section is actually a rumble strip because its been laid so badly.


3,178 posts

219 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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I think one of the problems is modern euroboxes have such good suspension that the average Joe doesn't notice the state of the roads unless they are absolutely diabolical, hence the local authority can get away with more. Driving anything more sporty as most of us on here do, you notice the lunar scape that is our road network more, but we are a minority, unfortunately.


32,414 posts

209 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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MKnight702 said:
I think one of the problems is modern euroboxes have such good suspension that the average Joe doesn't notice the state of the roads unless they are absolutely diabolical, hence the local authority can get away with more. Driving anything more sporty as most of us on here do, you notice the lunar scape that is our road network more, but we are a minority, unfortunately.
Spot the guy who hasn't been in any german cars built in the past 5 years. Sporty = Rubber band tyres and concrete springs


5,063 posts

203 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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.....around London there are holes from last year's hard winter that have not been repaired and Ealing Council have just put up our parking permits from £25 to 40....that's a 60% increase.....how the 'feck can they justify that!!!!


10,486 posts

214 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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The way things are going I will be getting a 4x4 for my next car, stty roads, bad winters and the fact I don't user car much means it almost makes sense.


188 posts

173 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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I hit a pothole this week on the motorway at 75mph...absolutely ttted the thing with my left wheels and somehow knocked one of my front grilles out and sent my tracking wildly out, having to do a further 120 miles wasn't fun to say the least

The pot hole was at least 12 inches wide and 6 inches deep, seemed like it swollowed my wheel entirely

However, one thing everyone forgets is the threads were going to have in a few months time where everyone winges about roads being closed due to re surfacing and repairs, not to mention tar deposits. From what I've found in my 20 years is, no ones ever happy and we always moan


9,070 posts

184 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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A 4x4 will be seriously considered for my next transport.

sleep envy

62,260 posts

254 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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T33JOB said:
However, one thing everyone forgets is the threads were going to have in a few months time where everyone winges about roads being closed due to re surfacing and repairs, not to mention tar deposits. From what I've found in my 20 years is, no ones ever happy and we always moan
better than people posting about claiming for new alloys from the LA

Festive Ferg

15,242 posts

262 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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I went out on a run around our local lanes with some other car people yesterday. Stiff suspension and a a GRP monocoque chassis aren't much fun with the surface that currently exists!


2,381 posts

230 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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Immingham road A1173 between the A18 and B1210 roundabout! Half the frickin' road is falling off at the edges on the chicane type bends, how no one has gone off is a miracle! Its stretches in at least 0.5m - 1m on both sides of the road!

Getting quite hard nowadays round here to find decent roads to enjoy a good hearty hoon in our smart roadster without trying to dodge all the large craters for fear of mid corner collisions or bluckling the alloys.

Edited by PaulG40 on Thursday 30th December 09:46

Parrot of Doom

23,075 posts

239 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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If you think it's bad while driving a car, imagine how it is riding a bicycle. Some junctions are lethal, and I'm not exaggerating.


10,486 posts

214 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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One thing is that you see somewhere like Japan or California where an earthquake takes a road down and within weeks it's fixed and running again, while we have roads coned off for years while work is done.


68,179 posts

226 months

Thursday 30th December 2010
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They replaced quite a lot of the road surfaces around here after last year's freeze and they seem to have held up so far this year.