RE: 'Open Season': PH Goes Topless For Winter

RE: 'Open Season': PH Goes Topless For Winter

Friday 3rd December 2010

'Open Season': PH Goes Topless For Winter

Show support for a great British tradition - freeze your n*ts off with us!

You can't guarantee much about a British winter, but there is one thing you can usually rely on. The occasional sighting of that special breed of sporting gentleman (and yes, lady) who refuse to let the threat of frostbitten extremities spoil their enthusiasm for a bit of open-air motoring.

You see, some people live for the chance to frolic topless in the snow, and that includes us. But while PH techie Mr Will seems set on alarming visitors with his naked torso in the office car park, this year the rest of us are going to do it differently. To that end we're declaring 'Open Season' here at PH, and for the next couple of months you'll find us totally committed to supporting that great British tradition of convertible winter motoring.

So what does 'Open Season' mean exactly? Well, that's a very good question, because in the equally grand tradition of PH there'll be a bit of 'making it up as we go along'.

What we can tell you for now, is that we're rounding up all the cabriolets we can get our hands on to drive over the next two months, and we're going to drive them all rooflessly and with a smile on our faces - or else. There's a caveat of course, because faced by sufficient threat of damage by precipitation, or indeed threat of separation and/or significant loss of privileges from our most important passengers, it would be foolish to battle against the odds. But we think you get the picture.

And talking of pictures, that's where you come in. We want to feel your love for topless winter motoring too, so we hope you'll be posting pictures and details of your own madcap exploits in the PH forum thread started by this article. And why would you do that? Because there might be prizes...

To set the Open Season ball rolling, we've blagged our first pair of convertibles already, so look out for more words of wisdom (or foolishness) soon on that sporty staple the Porsche Boxster and Ariel's rather more extremist Atom. (Brrr!) Not to mention the funky Fiat Abarth 500C into which the PH team huddled for shared bodily warmth during a snowstorm the other day. (An experience which has already tested the limit of human endurance, I can tell you...)

If we were setting out to prove anything, it would be that the British weather can throw nothing at us that a bit of the old Dunkirk spirit can't overcome. But we're not, we're just up for it. Tally-ho!



Original Poster:

13 posts

173 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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Sounds like you may be a little bored in your warm ph office. How about using your land rover for doing some heroic rescuing and meals on wheels?

Edited by danishMrB on Friday 3rd December 11:22


40,601 posts

245 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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Bored? Never, but while Will enjoys towing stranded cars with the Defender (he actually did) we'll be driving roof down smile


623 posts

191 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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That 500 looks great lowered wink

Cock Womble 7

29,908 posts

235 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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It goes without saying that this venture has my full support.


92 posts

173 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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One from the Dukes pass in Scotland last year. Hat, gloves and thick socks sorted!


11,636 posts

256 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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Cock Womble 7 said:
It goes without saying that this venture has my full support.
Good lad. Get some pics up then.


436 posts

192 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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Sadly I don't have a convertible frown but I would be happy to drive the Atom if you're short on drivers smile


382 posts

213 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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I did Wales (North to South) on Xmas day 3 years ago in my MX5 with the roof down. Have to say that the fog was...not warm.

The right solution was a flying jacket from Aviation leathercraft, which makes my goretex jackets feel cold.


40,601 posts

245 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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No snow, but roof off in fog and drizzle a few weeks ago smile

Cock Womble 7

29,908 posts

235 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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Stuart said:
Cock Womble 7 said:
It goes without saying that this venture has my full support.
Good lad. Get some pics up then.


1,983 posts

223 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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I'll try and get in on a bit of this action at the weekend, permission from SWMBO permitting...!


17,170 posts

214 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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Other than the last two days where my car hasn't moved due to snow, I have had my roof down all of the time! biggrin
When it was snowing and I blasted down the M27 was good fun!


11,636 posts

256 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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danishMrB said:
a little bored
Bored? Bored? How very dare you. We've been planning this for weeks! Have you any idea how long it takes to blag submit a carefully worded request for a manufacturer press car?!

Plus, we suffer for our art here at PH towers. It was bloody freezing on that roof, I had to stand uncomfortably close to Mr Will and Garlick, and then Chris shut my fingers in the door.




7,565 posts

218 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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Nice cruise around in the V8V top down last night, and again into work this morning; will try and upload a photo later! Put the seat heaters on full; the warm air blasting from in front and the gloves on! biggrin


8,644 posts

224 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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So, who's who in the car, names to faces please? wink


40,601 posts

245 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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Lordbenny said:
So, who's who in the car, names to faces please? wink
Back row L-R: Stuart & RacingPete
Middle row L-R: Mr Will, Me & Riggers
Driving seat: Chris-R


1,116 posts

223 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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Boo and hiss! My Roadster's just went SORN frown

Roll on January!


7,615 posts

222 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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I had my sunroof open today, does that count?


14,112 posts

214 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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I'm away at the moment, but I've been looking forward to one of those bright, clear, crisp cold winter days when I get back so I too can drop my top and drive around with the roof down. I'll do it as soon as I get home in a couple of weeks.



4,685 posts

170 months

Friday 3rd December 2010
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I could join in on this but I would have to cut the roof off my C2, and that isn't the most practical thing to do in the world, although does sound quite like fun.