Top three irritating things bad drivers do

Top three irritating things bad drivers do



Original Poster:

24,283 posts

71 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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Top three just irritating identifiers of st drivers - not braking the law but simply being st.

1. When a driver spotting an obstruction ahead on their side of the road pulls in to give way to an on-coming car, who in that situation has right of way by default. But increasingly when I do this, instead of the on-coming car continuing as I would expect, I find that they also pull over and then flash me to go first!? Despite myself having already pulled over - so now we've both pulled over and are having some weird battle over who gives way.

What are these people thinking? Are they people trying to appear more virtuous by insisting the other driver always goes first confused

2. Drivers that make no attempt to use the length of the slip road when joining a motorway/dual carriageway to actually build up enough speed to merge with the traffic. Instead these simpletons think the correct thing to do is to stop at the very start of the slip road and then wait for a gap to appear that's so huge they can dribble on to the road at 20mph. Or worse they stop at the very end of the slip road leaving me behind them to decide whether I should a) sit behind them whilst they take their sweet time, or, b) put my foot down and join the carriageway from behind them and risk them not noticing and pulling out in to my path.

3. People with insufficient spatial awareness to be driving whatever it is they're driving - leading to them holding up traffic as they stop to let oncoming cars down a road that is blatantly wide enough for cars to pass, tapping their brakes every time someone passes them on a b-road, spending several minutes trying to park before giving up because the car is too big for their chosen space... even if it isn't.

Those are my top three - what are yours? smile


2,188 posts

86 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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I echo many of your thoughts, with the addition of people seemingly unwilling to get up to the speed limit at any time, but won't move out of the way for people who are, and people who cut corners and veer into other lanes on roundabouts and junctions because they can't be arsed to turn their steering wheel.


1,135 posts

111 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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People who are to lazy to indicate at roundabouts , people who drive at 40 everywhere. Poor maintenance of vehicle lights, very important this time of year


19,072 posts

132 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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Display an illegally butchered Chavplate. Their fk the law attitude is invariably reflected in their moronic driving.

General lack of spatial awareness to all other roadusers. MLMs etc.

Their overriding faliure to make decent progress. You know the type. 25 mph in a 40 etc.


59 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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All those ^^^ pale into insignificance besides the motorists whom i refer to as "180 degrees out of phase" or the 180 doof's for short. These motorists arrive at a completely empty roundabout they could have just driven straight through, stop, wait for someone to come from the right, and then pull out in front of them causing them to brake....... :-)


1,287 posts

243 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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My Top 3:

1) People who use rear fog lighs when it's not foggy. It seems people are unable/unaware and just stick them on and leave them on. Even if it wasn't very foggy to start with.

2) Slip road stoppers as mentioned.

3) 40mph club as mentioned.


7,643 posts

172 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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My biggest pet hate at the moment is people who pull out of a side road with plenty of room, but then make zero effort to speed up.

As someone else has said people who don’t accelerate on slip roads.

And one that the majority of people do, not leaving side roads clear when queuing. I live on one of these side roads and pretty much every time the main road is queuing I have to wait for traffic to move because someone hasn’t left it clear. No ‘keep clear’ on the road so they don’t bother, although I’ve noticed more and more people not bothering with ‘keep clear’ either. Or when I’m turning right out of side road and someone decides to not let me out, stopping in traffic just to my left so I can’t see a thing that’s coming from my left, bonus points when it’s a van.


41,847 posts

195 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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Straight off the slip-road and into the middle-lane to sit there (normally @ c.65mph)


2,736 posts

193 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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1. People who almost come to a halt when turning left

2. Braking every-time when a car is coming in the opposite direction

3. Just generally having no awareness of their surroundings, sitting in outside lane/not noticing emergency vehicles wanting past/indicators still on


3,200 posts

247 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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Roundabout morons who cannot merge with others and even sit waiting for a car on their left!


1,182 posts

84 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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1. Pulling out from a road/junction and then not flooring it to get to an acceptable speed. Any modern car can get to 30/50mph in a reasonable time. If you don't want to boot it then wait for a bigger gap.

2. Driving down the middle of the road when it's slightly tight and expecting me to stop. If we can both fit though there is no reason for me to pull over. And if you don't fancy it then pull over yourself.

3. Not being able to maintain a constant speed. Half wits who on a straight road go 35 then 40 then 30 and back and forth. I am a big fan of cruise control and it drives me nuts. If they want to drive under the speed limit then fine. Just don't bounce around at different speeds.

That's just the start of my moaning about other drivers.

Pixel Pusher

10,217 posts

164 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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1/ Bad lane discipline on the motorway.

2/ As mentioned, no indication at roundabouts.

3/ (This is a group one and I think requires some sort of crap driver telepathy)...2 cars managing to stop opposite each other when faced with an active emergency vehicle.


7,643 posts

172 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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Pixel Pusher said:
1/ Bad lane discipline on the motorway.

2/ As mentioned, no indication at roundabouts.

3/ (This is a group one and I think requires some sort of crap driver telepathy)...2 cars managing to stop opposite each other when faced with an active emergency vehicle.
I hate it when I pull in for an ambulance and the car coming the other way stops alongside me, do people not have brains?
Or I pull over for an ambulance coming behind and the car behind me overtakes, taxi drivers seem particularly bad for it.


2,673 posts

194 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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Braking to let people out of side roads, causing a concertina of braking behind them.

People trying to park in the first visible parking space in a multi-storey even if it’s too small or above their competency, causing a queue to get in whilst everyone waits.

People who middle lane hog, but worse than that don’t anticipate people in the left lane needing to overtake lorries etc, penning them in


6,973 posts

133 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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Slowing down to a ludicrously slow speed for a 60mph camera.

Doing 40 in a 60 then continuining it through a 30.

Middle lane hogging, natch


68,179 posts

226 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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As with others it seems, the one thing which annoys me most is drivers who fail to indicate left when they're about to leave a roundabout, even when there's someone waiting to pull out of the road they're about to turn into.

Another pet hate of mine is people who sit on the foot brake in queues of traffic with their gazillion lumen LED brake lights shining right in the face of the driver behind.

Can't think of a particular third annoyance.

Edited by kambites on Wednesday 20th October 15:33

budgie smuggler

5,496 posts

164 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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My current bug bear is the "follow through"

No not gambling on a fart and losing, but rather people blindly following the car in front through a pinch point despite not being able to see what's ahead (and especially when they don't have priority) .


4,747 posts

39 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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I never understand why some humans feel the need to apply their brakes and illuminate the brake lights every few minutes while driving along an unobstructed road, for instance whenever a vehicle comes the other way.

Dave Hedgehog

14,660 posts

209 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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outside lane owners club members


cyclists that ignore the highway code, jump lights etc.


9,288 posts

183 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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carlove said:
And one that the majority of people do, not leaving side roads clear when queuing. I live on one of these side roads and pretty much every time the main road is queuing I have to wait for traffic to move because someone hasn’t left it clear. No ‘keep clear’ on the road so they don’t bother, although I’ve noticed more and more people not bothering with ‘keep clear’ either. Or when I’m turning right out of side road and someone decides to not let me out, stopping in traffic just to my left so I can’t see a thing that’s coming from my left, bonus points when it’s a van.
Add to this the people who won't let you out, but will then happily stop in the traffic right in front of you totally blocking any chance you might have had to actually pull out.

I'd file a lot of this under "people with little to no bloody awareness of situations"