An epidemic of insanely slow drivers

An epidemic of insanely slow drivers



17,443 posts

282 months

Saudade said:
OzzyR1 said:
I was there, you were not but feel free to invent any variety of potential scenarios you wish.
Yeah, you're right, because I've never driven down a slip road where someone has slowed/stopped at the end before. I'll slot down the hard shoulder if I ever do experience such a dangerous situation myself. I doubt with only 10s of cars that anyone would go in it anyway and if they need to, stuff em, I've got somewhere to be.

swisstoni said:
What would you have done?
Usually I don't tailgate down the slip road so I'm not sure, but I think I would have used the brake pedal, but now I'll drive down the hard shoulder after thinking about it some more.
And quite possibly get hit up the arse.


3,980 posts

134 months

swisstoni said:
Saudade said:
KAgantua said:
Saudade said:
OzzyR1 said:
I was joining the M11 northbound at the new(ish) Junction 7a at around 5pm today, single lane slip road.
All 3 lanes busy as expected at rush hour on a Friday, but would be no issues with merging into Lane 1 if doing 50-60mph as normal.

Car in front got slowly to 45mph halfway down the slip, then stopped accelerating.
By the time we were going past the hatched markings, their speed was down to 35-40mph.

Genuinely thought I was going to get caught up in a bad accident as it was obvious from weight of traffic that HGV's had no way of moving into Lane 2 to avoid a vehicle doing 20mph less pulling out in front of them.

Took a snap decision to undertake on the left & join the hard shoulder for 200m so I could get to a speed that allowed me to safely join the main carriageway.
Not sure of the legalities of this manoeuvre, but I'd do the same again as it seemed a seriously dangerous situation at the time.
The two cars behind followed me, no idea what happened to the idiot who thought attempting to join a busy motorway at under 40mph was a good idea.

The junction in question, but with a lot less traffic than earlier today.,0.170866...
100% illegal and unsafe, what if the "danger causing" car was having a medical emergency and needed to get in the hard shoulder at the time you and your pals decided to use 200m of it to skip traffic instead of adding a few seconds to your journey?
Sounds like the car in front (With the speed they were joining at) was about to have a collision, so the poster used the HS to get away from this?
?? Do you mount the pavement when a car pulls out in front of you into your lane and there is oncoming traffic too? What is your point, that brake dust kills children so driving on the hard shoulder is the appropriate action?
What would you have done?
No I wouldnt have pulled onto the pavement with pedestrians beside a motorway slip road.
Feel free to keep comparing apples with oranges


786 posts

207 months

Just did a London to Brighton bike ride over the weekend that i do every year with a bunch of mates.

Driver Overtaking skills this year were TERRIBLE - noticablly worse than years before! I find nothing worse as a cyclist than when you have some incompetent driver hovering on your backside for a couple of minutes, exposing more time to danger, when Im all the way to the left of the road willing them to pass me, but theyre too fkin useless to.


10,761 posts

261 months

daytona111r said:
Just did a London to Brighton bike ride over the weekend that i do every year with a bunch of mates.

Driver Overtaking skills this year were TERRIBLE - noticablly worse than years before! I find nothing worse as a cyclist than when you have some incompetent driver hovering on your backside for a couple of minutes, exposing more time to danger, when Im all the way to the left of the road willing them to pass me, but theyre too fkin useless to.
Do the drivers have the same view as you?

I have been beckoned past on a single track road before by cyclists but had shorter sightlines because I was lower than them, so declined the offer.


786 posts

207 months

RSTurboPaul said:
daytona111r said:
Just did a London to Brighton bike ride over the weekend that i do every year with a bunch of mates.

Driver Overtaking skills this year were TERRIBLE - noticablly worse than years before! I find nothing worse as a cyclist than when you have some incompetent driver hovering on your backside for a couple of minutes, exposing more time to danger, when Im all the way to the left of the road willing them to pass me, but theyre too fkin useless to.
Do the drivers have the same view as you?

I have been beckoned past on a single track road before by cyclists but had shorter sightlines because I was lower than them, so declined the offer.
these weren't single track roads with crests etc . . .i know if I was driving i would have passed easily & safely straight away


27,048 posts

266 months

RSTurboPaul said:
Do the drivers have the same view as you?

I have been beckoned past on a single track road before by cyclists but had shorter sightlines because I was lower than them, so declined the offer.
Conversely, I've regularly been in a queue of cars behind a cyclist and I would have overtaken from where I was (4/5 cars back) if I'd been in my MX5 or RX7 let alone if I was behind the cyclist

Unfortunately I was in my Vito

Overtaking should be taught as part of the driving test


3,796 posts

153 months

KTMsm said:
Overtaking should be taught as part of the driving test
It is.
Or rather, if you can't overtake a bike when you need to, that's a fail.


27,048 posts

266 months

Yesterday (07:18)
quotequote all
M4cruiser said:
It is.
Or rather, if you can't overtake a bike when you need to, that's a fail.
No I mean overtaking of cars

It was part of my advanced motorcycle test


11,508 posts

63 months

Yesterday (10:20)
quotequote all
KTMsm said:
M4cruiser said:
It is.
Or rather, if you can't overtake a bike when you need to, that's a fail.
No I mean overtaking of cars

It was part of my advanced motorcycle test
Is it time to ban overtaking?


3,980 posts

134 months

Yesterday (12:01)
quotequote all
bigothunter said:
KTMsm said:
M4cruiser said:
It is.
Or rather, if you can't overtake a bike when you need to, that's a fail.
No I mean overtaking of cars

It was part of my advanced motorcycle test
Is it time to ban overtaking?
Im pretty sure M4Cruiser is some long-term deep-state troll here on PH biggrin


2,463 posts

53 months

Yesterday (12:35)
quotequote all
bigothunter said:
He struggles with overtaking so wants to ban it for everyone else as he doesn't like people going past him as ruins his road captain experience.

Edited by MightyBadger on Tuesday 2nd July 21:01


27,048 posts

266 months

Yesterday (15:35)
quotequote all
bigothunter said:

I overtake 1000+ cars a year on single carriageways in my car / van and many more on my bikes

Perhaps those that can't do it ought to hand in their driving license / be prepared to move over / leave a gap in front of them for others, but some of us don't find it a problem

Nomme de Plum

4,844 posts

19 months

Yesterday (15:37)
quotequote all
KTMsm said:
bigothunter said:

I overtake 1000+ cars a year on single carriageways in my car / van and many more on my bikes

Perhaps those that can't do it ought to hand in their driving license / be prepared to move over / leave a gap in front of them for others, but some of us don't find it a problem
Three cars per day, really?


27,048 posts

266 months

Yesterday (15:46)
quotequote all
Nomme de Plum said:
Three cars per day, really?
I overtook five in my Crafter coming back from the ABR and that's a 35 minute drive

I overtook two on the 2 mile trip to school this morning

I think you guys who live in towns have no idea what it's like living in the countryside

The Selfish Gene

5,543 posts

213 months

Yesterday (16:15)
quotequote all
well I have to do one of those censored camps (signed up for it today)

I can tell you that I've tested 57mph in an average speed zone of 50mph does trigger the alert or whatever. So the 10% plus 2mph didn't work biggrin

hey-ho 92 quid, it was worth it to get home and see my son a ten minutes earlier.

I'd argue 57mph is insanely slow on a motorway with no hazards that should be 70mph (at least) - it wasn't road works, just a random limit.

The GOOD news is you can do it on line, so I can do it at work whilst earning more than the 92 quid for the 3 hours - one of the lads will sit there for three hours for a couple of pints biggrin

Mod edit, no need for the offensive terms

5s Alive

1,984 posts

37 months

Yesterday (16:35)
quotequote all
The Selfish Gene said:
well I have to do one of those censored camps (signed up for it today)

I can tell you that I've tested 57mph in an average speed zone of 50mph does trigger the alert or whatever. So the 10% plus 2mph didn't work biggrin

hey-ho 92 quid, it was worth it to get home and see my son a ten minutes earlier.

I'd argue 57mph is insanely slow on a motorway with no hazards that should be 70mph (at least) - it wasn't road works, just a random limit.

The GOOD news is you can do it on line, so I can do it at work whilst earning more than the 92 quid for the 3 hours - one of the lads will sit there for three hours for a couple of pints biggrin
Prosecution begins at 10%+2, even 56 would be too close for comfort. I saw a few cameras going off as cars passed temporary 60 motorway signs last Friday. It's easily done.

The Selfish Gene

5,543 posts

213 months

Yesterday (16:50)
quotequote all
5s Alive said:
Prosecution begins at 10%+2, even 56 would be too close for comfort. I saw a few cameras going off as cars passed temporary 60 motorway signs last Friday. It's easily done.
well i've heard so much chat about it - and i've had a clean licence for ages, so I must admit I have been testing it for awhile, going 1mph up each time.....

I can confirm, 56 was too close for comfort but 57 defo was over their silly line


11,508 posts

63 months

Yesterday (17:02)
quotequote all
KTMsm said:

I overtake 1000+ cars a year on single carriageways in my car / van and many more on my bikes

Perhaps those that can't do it ought to hand in their driving license / be prepared to move over / leave a gap in front of them for others, but some of us don't find it a problem
Median barriers would slow you down.


5,439 posts

140 months

Yesterday (17:16)
quotequote all
The Selfish Gene said:
5s Alive said:
Prosecution begins at 10%+2, even 56 would be too close for comfort. I saw a few cameras going off as cars passed temporary 60 motorway signs last Friday. It's easily done.
well i've heard so much chat about it - and i've had a clean licence for ages, so I must admit I have been testing it for awhile, going 1mph up each time.....

I can confirm, 56 was too close for comfort but 57 defo was over their silly line
The line may be silly, but you're a plonker for knowing where the line is, putting your toe over it and then having the gall to complain about being caught. I'm surprised you weren't too embarrassed to complain on here about it because it's an utterly daft mistake to make. If you want to ignore speed limits (and trust me I do, often) then pick your time, place and speed wisely.


3,796 posts

153 months

Yesterday (17:20)
quotequote all
bigothunter said:
KTMsm said:
M4cruiser said:
It is.
Or rather, if you can't overtake a bike when you need to, that's a fail.
No I mean overtaking of cars

It was part of my advanced motorcycle test
Is it time to ban overtaking?
You really haven't read my thread properly, have you? Let me highlight this bit:-

"Overtaking a non-motor vehicle (like a pedal cycle) would also be an exception to the ban."

So, overtaking a bike is fine, I think it's great to be able to get past a small narrow vehicle doing 15mph. And as mentioned above, you'd fail a test if you didn't go past when you should.
Overtaking a car is a different matter.
If you are trying to say I'm inconsistent, then perhaps go back and read more carefully!