Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!

Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!


br d

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229 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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snoopy25 said:
Because there utterly brilliant smile

I mean who can forget about you throwing your wallet in the petrol garages bin and then having to empty it on the forecourt in front of a bunch if people to try and find it hehe

Or that time you gate crashed that party hehe

Edited by snoopy25 on Monday 1st July 22:00
Some cringe moments when I look back Snoopy but that's sort of the point isn't it? Do whatever and don't worry about it, as long as nobody's getting hurt.
I don't think I'll regret any of this stuff when my time comes.

Perhaps I should though!

br d

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Wednesday 3rd July
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s94wht said:
br d, I have them all downloaded with the majority of the images. Send me a message and I'll figure out a way to get them to you
I'm really sorry s94, I didn't register this yesterday, this sounds amazing thank you.
Can you dm me please and let me know what's what?

br d

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Wednesday 3rd July
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shirt said:
Takes skill to keep a thread going. Two people who do it well, you and Ronan (RDMcG) with his Route 66 trips.

Things like the caterpillar. It’s clear you found it amusing and didn’t really GAF as it didn’t spoil your meal or your evening, strange that people pick up on such things as an insult on your behalf.

Anyways, so let me know how the weather is in Switzerland hehe. Going to be gutted if I can’t get some 2 wheeled days in.
Hi shirt mate.
I don't know Ronans threads, I will check them out.

So far Switzerland has been good, sky like a Robins egg.
First decent weather I've had.
I'll hopefully be getting out properly tomorrow.

br d

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229 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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B'stard Child said:
2. having had a conversation with you (in a pub a long time ago - you probably don't even remember that) - they are written in a way that I can see you saying it and you don't try to make them funny they just are sometimes.
Man please enlighten me! I have the worst memory, when did we meet, my apologies for being dense.

B'stard Child said:
3. there are always surprises (some good some not so good)
All our stories, right there.

B'stard Child said:
4. I don't have the budget to ever be able to play at your level but the trip reports don't come across as written by a cock.
Thank you.

br d

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229 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Mr Tidy said:
Because we know we are going to be entertained!

Just keep posting nonsense please. thumbup
Thank you.
I can do little else smile

br d

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229 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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CharlesdeGaulle said:
I'm in Luxembourg.
Of course you are. Hope everything's good mate.
Thanks for all your advice and feedback over the years.

br d

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229 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Quick break here as I need to get some rest.

Will pick up on the rest of the replies tomorrow. I appreciate every response. It makes this thread a conversation rather just me transmitting nonsense.
Thank you.

br d

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Sorry guys!

Updates coming! Car finally thrashed!

br d

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prand said:
Please don't be, I don't think you realise how inspiring it is to read about your trips and allow us a pure and honest view into your life. I would imagine there are many, many friends out here you have not met yet but have aso much invested in seeing you return to Pistonheads each year. Without fail you deliver the same humour and openness, despite what you have been through.

My family and I love our drives to Europe each year, and yours usually serve as a perfect warmup and inspiration for our trips, even if we do it in somewhat more modest style.

Funnily enough we stayed in Chamonix last summer then took the tunnel through Mont Blanc and down the amazing Aosta Valley turning right instead towards Turin and Piedmont for some terrific food, wine, people and scenery around Alba and Barolo before heading back along the coast into France. I don't think we would have had that experience without being encouraged by your trips and your posts to hit the road and go and experience the finest Europe has to offer.
Hey prand.

I appreciate your long suffering support of my threads.
It's fantastic to hear of your family adventures, building future memories. I think your route down to Alba and Barolo is one of the few I haven't done, I will definitely look at this.
It's always been a pleasure to see you here, thank you.

br d

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millik said:
I agree with Prand.
The first of your travel threads I read was the one with the Ferraris in the South of France and have then looked forward to reading about your annual trips. Appreciate that you tell your tales ‘live’ and unedited.
Don’t usually comment as usually by the time I’ve realised that the thread is up you are already back in the UK! (And whatever I type does not convey what i mean properly !!)
Thanks millik.
I'm with you, nothing I type ever quite approaches what I'm trying to say because I'm thick as mince! But just saying whatever I think is happening at the time seems to get close enough.
I'm very grateful that some of it seems to touch a nerve.

br d

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Earthdweller said:
Br d

Keep it coming mate, it’s a great tonic to read and we can vicariously live the ups and downs in real time with your ramblings and exploits

We all have ups and downs and sometimes life can be a challenge

I’m heading off tomorrow on a euro trip, nowt as grand as yours mind and taking my son with me and know it’s going to be a struggle due to my health

But fk it, you’re only here once and while life may get you down at times don’t you dare let it stop you living and enjoying it

As I said keep it coming

Thank you Earthdweller.

I hope your trip with your son is going well, give us some details!
Sorry to hear about your health issues, I wish you all the best.

Indeed, we are only here once. Material st doesn't matter, it's doing things with those you love that counts.

Good luck to you sir.

br d

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Oh bugger, I had set aside time tonight to catch up but now I'm off on a tangent with Sideways Tim's lovely thread!

br d

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Tim, that was an amazing trip!

I don't spend as much time as I used to on PH so I miss this stuff, that was an absolute blast! Huge respect.
You did more miles than I would take on with all the latest mod cons. Fabulous.

And lowdrag had some amazing stories to recount too. There's a mine of info on these pages that has to be preserved.

I tried to copy that wonderful pic of your car parked between the modern stuff to this thread but my digital foo is lacking. If someone can get it here I would appreciate it, it's on page 6 of Tim's thread I think.

Brilliant. Well done sir, respect.

br d

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229 months

Mikebentley said:
Safe onwards journey br d. Always enjoy your personal travelogue.
This one's definitely been lacking in content Mike, my apologies.

Between the weather and an uncharacteristic lack of enthusiasm for the trip I've not offered up much worth reading.

I think maybe I should've listened to the Doc! Don't get me wrong I'm doing good but there's a definite feeling of not quite rightedness about this trip.
I pulled every trick in the book to get out here but maybe it's all a couple of months too early.

I have got some stuff to post up but I'm not in my usual anything goes mood!

Next year will be better!

br d

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229 months

57Ford said:
Chin up Brad, take every day as a new one and enjoy your surroundings. You can’t and shouldn’t forget the past but don’t dwell on it. You, more than many, will be aware of how st life can be so celebrate the good times you’ve had and now make the most of what you’ve worked hard to achieve. You’ll be back to the grind soon enough.

Anyway, tell us about this new jalopy of yours. Is it better than the last one? Is it sharper or is it more GT? Does it give you a better shove out of a dry corner? Does it make you smile when you turn around as you’re walking away?
These are the important things I need to know because I’m considering buying one (once they’re down to shed-money smile )
Okay cool, thanks man.

I'm jumping ahead a bit here but at least it's car stuff, eventually!

I didn't really enjoy the hotel at Locarno, just wasn't really what I was looking for.
There still is some snobbery in these posh hotels and though I really don't have any right to call it out it can be fking annoying.
As you can probably tell from my obvious cockney gitness I don't put on any airs or graces on these trips, I'm always super respectful though and go out of my way to treat everyone I come across with civility and decency but sometimes I don't get every nuance right. The wealthy from birth people do get this stuff right and more power to them.

The restaurant here was a good example.

I come in for an evening meal and I prefer to sit inside, this is only because if I sit outside someone always lights up a fag next to me and because of my stty lungs this will start me coughing, not ideal when I'm eating.
So I ask if I can sit inside, there's a hundred fking tables.
The guy looks confused and tries to usher me out to the courtyard where everybody else is sitting but I say again can I sit inside please.
He says he'll get the manager.

The manager comes in and I swear to god he's one of those proper fking jobsworth s who's entire existence is based upon running his empire.
He directs such a withering look at me I almost buckle under it!

He actually fking sniffs then says "You wish to sit inside?"

Yes, I do. Thank you.

He gives me another stty look but directs some of his minions to set a place at a table near the door.

I order food and ask for the wine list.
Again, I know two thirds of fk all about wine and don't pretend to but I do enjoy a nice bottle, I only drink red and I generally order either a Pinot Noir or anything Cote de Beaune. This is because me and shal used to spend time in that region and we always liked the wine. There are no doubt much better reasons to pick from other regions but that's what I go with and I'm paying.

He brings the wine list and doesn't like my option.
I really don't mind people recommending stuff to me - never ignore an expert - but this is different, I should have a white wine with this food, he's over confident, he's proper talking down to me, he points out one I should have instead.
No thank you, the Cote de Beaune please.

They bring the first course and fk me they bring out an ice bucket with his white wine suggestion in it!

All of my childhood council estate molecules start waking up and I want to go outside and grab this fker but I just point out it's wrong and they bring me the proper one.
If only I was 20 years younger!

A mistake? Maybe. But he was proper disrespectful to me anyway, I'm convinced it was deliberate.

This was supposed to about cars!

br d

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8,528 posts

229 months

So here's a few things from that hotel car park.

br d

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229 months

I did get out on the board for a couple of hours and ride down to the lake.
I finally remembered I was on a lake!

Look at this lovely thing!

br d

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229 months

They gave me a bag of rice when I left, so all is forgiven!

Actually, everyone there was lovely, just the cock in the restaurant spoiled it.

br d

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229 months

Sway said:
Enjoy it the best you can, take a hard look in the mirror at being a whingy bh whilst touring Europe in luxury via a fking hypercar ( wink ), and keep in touch as much as you want to.

Thank you Sway! Thank you from the depths of my being!

Slap me hard, I thoroughly deserve it!

I am a whinging fking bh!

I love this place!

br d

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8,528 posts

229 months

I'm actually going to post some car driving stuff soon instead of just moaning about micro aggressions! What the fk happened to me!