Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!

Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!


br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

The usual weather.

I've been out here 9 days and there's been one dry day, and I was driving for most of that! Although the weather's been really good on all the previous trips so can't complain.

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Last day in Austria and and I can hardly see the trees outside the balcony for fog! Off to Switzerland tomorrow where they've been having their worst weather for decades, what fun!

This has turned into a weather blog!

I know there has been zero driving content in this one so sorry guys but there just hasn't been the opportunity.

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

TheJimi said:
Well, apart from doofus.

Is that the first ever PH flounce because of a caterpillar? biggrin
Come on Doof! Grace us again!
I'm happy to make a regular arse of myself here I'm sure you can suffer one little upset.

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

evil.edna said:
I know it sounds strange but the discovery of caterpillar is not as bad as it sounds. I would never knowingly eat a caterpillar, but it does indicate the food was fresh and the rocket didn't have any horrible pesticides on it.

I know it's not much of a consolation.
Well I hope I didn't come across as too miffed, I'd already eaten my fill from the buffet, I got free wine and Max and Julia were lovely so I wasn't pissed of about it, it was more funny.
The buffet was super fresh but honestly the salad was on the other side of the plate and I saw the little bugger crawl out of the gnocchi, which had been cooked, so I'm not sure what happened.

I presume we've all eaten them before!

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Doing absolutely nothing today, like yesterday.
It's pissing down and cold.

Going out in the car is a bit pointless. The thing has monster power and driving it on misty, wet alpine roads isn't going to be any fun, plus the P Zeros are not wet tyres at all, it'll be a deathtrap.
I still need a guitar strap but that'll have to wait and the hotel grounds are miserable in this climate, can't even fly the drone in this weather. So it's sit in the bar and drink beer or go back to the room and interfere with myself, think I'll sit in the bar.

I'm meeting two of my dearest friends in Locarno, Nelson and Amber and a couple of their grown up kids, we have a couple of days cross over so that will be nice. Amber is a triathlete, an absolute machine who does ironmans and all sorts of other impossible challenges, I think they originally came so she could do a bike ride across the Atlantic or something smile
I mean she literally lives to train and is always running up a mountain or swimming an ocean and is the most disciplined person I know. Nelson is also another scarily fit and strong person who I could tell you terrifying stories about from our youth that would make your hair curl, he's now dealing with some serious health problems that don't seem to have slowed him down at all but I'm glad he's out here having a nice break.

And after that I'm going to Baden-Baden where lovely Gaia, from previous trips, is coming out to meet me. I'm very lucky on this trip to have so much company.

It is a real shame that I can't thrash the car to within an inch of it's life though, that's sort of the whole point. This thread might as well be on mumsnet this year.
Anyone got a link?

Edited by br d on Monday 1st July 15:31

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Boxster5 said:
Just seeing videos of the torrential storms in Southern Switzerland (Zermatt) and NW Italy near the French border - bloody hell! Never seen anything like it.
If you’re anywhere near there in Switzerland make sure you stay safe Brad.
That is exactly where I'm heading Boxster!

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

57Ford said:
Yeah, take it easy with the right foot. It’d be awful if you damaged Sway’s new car.

Thank you! I laughed out loud in this dead and alive bar!

I'll be sure to get that scratch sorted and give it a damn good clean before I drop it off to him.
He's actually being very decent about all this!

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Boxster5 said:
The weather has been pretty st all over this year (apart from Greece, Cyprus & Turkey where they’re having a heatwave).
Sod’s law.
Have you driven in Greece and Cyprus? They can keep their lovely weather!

I actually love Cyprus, me and shal went many years on the trot, it's not somewhere I want to drive a car with intact corners though!

Well, three intact corners anyway. smile

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

CharlesdeGaulle said:
You have been unlucky this year. Weather on the continent has been pretty poor so far this year, and there was a major storm that hit many of us last night.
Hi Charles, I'm sorry I'm senile mate, what area are you in again?

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Boxster5 said:
We’ve been keeping an eye on the weather for our trip and it hasn’t looked good. Mind it’s no better here either. We would normally be there now but for some reason we delayed it until 7th July.
Like you we’ve always had great weather on previous trips.
Never been in France for Bastille Day so that’ll be a new experience!
I really hope your trip works out mate, it's proper st this year though, hopefully it will have improved by the 7th.
Would love to hear how it goes.

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

I'm really not getting my money's worth right now!
Sitting in this empty lounge watching the rain out of the window.

Can you tell I'm bored. smile

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Semi-serious post as I'm stuck for a way to pass the time.

I have a few years of these supercar into Europe threads now, maybe 8 or something?
I never go back over the old ones and I've never really thought in terms of a life journey, it's just yearly nonsense I stick up here.
I don't even know how to find them, I know in the past someone has put up links to all of them but I didn't save that.

Things have changed a bit though. With some very impactful things happening in my life over the last few years I'm thinking maybe it is worth keeping as some sort of record.
And doubly so as I think as I age my views on life get more out of touch with the woke moderating I see on the sites I frequent, there's a very real chance I'll say something that'll get me a perma ban and all that I've posted in the last 20 years will be dust.
To be honest the vast majority of it amounts to nothing worth keeping anyway but some of the stuff in these threads does have import to me now.

Is there a way to archive a thread complete with pics and links and all that?
Or would it be a case of going through and screenshotting them all?

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Thank you very much UTH.

I'm not going near that 2021 thread but that's exactly what I mean, I would like to be able to save threads complete for a future time when that stuff is easier to deal with.

And 11 threads including last year? Why do you guys keep coming back to this nonsense!
I had no idea it was that many.

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Sway said:
br d said:
57Ford said:
Yeah, take it easy with the right foot. It’d be awful if you damaged Sway’s new car.

Thank you! I laughed out loud in this dead and alive bar!

I'll be sure to get that scratch sorted and give it a damn good clean before I drop it off to him.
He's actually being very decent about all this!
Never let it be said I'm not considerate and more than anything, forgiving...
An example to us all, we're all thankful.

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

It's late. I've had a beer.
Some of these posts have made me quite a bit upset.
Thank you for your thoughts, I sometimes find it difficult.

Long drive tomorrow.

I'll catch up when I get to Switzerland.


br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Sorry guys.

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Good morning.
Stirring stuff, thank you all, I will catch up with replies later on, I'm readying to meet my friends for day out in the area.

Now in Locarno Switzerland.
I will say that yesterday's trip scross was bloody awful!
SatNav had it at 7 hours but I hit a tonne of traffic and roadworks and it stretched out to almost 10.
Two quick stops for fuel and that was it, no food and one luke warm bottle of water!

I was knackered when I arrived here so just wolfed down some food and crashed out.
So far this morning though the sky is actually blue! These are my last couple of days in the mountains so if the weather is behaving I can get out tomorrow and hit some passes.

Thanks again for all the thoughtful posts.