Think I was followed in my RS6

Think I was followed in my RS6



3,948 posts

85 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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djohnson said:
LeighW said:
If it's the same as the RR Sport, they just cut a nice hole in the tailgate, access one wire for the CAN Bus system, disable everything and unlock the car. Then once inside, they plug into the OBD port, program their own key and they're away in minutes. No noise, no fuss. This is a mate's car that was stolen just over a week ago. After a short chase with the police, they abandoned it and scarpered. If he hadn't had an additional aftermarket tracker fitted it would probably never have been found - he now realises why the insurance insisted on it. He has a young child, and is in two minds whether or not to keep the car now. frown

Edit to add - this was in Tamworth.

Last time I took my SVR into the main dealer they advised me to fit a Ghost immobiliser for that reason.

Edited by LeighW on Monday 3rd April 15:28
same weakness in quadrofoglio, but have been instances of ghost immobilisers voiding warranty (despite ghosts initial claims it wouldnt)


26,417 posts

176 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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easytiger123 said:
I genuinely had no idea that the RS6 was such a massive scrote magnet. An eye-opener, and has totally erased the small itch I have (had) for one.
I'd say it's easily the number 1 car for crime where you need to get away quickly while carrying loads of stolen st.


26,417 posts

176 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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dudleybloke said:
RS6s are used by armed police around here but that still didn't stop these idiots!
Does Birmingham have any redeeming features at all?


26,704 posts

234 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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ChocolateFrog said:
Does Birmingham have any redeeming features at all?
The M6 going North or South.


1,587 posts

139 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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ChocolateFrog said:
easytiger123 said:
I genuinely had no idea that the RS6 was such a massive scrote magnet. An eye-opener, and has totally erased the small itch I have (had) for one.
I'd say it's easily the number 1 car for crime where you need to get away quickly while carrying loads of stolen st.
Surprised by this maybe thieves are watching too many movies


Original Poster:

1,595 posts

200 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Gio G said:
OP, hopefully it is nothing. This is information I got from Police. If a gang want something, they often rely on you making consistent journeys every day to home so they know when to strike. I would start doing different journeys home, or maybe don't leave at the same time.

When I was carjacked, I pretty much did the same journey 4 days a week, so they knew where I would be, probably monitoring me for weeks. Also has been said before, fast, discreet 4/5 door cars is what they are usually after, RS models are a perfect fit.

Thank you. That's interesting. I will make my already slightly random life, more random!


3,441 posts

226 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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theplayingmantis said:
same weakness in quadrofoglio, but have been instances of ghost immobilisers voiding warranty (despite ghosts initial claims it wouldnt)
Interesting I hadn’t thought of that, it was a Landrover main dealer who told me to get one, so you’d hope that it wouldn’t impact the warranty, but I’ll check. I’m in two minds anyway, part of me thinks it might just encourage them to come into the house demanding the unlock sequence.


1,138 posts

144 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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I'm somewhat of the other much as a I love my RS6, I'd certainly prefer someone take it off the drive than disturb my wife and two kids. Mine has a Miltek so it's also not particularly subtle on start up so I'd probably be able to wave it good bye (through tears).

Sure, it's an inconvenience but so is being in hospital after a little stabbing.

Davey S2

13,098 posts

257 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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paralla said:
Friend of mine had his brand new RS4 nicked off his driveway in Islington (broke into the house for the keys). Insurance replacement arrived about a month later and he was violently carjacked shortly after while his wife and two small children were in the car with him.

He started sleeping downstairs with a baseball bat, his wife went ballistic and insisted the move to the countryside. They are currently enjoying a nice quiet life in a barn conversion in rural Kent.
Rather drastic.

Why not just sell the car and buy a run of the mill everyday car?


333 posts

56 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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A number of comments on here that RS6’s get stolen as they are perfect getaway cars, which I really don’t understand. Surely (1) in cities, speed is mostly limited by traffic and narrow road layouts, so any reasonably fast car would “do the job” (of escaping from say a crime scene) as well (2) RS6 is freaking massive, not ideal for navigating the narrow city roads and weaving in and out of traffic? A hothatch would be much better?

Separately, why aren’t Porsches stolen? I’d imagine they offer the same level of prestige, performance, etc as fast Audis or Mercs. Yet you don’t hear of them being stolen, or don’t see them being driven by that demographic.


1,841 posts

121 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Monkeylegend said:
ChocolateFrog said:
Does Birmingham have any redeeming features at all?
The M6 going North or South.
I see drug deals happen daily from out my office window, stolen vehicles dumped outside, gangs fighting, flytipping, and this isn't even "proper" Birmingham, it's Smethwick on the outskirts. A recent highlight was someone dumping a load of old sofas in the road, which a homeless fella took residence on. The next day, they'd all been burnt over night biggrin Any reports made to the council regarding the flytipping are met with the response of "That doesn't count as flytipping, so we won't be doing anything about it". The whole area needs nuking.

Thankfully, I'm working my notice, and if I never have to enter anywhere with a B postcode again I'll die happy.
It's a "secure" site with security at the entrances, though we still get scum managing their way in and sniffing around the nicer cars in the car park.


3,176 posts

156 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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px1980 said:
A number of comments on here that RS6’s get stolen as they are perfect getaway cars, which I really don’t understand. Surely (1) in cities, speed is mostly limited by traffic and narrow road layouts, so any reasonably fast car would “do the job” (of escaping from say a crime scene) as well (2) RS6 is freaking massive, not ideal for navigating the narrow city roads and weaving in and out of traffic? A hothatch would be much better?

Separately, why aren’t Porsches stolen? I’d imagine they offer the same level of prestige, performance, etc as fast Audis or Mercs. Yet you don’t hear of them being stolen, or don’t see them being driven by that demographic.
I'd say they probably don't care if it glances off parked cars and traffic as they get away so the larger size might help in that regard if they get trapped, also, I'd say if they can get away unscathed they probably have a place to hide it and strip it for parts which are so valuable to people looking to repair theirs and don't care about where the parts come from or to modify their 2.0TDI A6.


3,659 posts

138 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Davey S2 said:
Rather drastic.

Why not just sell the car and buy a run of the mill everyday car?
She didn't feel safe in the house and they are both able to work from home.


2,605 posts

177 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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C5_Steve said:
Few weeks ago I was driving home in my car (Corvette). I drive it all the time, it's my main car/daily. It was about 9:45pm, I'm 5 mins from home, as I'm approaching a roundabout on a dual carriageway there's a Citroen C1 ahead of me. It moves into the left lane, I stay right as both lanes let you go straight and I know I'm going to go quicker over the roundabout. As I leave the roundabout I check my rear view and notice the C1 is right on my bumper, which must have been an effort for it! I think nothing of it and it carry on, it drops back a bit so not too concerned. Maybe someone felt aggrieved I went round them.

Next roundabout, I take the exit up the hill where I live and look back and again, C1 is right on my bumper. Hmmmmmm. So I do 29mph all the way up the hill, the C1 gets bored and backs off a bit. Coming up to my turning at the traffic lights, its two lanes. Left is left turn only into my estate. Right is straight on. The road is empty, the car behind now a bit further back so I leave it a bit late before turning left without indicating. Now I'm driving down the road and looking in the rear view. C1 does the same. Turns in without indicating. Still might be a coincidence but now I'm wondering. Next turning is right only unless your a bus where you can go left, I speed up round the bend before it to drop the C1 from view and go right but my house is right after the turning so I drive slow whilst looking in the rear view. The C1 comes out of the turning STRAIGHT and stops in the middle of the road. I'm looking at it in the rear view crawling reverses and then follows me. So now I know he's absolutely following me.

Decided not to turn into my drive as I don't want anyone seeing where I park and straight ahead is a series of 4 round abouts in the development. C1 has caught up now, so first round about I do a full loop before taking the exit I would have taken if driving straight on. The roundabouts are smallish with only 4 exits. C1 does the same, one loop round behind me then off. There's no doubt, he's following me.

Next roundabout I decide to let him know I know. So I do one loop, C1 still behind. Second loop, still there. Third loop and this is silly now as he must know I know. So I stop in the middle between two turnings and drop my window. C1 pulls up as if to head off the roundabout but stops in the road also. I can see two guys in the car........he winds down the window.

"Can you rev it for us mate"


Turns out he'd just never seen one before and loves the car.

He drives off back the way he came.

Now I wasn't scared by this but what if I'd been someone less confident being followed by two blokes in a car? Some people do not engage their brain. I'm sure we've all seen something tasty on a motorway and sped up to catch up with it but following someone home in the dead of night, really?

Moral of the story - Maybe the person in the Passat just really likes RS6s. Maybe they were checking it out for other purposes. Good thing is you noticed it, so be aware but don't let it affect you're enjoyment of owning it.
The first 2/3s of this post read like an episode of Jack Ryan. Loved the suspense...


2,291 posts

158 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Not an RS6 but we had two cars stolen off the drive.

As a previous poster said

You either make it easy for them or you don't

Since our event the house is alarmed, multiple cameras and there's a security post.

Even with the car on the drive I use a Disklok plus it has a Tracker. We have gotten into the habit of locking the ground floor internal doors at night.

It would appear that the scrotes don't want two seat sports cars.


60 posts

39 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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It's shocking to learn about how it's often stuff like Golf R and Audi S/RS is targeted

I own 2 Japanese sports car, slow, and small. I really wish it's not something on their radar

It does seems CATs are more often targeted on Japanese cars, it just seems to be getting worse and worse regarding car crimes...


27,668 posts

274 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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px1980 said:
A number of comments on here that RS6’s get stolen as they are perfect getaway cars, which I really don’t understand. Surely (1) in cities, speed is mostly limited by traffic and narrow road layouts, so any reasonably fast car would “do the job” (of escaping from say a crime scene) as well (2) RS6 is freaking massive, not ideal for navigating the narrow city roads and weaving in and out of traffic? A hothatch would be much better?

Separately, why aren’t Porsches stolen? I’d imagine they offer the same level of prestige, performance, etc as fast Audis or Mercs. Yet you don’t hear of them being stolen, or don’t see them being driven by that demographic.
The RS6 is huge and swallows a nice team of crooks and swag whilst sufficiently subtle to look like a relatively generic Audi estate to non-petrolheads. Not quite a Q car but probably the most common of the mass produced ones out there.

A friend of mine was visiting me in his T5 camper and worried it wouldn’t fit in my parking bay. When I looked at the dimensions online it was shorter than my RS6.

P. ONeill

1,455 posts

55 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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px1980 said:
A number of comments on here that RS6’s get stolen as they are perfect getaway cars, which I really don’t understand. Surely (1) in cities, speed is mostly limited by traffic and narrow road layouts, so any reasonably fast car would “do the job” (of escaping from say a crime scene) as well (2) RS6 is freaking massive, not ideal for navigating the narrow city roads and weaving in and out of traffic? A hothatch would be much better?

Separately, why aren’t Porsches stolen? I’d imagine they offer the same level of prestige, performance, etc as fast Audis or Mercs. Yet you don’t hear of them being stolen, or don’t see them being driven by that demographic.
From experience they are mainly used at night, most burglaries are carried out at night. Your typical smash and grab is also done at night. The old style armed robbery is a thing of the past, can’t remember when I heard of a bank or post office getting robbed.

Porsches aren’t practical, mostly two doors/two seats.


1,587 posts

139 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Shnozz said:
px1980 said:
A number of comments on here that RS6’s get stolen as they are perfect getaway cars, which I really don’t understand. Surely (1) in cities, speed is mostly limited by traffic and narrow road layouts, so any reasonably fast car would “do the job” (of escaping from say a crime scene) as well (2) RS6 is freaking massive, not ideal for navigating the narrow city roads and weaving in and out of traffic? A hothatch would be much better?

Separately, why aren’t Porsches stolen? I’d imagine they offer the same level of prestige, performance, etc as fast Audis or Mercs. Yet you don’t hear of them being stolen, or don’t see them being driven by that demographic.
The RS6 is huge and swallows a nice team of crooks and swag whilst sufficiently subtle to look like a relatively generic Audi estate to non-petrolheads. Not quite a Q car but probably the most common of the mass produced ones out there.

A friend of mine was visiting me in his T5 camper and worried it wouldn’t fit in my parking bay. When I looked at the dimensions online it was shorter than my RS6.
I am not convinced crooks are really stealing RS6s to nick bulky stuff and race away - is more likely a combination of dismantling for parts or getting the cars to Eastern Europe

Reason why Porsche is not targeted? Maybe better base line security and less demand for parts ?

I don’t know the reason , does RS6 as a getaway car Baby Driver style really happens?


7,869 posts

83 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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dvshannow said:
I am not convinced crooks are really stealing RS6s to nick bulky stuff and race away - is more likely a combination of dismantling for parts or getting the cars to Eastern Europe

Reason why Porsche is not targeted? Maybe better base line security and less demand for parts ?

I don’t know the reason , does RS6 as a getaway car Baby Driver style really happens?
Sounds a bit to Ronin to me. Certainly dont see many news reports of bank robberies and people fleeing in a hot RS6. Surely as well its a terrible car for a getaway. Rare, stands out, loud, high probably that it has a tracker on it.