Stories of strange selling experiences

Stories of strange selling experiences



8,308 posts

106 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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WTF?!!?!?!!!?!!?!!!?!?!!??!? Unbelievable levels of moron!


2,103 posts

209 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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self appointed counsel, does that even exist, can anyone with a law degree decide to sue on behalf of somebody they see trip up in the street

Jimmy Recard

17,540 posts

182 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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I wouldn't have thought so. It was a completely WTF conversation. My brother was really pissed off about it too. I still haven't met her


Original Poster:

1,409 posts

129 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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Jimmy Recard said:
I wouldn't have thought so. It was a completely WTF conversation. My brother was really pissed off about it too. I still haven't met her
She sounds like one of those people who use up valuable life-sustaining resources (like air) that she shouldn't be entitled to.


607 posts

111 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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E36Ross said:
There's a video somewhere on YouTube, Guy turned up to buy a Campervan and took it away on a towing dolly..... Tow car was something like a 106 Peugeot!

Anyone know the video? smile

Similarly, I sold my non running camper van. I'd stuck it on ebay with a reserve of £800 and a buy it now of £1600 and someone had hit buy it now straight away. I hear nothing for a week, then the guy rings me and says he's on his way (from Wirral, I'm in Leeds). Now I told him to leave it a while as I'm in work and wont be home until after 6. at 4.30 he rings again, he's outside my house! Great says I, I'll see you at about 6.15 then.

When I get home, there's 2 well dodgy looking characters, dirty looking (the "I sleep in my clothes a lot" look). and they've got a bedford rascal van. No trailer nothing. At this point I'm getting a bit nervous, he tells me he's looking for a van to tow his race car. Now this is a 1982 VW transporter panel van with DIY camper conversion. Brand new it had about 70bhp, now it struggled to hit 60mph, and thats witout a trailer and car on the back! But you couldn't ask for a smoother transaction. Guy shakes my hand, hands me £1600 in £20's and then has a look round. I tell him everything that's wrong with it, he's happy enough, pulls a thick bit of rope out the back of the rascal and tows my youth and dreams off back down the M62!

Also, not a car...but similar. I made the mistake of buying a renault laguna. After we scrapped it 4 months later I realised I still had the load cover in the garage. Worthless to me, but if you need one they are a pain to get, and I know they tend to break. This one was clean, worked well and was surplus to needs. Stuck it on ebay, 99p, collection only.

Guy wins it after a small bidding war takes it to £7.20. Guy lives in Perth. I assume he must be a driver, or has family in Leeds or similar. Nah, he wants me to post it. I explain that it is quite long and heavy, and postage will be a lot and I can't be arsed, so he offers to arrange a courier. Fine says I, whatever. I print the label, tape it to the parcel shelf and say I'll leave it resting against my front door. Nope, he says I need to be home for the courier to collect. Now I'm not a millionaire, so I have to work "Can the courier collect it from your work?" I'm a Paramedic, unless the courier wants to chase me round west yorks, I'm unlikley to be in the same spot for long! He's worried someone might steal it (big black market for 2004 laguna parcel shelves in Leeds).

Courier never arrives, shelf gets rained on, I email him, tell him i'm bored of looking at it, and I'll refund him and chuck it in the tip for him. Turn out he gave the courier the wrong address. Nearly 3 weeks later the parcel shelf is finally gone. Then he leaves me bad feedback for not wrapping it in bubble wrap and a box like other items he has received from ebay!


17,940 posts

187 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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I think the worst I had was when I was selling Pug 306. Had a phone call 10.30 on a Friday night. Guy with a slurred Irish accent wanted to come and buy it there and then, what was my best price.

I was not keen to carry on my conversation, which pissed him off. I suggested he come and have a look in the morning, but that was not good enough, judging by the four letter barrage I got back.

Dog Star

16,226 posts

171 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Jimmy Recard said:
Dog Star said:
I know some "colourful" trade types - a couple of times they've been down the wine bar or whatever and pulled out huge rolls of Scottish fifty pound notes. I'm sure there's a dodgy angle.
Why is that dodgy rather than any other UK bank note?

It's the same as a Bank of England £50 note
Really? They're the same as Bank of England £50 notes?

Don't look the same to me.


2,248 posts

112 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Dog Star said:
Really? They're the same as Bank of England £50 notes?

Don't look the same to me.
I think he meant same as in, it's legal, just dispensed by a different bank.

Dog Star

16,226 posts

171 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Jonno02 said:
I think he meant same as in, it's legal, just dispensed by a different bank.
Quite, they might have the same value but by no means are they physically the same. Look at all those - I wouldn't know a snide one from a real one and if someone rocked up and tried to buy a car off me with them I'd simply have to say "no" - get them to go to the bank and change them.


4,028 posts

159 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Another bike tale.

Selling a Suzuki Dragstar on ebay, buy it now or make best offer; a guy telephones me and asks that if he collects it today would I accept the buy it now price as his best offer...?

"Yes, of course I would!"
"Yeah, but it's going to take me a bit of time to get there; what happens if someone makes a better offer...?"
"Well what if someone offers you £200 more?"
"I'm pretty sure they wont."
"Yeah, but someone might. Can I pay you a deposit by paypal right now so I know you'll keep it for me?"
"Yes, of course you can. I'll even end the listing on ebay for you."
"Will you? That's fantastic mate, I really appreciate it!"

Guy arrived two hours later with the remainder in cash, looked the bike over and was happier than a dog with two of everything.
Glowing feedback on ebay that night too.

No one else had even been in touch over the three weeks it had been listed!


2,248 posts

112 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Dog Star said:
Quite, they might have the same value but by no means are they physically the same. Look at all those - I wouldn't know a snide one from a real one and if someone rocked up and tried to buy a car off me with them I'd simply have to say "no" - get them to go to the bank and change them.
It's the same up here (Scotland). We look at English and Irish notes with a slight 'hmmm' attitude. It's only natural.


10,610 posts

205 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Jimmy Recard said:
This might be a bit long, but I want to capture the mental. The four people in this story are me, my brother (Lewis), his girlfriend (Fiona) and her sister (Emily), whom I've never met.
That is a great story!!
All sorts of absolute mental.


412 posts

91 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Mine was a guy who wanted to purchase a fiat Punto mk1 off of me. Had the car advertised at £350 and it had a full years MOT. Get a call and the man comes over later that day. He pays me the £350 in £1 coins and leaves a happy man. Never really been paid in coins before for a car but at least it sold.


6,244 posts

233 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Shore said:
Mine was a guy who wanted to purchase a fiat Punto mk1 off of me. Had the car advertised at £350 and it had a full years MOT. Get a call and the man comes over later that day. He pays me the £350 in £1 coins and leaves a happy man. Never really been paid in coins before for a car but at least it sold.
Hmmmmmm! scratchchin

Jimmy Recard

17,540 posts

182 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Dog Star said:
Really? They're the same as Bank of England £50 notes?

Don't look the same to me.
They don't look the same, but they serve the same function and purpose.

I just don't know what makes them dodgy, unless all people who withdraw money in Scotland are dodgy

Jimmy Recard

17,540 posts

182 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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walm said:
That is a great story!!
All sorts of absolute mental.
My brother tells me she's a proper weirdo. She's definitely one to avoid, I reckon


1,098 posts

164 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Jimmy Recard said:
...his girlfriend (Fiona) and her sister (Emily)....
I like where this is going.


Original Poster:

1,409 posts

129 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Rubin215 said:
Another bike tale.

Selling a Suzuki Dragstar on ebay, buy it now or make best offer; a guy telephones me and asks that if he collects it today would I accept the buy it now price as his best offer...?

"Yes, of course I would!"
"Yeah, but it's going to take me a bit of time to get there; what happens if someone makes a better offer...?"
"Well what if someone offers you £200 more?"
"I'm pretty sure they wont."
"Yeah, but someone might. Can I pay you a deposit by paypal right now so I know you'll keep it for me?"
"Yes, of course you can. I'll even end the listing on ebay for you."
"Will you? That's fantastic mate, I really appreciate it!"

Guy arrived two hours later with the remainder in cash, looked the bike over and was happier than a dog with two of everything.
Glowing feedback on ebay that night too.

No one else had even been in touch over the three weeks it had been listed!
To each their own - probably just bad experience with being gazumped.

I've had it happen to me before.


6,396 posts

204 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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There are some truly bizarre stories on here.

I've never really had any overly strange incidents when selling a car. Although I recall selling my first Clio 172 to a chap who was a couple of hours drive away. He came and looked at the car, agreed it was mint (2 years old/15k on the clock) and we agreed a price. Following weekend he came and picked it up.

It had a set of aftermarket wheels but included in the price were the OEM ones which he readily took as well.

A bout a month later I had a missed cal from the guy and I text him asking if he was alright. I get, "No, these original wheels don't fit on the car!".

I replied that they fitted the car perfectly well as it came with them attached. Perhaps he should check that the spigot rings from the after market wheels aren't still on the hub. Surprisingly he went quiet, so I'll only assume he fitted the. The guy was a bit of a t*t anyway.


2,605 posts

133 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Many moons ago, when I was "in the trade", my speciality was flogging sub-£1k cars. Yes, I was a shed trader.

Anyway, I had a complete deathtrap of an Audi Coupe for sale, an '87 1.8 model, if memory serves. It was so bad, the only sensible course of action was to chuck it on the 'Bay with a funny write-up. Got lots of encouragement about the hilarity of my description, but only one bite.

Prospective buyer: "Does the car have a sunroof?"
Me: "I'm sorry, it doesn't."
Prospective buyer: "Perfect, thanks."

Next thing I know, (the one and only) prospective buyer whacks a bid in (you've guessed it, the ONLY bid received), and wins the car.

Upon auction end, the chap calls up to make arrangements to come and get said Audi deathtrap. He asked if it would drive. I said yes, it would drive, but that I didn't recommend he piloted it over any significant distance... On account of it being an absolute pig of a car.

He responds that he's coming down from Sheffield (I was based in North Hertfordshire at the time). I respectfully suggested he might like to bring a trailer.

Sure enough, a day or so later, he rocks up with a trailer, and a fistful of £20 notes.

At this point, my curiosity had got the better of me, so I asked him why he'd come the thick end of 200 miles for an £80 snotter of an Audi.

The chap told me he was restoring an Ur Quattro, and some donut had, at some point, installed a sunroof. He wanted my Audi for the solid roof - he was going to cut it off, graft it onto his Ur Quattro, and bin the rest of the car.